"Minister Ziyang, I won't go back yet."

"I came to Jiangnan Province just to see my sister. I just arrived and haven't been there yet."

Qin Feng hurriedly explained.

If he went back now, then coming to Jiangnan Province would be in vain.

Minister Ziyang nodded when he heard this.

"Don't worry, Minister Ziyang, I'm here, I promise nothing will happen to Brother Qin Feng!"

At this time, Li Yiren patted his chest and spoke proudly.

He was the governor of Jiangnan Province after all, how could he let Qin Feng be bullied here?

"Good! In that case, I will leave first."

After Minister Ziyang finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot.

"Let's go, I'll take you away first, and when it's daybreak, I'll send you to Jiangnan Military Hospital."

At this time, Li Yiren looked at Qin Feng and said

"Thank you, Brother Li!"

Qin Feng nodded, and then followed Li Yiren away.

The next morning, Li Yiren sent Qin Feng to Jiangnan Military Hospital.

"Brother Qin Feng, if you encounter any problems here, just give me a call."

"In this small piece of land in Jiangnan Province, I still have some face!"

Li Yiren said after sending Qin Feng to Jiangnan Military Hospital.

After all, he is the governor of Jiangnan Province and has his own things to do. It is impossible for him to follow Qin Feng all the time.

""Okay, Brother Li, don't worry!"

Qin Feng made an OK gesture very happily.

Li Yiren left here after seeing this.

Qin Feng had heard that Qin Xue had changed to a new ward, but he had always remembered the ward number.

So he quickly found the ward.

He stood at the door and saw the familiar figure sitting alone in a wheelchair.


Qin Feng called Qin Xue's childhood name softly.

When Qin Xue heard the familiar voice, she immediately showed a surprised expression on her face, and hurriedly turned her wheelchair and looked over.

""Brother! It's really you!"

Qin Xue's face showed joy, and then she turned the wheelchair without hesitation and walked towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng hurried forward and hugged Qin Xue.

"I'm sorry for making you suffer, Xiaoxue."

Every time Qin Feng saw Qin Xue, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

She was obviously at a beautiful age, but she was suffering from the torture of the disease, which made him very uncomfortable.

""Brother, why are you here?"

Qin Xue looked at Qin Feng and asked.

She knew that her brother was different from before. She watched all the live broadcasts of the National Warrior Ranking.

""I missed you, so I came to see you."

Qin Feng rubbed Qin Xue's head and said softly.

Qin Xue smiled when she heard this.

But soon, she seemed to remember something, turned her wheelchair, and came to her drawer.

She took out a small notebook from it.

""Brother, come and see!"

Qin Xue hurriedly called Qin Feng over, and Qin Feng walked forward with some curiosity.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see the words written on Qin Xue's notebook.

But out of respect for Qin Xue, he did not look at it.

"What is this?"

Qin Feng asked curiously.

"This is the sister-in-law I found for my brother!"

Qin Xue said happily.

Qin Feng looked at the dense words on the book, and even the height and weight of each girl were included.

This made his mouth twitch.

This girl was afraid that he couldn't find a girlfriend.

You know, if he wanted to find a girlfriend now, it would be an easy thing.

After all, there are many people who have a crush on him now.

He has strength and looks!

【Ding~ Please don't be narcissistic! 】

At this time, the system started his complaints without hesitation.

"Hey! Look at my bad temper!"

"How can I be considered narcissistic! I clearly said the truth!"

Qin Feng said without hesitation.

He, Qin, has never been narcissistic, and he doesn't even know what narcissism is.

However, the genes of the Qin family are indeed good. Both Qin Feng and Qin Xue are very good-looking.

Otherwise, Concubine Lin would not have had a crush on Qin Feng.

【You know better than me whether you are narcissistic or not! 】

The system retorted without hesitation.

Qin Feng curled his lips and did not continue to argue with the system.

"Xiaoxue, don't do these things anymore. I don't need them."

Qin Feng closed Qin Xue's notebook and put it in the drawer.


"You are responsible for expanding the Qin family!"

Qin Xue pouted and said with some dissatisfaction.

"If the grave is not level, how can you have a home?"

"Don't worry so much!"

Qin Feng said without hesitation. He didn't want his sister to arrange his marriage.

"Okay, you take a rest for a while, I'll get you a bottle of water."

Just when Qin Xue wanted to say something, Qin Feng spoke without hesitation.

After he finished speaking, he picked up the thermos bottle placed aside and walked out on his own.

He did not give Qin Xue another chance to speak.

Seeing this, Qin Xue had to give up temporarily. She planned to find another opportunity next time.

The plan to expand the Qin family is impossible to stop.

Qin Feng took the thermos bottle to get a bottle of boiled water, and then found Qin Xue's attending doctor to learn about Qin Xue's current condition.

When he learned that Qin Xue's condition was still relatively stable, he was relieved.

As long as the condition is stable, there is still time.

Qin Feng bought breakfast for Qin Xue outside and went back.

But this time, Qin Feng saw from a distance that there were quite a few people outside his sister's room.

He frowned and hurriedly quickened his pace.

In Qin Xue's ward.

At this time, Qin Xue was sitting in a corner of the ward with her wheelchair.

At this time, a man wearing sunglasses was cursing at a woman in the bed next to Qin Xue.

"You stinky bitch! I advise you to get out of the hospital as soon as possible! Don't try to blackmail us!"

"Wasn't it just a car accident? How could he spend so much money to stay in the hospital for such a long time?"

"Why do not you go to hell?"

"You are really crazy for asking for money!"

The expression of the man in sunglasses was terrifying, as if he wanted to eat him up!

The person he scolded was a young girl. At this moment, her face was pale and tears were welling up in her eyes.

Her name was Wu Zhu, and she was originally a junior student.

But one day, when she was walking normally in school, she was hit by the man in sunglasses who was driving drunk and broke her leg.

Although she was sent to the hospital in time, the huge medical expenses made her unable to afford it.

So she filed a lawsuit and took the man in sunglasses to court.

However, the man in sunglasses had a rich and powerful family, and not only did he not get the punishment he deserved. He even ran over to accuse her aggressively, saying that she was blackmailing money, which made Wu Zhu a little unbearable.

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