Unlimited extraction?!

Super SSS-level superpowers?!

Qin Feng seemed to be struck by lightning, and he was stunned and unable to think.

In the last second, he didn't even have an F-level superpower.

In the next second, the system directly sent a super SSS-level superpower!

It was like a beggar walking on the street, and suddenly a Maserati stopped, and a beautiful woman with black silk and red high heels got off, half kneeling on the ground: The three-year period has come, please return to the Dragon King! It was like a dream.

It was more like a fairy tale!

After a long time, Qin Feng finally reacted.

He still found it hard to believe, and with anticipation and trepidation, he shouted in his heart:"Attribute panel!"

Instantly, the attribute panel appeared again!

It was real!

Not fake!

He held his breath, walked quickly to the small balcony, and shouted down:"Xiaohei, dog!"


Downstairs, a big black dog ran out of the garbage dump and grinned at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng picked up a can and threw it at the big black dog.


A three-pointer! An accurate hit on the dog's head!

Suddenly, the big black dog started barking wildly, his eyes red with anger.

Qin Feng nodded in satisfaction.

It hurts!

It's not a dream!

【You are a human, but you are also a dog! 】

Suddenly, the system complained.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked in his mind:"System, what is the use of infinite extraction? Can you explain it?"


The system was very silent...

30 seconds later.

Qin Feng's face was full of depression.

At least fans and air conditioners have manuals.

You are a highly intelligent system, but you don't have any instructions?


Is this system actually a mentally retarded person?

【I am a retarded Zen master, and you are the wise disciple under my seat. 】

Qin Feng's face darkened.


What kind of broken system is this!

The attribute of being cunning and aggressive is MAX!

He no longer paid attention to the system, looking around, and decided to practice to gain true knowledge.

Finally, Qin Feng set his eyes on the potted plant, put his hand on it, and silently said in his heart:"Extract."

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds... nothing happened!

"Is it because my posture is wrong, or is it because I can't extract it?"

Qin Feng frowned and thought.

He saw the leaves swaying in the night wind, and an idea came to him. He picked one directly and said again:"Extract it"

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtained: Plant Essence! 】

A faint green light appeared in Qin Feng's palm.

Then, the green light merged into his body.

The tiredness instantly dissipated.

Qin Feng nodded suddenly.

At present, it seems that it is impossible to directly extract living things.

The leaves have been picked, so it can be extracted smoothly.

He turned his head to look at other things in the house and continued the experiment.

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtained: Wood chips!】

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtained: Steel Shavings!】

【Extraction successful】

【Obtained: Human DNA! 】

Qin Feng frowned, looking a little unnatural.


Big slander!

How could I, a three-good young man who grew up under the red flag, do such a thing!

【Oh, host who loves to lie, I am a gardener who wants to plant some B trees deep in your heart. 】

The system's complaints came so timely and... heartbreaking!

"I didn't, you are innocent, stop talking nonsense!"

Qin Feng's old face turned red, and he immediately changed the subject:"Brother System, we are so familiar with each other, give some explanation."

System: Silence.

Qin Feng's eyes almost rolled out of his head.

Other people's systems are either extremely careful or cute and adorable.

I am lucky enough to encounter such a black-bellied and complaining system, and every word goes straight to my heart!

Buzz buzz buzz - suddenly, the sound of mosquitoes came to my ears.

Qin Feng turned sideways and clapped his hands.


Mosquito, dead.

Qin Feng took a look and subconsciously went to the toilet to wash his hands.

Just after taking a few steps, the whole person froze

"Since it is unlimited extraction, then...can corpses also work?"

He thought and did it, whispering:"Extraction"

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtain: HP 0.01]

At this moment, Qin Feng's whole body was covered with goose bumps!

His breathing became heavy, and he quickly locked onto another mosquito.


Another mosquito, dead!

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtain: Qi and Blood Value 0.01]

Qin Feng clenched his hands and carefully felt the flow of Qi and Blood.

It seemed... to have become stronger!

Although it was very weak, there was indeed a change!

He immediately called up the attribute panel

【Name: Qin Feng】

【Qi and blood value: 86.002】

【Realm: None】

【Talent: Infinite Extraction (SSS)]

(There are other miscellaneous items in the attribute panel, such as martial arts, etc., which are not available now, so I will not list them for the time being to avoid wasting words.)

"The blood value has really improved!"

At this moment, Qin Feng was so excited that he wanted to cry.

Cultivation requires time to accumulate, and it also requires a huge capital chain to maintain!

High school life is still vivid in his mind.

Qin Feng knows very well how difficult it is to increase the blood value by 1 point.

What kind of bathing beast blood, what kind of special elixir, each item costs money, money like water!

He is a poor student with no money and no time. He is behind the starting line from the beginning. The gap will only get bigger and bigger and cannot be crossed.

But now!

Qin Feng can increase the blood value by 0.01 just by killing a mosquito!

Don't look at it as only 0.01, once accumulated, it is a huge astronomical figure!

In the damp and dark house, Qin Feng turned his back to the moonlight falling on the small balcony, his shoulders trembled slightly, and a touch of crystal fell from his cheek, quietly dripping onto the floor.

"Xiaoxue, I have a way to save you."

"You wait for me, wait for me to make a lot of money"

"You will soon be able to run and laugh like a normal person!"

Men don't cry easily, but they are not moved yet!

Qin Feng finally caught a glimmer of light in the endless darkness!

Then, he began to think.

Is there any good place to"upgrade" nearby?

Suddenly, Qin Feng thought of something and hurriedly took out the mosquito spray from the cabinet.

"In the community���An ant nest."

Qin Feng smiled and said,"Today, I will get rid of the evil for the people!"

As for sleeping...

There is a system, why bother sleeping!

He put on his shoes, put on a mask and a headlamp, quietly turned the door, and rushed downstairs!

It was already late at night.

The community was quiet, and mosquitoes were everywhere.

Qin Feng quickly found the ant nest.

There were dozens of ants crawling quickly at the slightly raised soil entrance.

He smiled and stepped on the ant nest.

Soon, countless ants rushed out!


Qin Feng turned into a double-gunner, and the mosquito spray sprayed a fragrant mist, locking the ant nest with 360 degrees without dead angles!

Suddenly, a group of ants died.

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: HP 0.01】

【Gain: HP 0.01】

【Gain: HP 0.01】


Lines of values filled Qin Feng's mind.

At the same time, there were streams of blood rushing into his body.

This was just like an online game.

Ants were small monsters, and blood values were experience.

The feeling of mowing the grass like crazy was extremely pleasant!

After a while, all the ants died.

Qin Feng opened the attribute panel.

【Name: Qin Feng】

【HP: 101.34】

【Realm: Elementary Warrior】

【Talent: Infinite Extraction (SSS)】

"Am I going to become a warrior now?"

Qin Feng was ecstatic but also felt unbelievable.

【Realms: Warrior, Warrior Realm, General Realm, Marquis Realm, King Realm, Emperor Realm, Demon Realm, Lord Realm... (To be continued)]

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