Qin Feng glanced at Uncle Fu and smiled coldly.

He was just a warrior, but he was so arrogant.

What would happen if he reached the war marquis level?

""What if we can't settle this peacefully? What can you do to me?"

Qin Feng smiled coldly, and then spoke with disdain.

Everyone can say harsh words, but not everyone is qualified to say them.

At least in Qin Feng's opinion, this so-called Cao family has no right to say harsh words in front of him.

"Then I will learn from your superiors and see why you are so arrogant!"

"Even my Cao family doesn't care!"

Uncle Fu said coldly.

He didn't expect that he had already spoken nicely, but Qin Feng still had this attitude.

This made him a little angry.

Because this was originally a small matter, but if even he couldn't handle it well.

Then in the end, this matter can only be handled by their head of the family himself.

By then, this matter may not be so simple.

"Then come over here, and you will know immediately."

Qin Feng said disdainfully.

A mere warrior dared to speak so arrogantly in front of him. He was really tired of living.


Uncle Fu snorted coldly when he heard this, then he pointed his toes and punched Qin Feng.

""Come on, Uncle Fu! Teach this rubbish a lesson for me!"

Cao Junjie shouted excitedly.

In his impression, there was no enemy that Uncle Fu could not solve.

Jiang Yucheng's eyes also flashed with excitement.

He had also heard about the strength of Uncle Fu of the Cao family. He was also a ruthless man when he was young.

But after he joined the Cao family, there was no news about him.

However, for such a ruthless man, dealing with a stinky boy was completely possible in Jiang Yucheng's opinion.

"Xiaoxue, can your brother handle them?"

At this time, Wu Zhu asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, Sister Wu Zhu, it's okay."

Although Qin Xue didn't know that Qin Feng had broken through to the War Marquis Realm, she had long known that Qin Feng was a War General.

And she knew her brother's character, and he would definitely not suffer any loss.

"That's good!"

Wu Zhu was relieved after hearing what Qin Xue said.


Qin Feng sneered when he saw Uncle Fu running towards him.

Then he stretched out a finger without hesitation and tapped Uncle Fu's fist.

Uncle Fu had a ferocious expression on his face, but when he punched Qin Feng's finger, he suddenly felt a huge force coming, and then he was thrown out.

"So strong!"

Uncle Fu thought to himself, and at this moment, he smashed directly into the wall and fell heavily to the ground.


Uncle Fu finally couldn't hold back his injuries and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This was when Qin Feng deliberately held back. After all, he didn't want anyone to die in the hospital, because Qin Xue would have to stay here for further treatment.

In any case, Jiangnan Military Hospital was the hospital with the best medical conditions in this area, so Qin Xue had to stay here.

But he had to eliminate these unstable factors, otherwise, it might cause some harm to Qin Xue.

"Uncle Fu, are you okay?"

Cao Junjie was stunned for a while. Uncle Fu, who was like a god of war in his heart, was suddenly defeated by someone.

He didn't react yet. When he reacted, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Jiang Yucheng also hurriedly chased after him. He didn't dare to stay here alone to face Qin Feng.

In his eyes, Qin Feng was a madman who dared to fight anyone and didn't care about the consequences at all.

He felt that he was worth a lot of money. If he was hurt by Qin Feng, it would not be worth it.

"Hurry... hurry up and ask the people from the Zhan Mansion……"

After hearing what Cao Junjie said, Uncle Fu slowly opened his eyes, then looked at Jiang Yucheng and spoke incoherently.

At this time, he knew that Qin Feng's strength was far more terrifying than he had imagined. He was not his opponent at all. Even the general in his family might not be his opponent.

So at this time, Jiang Yucheng could only ask the people from the War House to take action. You must know that in every large hospital, there are people from the War House on duty.

The purpose is to prevent someone from breaking the law with force, and as the vice president of Jiangnan Military Hospital, Jiang Yucheng is naturally qualified to ask the people from the War House to come to help.


Jiang Yucheng reacted after hearing what Uncle Fu said.

He quickly took out his cell phone and made a call.

Qin Feng saw this scene but did not stop him.

In his opinion, after the people from the Zhan Mansion came, it was hard to say who they would deal with.

After all, he did not take the initiative to cause trouble. It was Cao Junjie and others who had been madly provoking him.

Everything he did was just self-defense.

After a while, a tall and thin man appeared in the ward. When

Jiang Yucheng saw him, it was like seeing a rescuer.

"Captain Huang! That's the guy!"

"I just gave him a discharge notice, but this guy not only refused to cooperate, he even hit me!"

"Then he beat up the brave citizens!"

Jiang Yucheng hurriedly said to Huang Xuan, confusing right and wrong. Huang Xuan's face darkened immediately after hearing this.

No matter what, Jiangnan Military Hospital was his duty area, and he would certainly be responsible for such a bad thing.

"You guy, do you think you have some strength and dare to cause trouble in Jiangnan Military Hospital? Don't you see what this place is!"

Huang Xuan looked at Qin Feng and said coldly.

Qin Feng's face suddenly turned cold when he heard this.

You know, Huang Xuan only listened to Jiang Yucheng's one-sided words and didn't ask him at all.

Now he actually said such words, which is simply covering up!

Originally, after the last incident at the holiday villa, Qin Feng had a good impression of the people in the Zhan Mansion.

Especially Qu Ning'er, who was full of justice, but the actions of the person in front of him made him feel a little disgusted. Sure enough, there are termites in every place.

But even if Huang Xuan was from the Zhan Mansion, Qin Feng would not panic at all.

You know, he is a student of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion, and in terms of social status, he is no lower than the people in the Zhan Mansion.

The most important thing is that he is right in this matter.

Even if it gets out of hand, he is not afraid

"You are so funny."

Qin Feng glanced at Huang Xuan coldly, and then a disdainful expression appeared on his face.

"You are accusing me of causing trouble without any evidence. Do you have any evidence?"

"You dare to say something without any evidence. Are you worthy of being a member of the Zhan Mansion?"

Qin Feng looked at Huang Xuan without any fear.

At this time, Huang Xuan's face became even uglier after hearing what Qin Feng said.

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