"I'm telling you, tomorrow the headlines in Jiangnan Province will be about you causing trouble at a hospital, and I'll be the one who bravely stepped up to do what's right!"

Cao Junjie smiled crookedly, revealing a scoundrel-like aura.

"Oh? Then I want to see how you do what is right and brave."

Qin Feng was immediately interested when he heard this. He kicked Jiang Yucheng aside and said coldly to Cao Junjie.

"Boy, are you good at fighting?"

"But I tell you, if you want to survive in this world, you need to have a background and strength!"

"Otherwise, you are just a little jerk!"

Cao Junjie said arrogantly, as if the person who just knelt on the ground begging for mercy was not him.

"I tell you, this world is far from as simple as you think"

"What's the point of ordinary people being good at fighting? In front of a warrior, you are just an ant!"

"And we in the Cao family have warriors!"

Cao Junjie said in a condescending tone.

"Oh? Is that so? Then I'd like to see your strength."

Qin Feng smiled contemptuously and said disdainfully.

Just relying on those two warriors, they dared to fight him.

It was really like looking for death in the toilet!

"Since you are so stubborn, I want to see if you can still be stubborn later!"

"Cao Da and Cao Er, come on!"

Cao Junjie waved his hand, and then he took a few steps back, while Cao Da and Cao Er stepped forward and looked at Qin Feng coldly.

"Give him a lesson! I will take responsibility if anything goes wrong!"

At this time, Jiang Yucheng also spoke.

He has been pampered for so many years, and has never suffered such grievances. This made him very angry.

"I feel relieved when you say this."When

Cao Junjie heard this, he immediately smiled happily, just like a 30-year-old child.

"You little bastard! Why did you offend our Master Cao when you could have offended anyone else? I will destroy you today."

"We are all sorry for the kindness Cao Shao has shown us over the years!"

Cao Da and Cao Er were fiddling with their fingers, looking at Qin Feng coldly.

"If you want to fight, then fight. Why are you two talking so much nonsense?"

Qin Feng said without hesitation.

""Looking for death!"

Cao Da was furious when he heard this, and punched out directly.

A cruel smile appeared on his face, as if he saw himself punching Qin Feng on the head, and then Qin Feng flew out.

However, he suddenly found that his fist could not move, no matter how hard he tried, it was difficult to move at all.

He looked closely and found that Qin Feng actually blocked his fist with his hand.

"How is this possible!?"

Cao Da shouted in surprise. In his opinion, this was simply impossible.

Because he didn't feel any blood fluctuations from Qin Feng.

So he thought Qin Feng couldn't be a warrior.

But if Qin Feng was not a warrior, how could he take his punch so easily!

"How come you have no strength at all? Even your fists are limp, you have grown muscles for nothing!"

Qin Feng looked at Cao Da and said with disdain.

After all, he was also a strong man in the War Marquis Realm. If he was beaten by a warrior, wouldn't he be laughed at if the news got out?

""Brother, what are you doing?"

Cao Er looked at Cao Da in confusion.

He thought Cao Da was playing a joke on purpose.

Thinking of this, he also punched out.

Qin Feng also stretched out his other hand without hesitation and grabbed Cao Er's fist.

Cao Er's face also changed, and he also found that his fist could not move.

"What's going on?"

He thought to himself with some fear.

"That's it?"

"You also say you are warriors? You are not lying, are you?"

Qin Feng said without hesitation.

His eyes were full of sarcasm, which made Cao Da and Cao Er very angry.

But they were helpless and could not move at all.

"What are you two doing here?"

Cao Junjie was anxious when he saw the two people standing there motionless, and he spoke hurriedly.

Cao Da and Cao Er looked aggrieved.

Are they not moving? They can't move at all.

"I don't want to bother with you guys anymore, you bunch of rubbish!"

After Qin Feng finished saying this, he exerted force on his hands and slammed the two people together.

The two people were knocked unconscious and fell to the ground.

""A warrior, is that amazing?"

Qin Feng clapped his hands, and then spoke lightly.

Wu Zhu was stunned when she saw this scene.

She never thought that Qin Feng, who didn't look particularly strong, was so powerful.

She couldn't help but glance at Qin Xue, but unexpectedly Qin Xue smiled and nodded at her.

At this time, she didn't know that Qin Feng was also a warrior, and a very powerful warrior! At this time, a figure quickly appeared and blocked Cao Junjie directly.

"Uncle Fu, why are you here?

Cao Junjie was very surprised to see the person coming.

"Young Master, the master knew that you had called Cao Da and Cao Er out, so he asked me to come and take a look. Uncle

Fu said hurriedly

"Haha, good! Uncle Fu, you came just in time!"

"Hurry up and teach this kid a lesson! Cao Da and Cao Er are no match for him!"

Cao Junjie smiled again, then pointed at Qin Feng and said

"Young master, be careful. This person is quite powerful. I am afraid he is not weaker than me." Uncle

Fu spoke again. After that, he looked at Qin Feng with some fear.

Qin Feng couldn't help but feel a little funny when he heard this.

Uncle Fu was just a high-level warrior, but he had the nerve to say that he was not weaker than me. Such shameless words

"My dear friend, as the saying goes, it is better to resolve an embarrassment than to create one. Please give me some face and let this matter rest.���What do you think?"

Uncle Fu looked at Qin Feng and said slowly.

"Give you a favor? What favor do you have for me to give?"

"Because you are ugly? Or because you are older than me?"

Qin Feng sneered, and then spoke bluntly.

This guy is really a bit funny. Just because of his lips, he wants him to give face.

Isn't this a joke?

When Uncle Fu heard this, his face darkened.

"I know you are very strong, but if we fight, it is still unknown who will win!"

"Besides, our Cao family has a general-level expert, so don't be ungrateful!"

Uncle Fu said coldly.

"War General Realm? It's really scary, it scared me."

Qin Feng patted his chest, looking like he was really scared.

"So, today's matter can't be resolved peacefully?"

Uncle Fu took a step forward, and then burst out with all his might, pressing towards Qin Feng.

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