Happiness comes too fast, too suddenly!


(Primary warriors have 100 blood and qi points, intermediate warriors have 300 blood and qi points, advanced warriors have 500 blood and qi points, and 1000 blood and qi points enter the warrior realm!)

In this world where ferocious beasts are rampant, warriors are the foundation of survival and the capital to escape from the bottom!

Looking at the entire Yuancheng, there are tens of thousands of high school students, but only a handful of them become warriors, and they are all rich people! As the saying goes: poor in literature and rich in martial arts!

Anyone who wants to become a warrior must not only have a genius, but also spend money to burn it.

But even so, it takes hundreds of thousands or even millions to buy training resources, and then practice hard for two or three years before it can be effective.

On the other hand, Qin Feng.

How long has it been?

Ten minutes?

Half an hour?

Easily completed the accumulation of others for several years!

"I worked so hard before and only got 86 points, but I can't even kill every ant nest at will!" Qin Feng laughed at himself

【When you want something, you look forward to it; when you get it, you feel that it is easy; in short: cheap! 】

Qin Feng's face darkened.

Your system likes to hurt your heart, right?

But he is in a very good mood now, and he is too lazy to talk too much.

What's more, this system likes to play dead!

""One shot!"

Qin Feng held the mosquito spray tightly, his face full of excitement.

That night, the ants, mosquitoes, and flies in the community were killed one by one!


The sun came out and sprinkled the sunshine.

The elderly in the community got up early.

As soon as they went out, they smelled the smell of mosquito spray.

"I saw Xiaofeng holding the mosquito spray last night, busy until dawn"

"Summer is here, there are more mosquitoes, this kid is afraid we will be bitten, so he sprays every corner, it's really hard for him"

"He has a good heart and is polite, but his life is miserable!"

"Who says it's not true? Xue'er is so cute, why didn't God have eyes to let this brother and sister suffer in vain!"

The old people chattered and sighed.

As the instigator, Qin Feng was not only not sleepy after staying up all night, but was very energetic.

He opened the attribute panel, and the smile on his face became more and more intense.

【Name: Qin Feng】

【HP: 108.55】

【Realm: Elementary Warrior】

【Talent: Infinite Extraction (SSS)]

After a night of 'bloody battle', he is about to break through 110 HP.

If it were in the past, he would not even dare to think about it!

It is worth mentioning.

The number of ants in the ant nest ranges from 500 to 2000.

The first ant nest destroyed had 1500 ants, and the ones after that were sparse.

On the way home, Qin Feng began to think.

My sister's illness is very serious and needs medication.

I used to work in a slaughterhouse, and my salary was not high. After deducting daily expenses, I could only buy some cheap medicine.

Now that he is a warrior, it is necessary to change jobs.

After all, my sister's illness cannot be delayed!

"I will go to the martial arts hall to verify it, get the warrior certificate, and then go to the deserted mountains to hunt."

"Kill the ferocious beast, extract the blood value, and sell the materials, killing two birds with one stone!"

"I have to tell the slaughterhouse too. The boss takes good care of me and I can't just quit.……"

After making the decision, Qin Feng took action immediately.

He went home and cooked some porridge, put it on the table and left a note.

It said: Brother is going to work and will be back later.

When he left home again, Qin Feng quietly opened the door, looked at his sister's cute but slightly pale face through the crack of the door, and then quietly left.


On the way to the slaughterhouse, Qin Feng found a martial arts gym to verify his blood value and successfully obtained a warrior certificate. The warrior certificate is an exquisitely crafted medal.

It is a symbol of a warrior and a stepping stone.

Afterwards, he rushed to the slaughterhouse without much delay.

It was just dawn.

The slaughterhouse was already bustling.

The smell of blood, feces, sourness, etc. mixed together, making people feel physically unbearable.

""Xiao Feng is here!"

The workers in the slaughterhouse saw Qin Feng and greeted him warmly.

Qin Feng nodded and greeted him politely.

In his free time, he would help these workers, so they had a very good relationship.

The boss of the slaughterhouse was a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

When he learned that Qin Feng was going to resign, his face was full of regret.

This child is hardworking, never complains of being tired, and also takes care of his sister at home. He is a good child!

"" Boss, I'm sorry." Qin Feng apologized.

The boss waved his hand and said with a smile:"You found a new job, that's a good thing, it will get better and better in the future."

Then, he took out an old hen from the chicken coop and handed it to Qin Feng:"I have raised this chicken for two and a half years, it is the best time, take it back to Xiaoxue to replenish her body."

"This won't do. How can I do this?" Qin Feng waved his hands repeatedly.

The boss's face was stern:"Take it, you are so nagging that you are not like a man!"

After that, he stuffed it directly into Qin Feng's hand.

Qin Feng felt warm inside and accepted it obediently.

At this moment.

A worker not far away grabbed the chicken hanging on the iron hook and was about to stretch out his hand to pluck the feathers. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his fingertips.

It turned out that the chicken's feathers had become as hard as steel, and the edges were very sharp. The chicken's head turned slowly, and its eyes flashed with a strange red light.


A sharp rooster crowed.

In an instant, everyone looked over, including Qin Feng.

The chicken began to sway from side to side, and the force was so great that the entire iron hook was shaking violently.

"The chicken has mutated!"

The workers were terrified and froze in their places.

The boss was pale.

Even if it was just a chicken, as long as it suddenly mutated, its strength would be comparable to that of a beginner warrior, and it would be easy to kill them all!

"Go away!"

"Get out of here!"

Qin Feng pushed the boss and the workers out of the slaughterhouse.

Then, he picked up a butcher knife and rushed towards the mutant chicken. He wanted to take advantage of it before it could break free!

The moment he held the butcher knife, Qin Feng felt the blood in his body surging.

Maybe it was nervousness, or excitement!


The butcher knife swung, and it slashed coldly, slashing at the mutant chicken!

The mutant chicken's back was cut open, its feathers were broken, blood was sprayed, and the entire slaughter table was overturned.

The next second!

It flapped its wings and flew up, while sending out The chicken screamed in anger and rushed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's expression changed.

What a fast speed!

But now he is also a warrior, and his physical qualities have been greatly enhanced. He swung the butcher knife backhand and chopped it again.

The knife light was flying, stinging the eyes.

The mutant chicken raised its claws and also killed it.


The claws tore open the clothes and cut Qin Feng's arm.

The blood flowed and dyed the ground red.

But Qin Feng did not dodge at all. He gritted his teeth and pierced the mutant chicken's neck with a knife. Blood gushed out and it died on the spot!


Qin Feng shouted in his heart

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtain: 5 points of Qi and Health]

Qin Feng was originally grimacing in pain because of his injury, but his eyes suddenly became ecstatic.

A mutant chicken has 5 points of Qi and Health.


At this time, the workers and the boss rushed into the slaughterhouse.

They wore helmets on their heads and held sticks and knives in their hands. It was obvious that they came back to save Qin Feng.

However, when they saw the scene in front of them, they were completely stunned.

Qin Feng threw the mutant chicken aside, scratched his head at the boss and workers, and said with a wry smile:"I just became a warrior, and I am not very skilled yet. Next time I promise to kill it with one blow."


On the street, more and more people were walking and vehicles were passing by.

In a luxury car,

Lin Fei sat in the back seat, looking out bored.

Suddenly, she said,"Uncle Gong, drive slower."


Because she saw Qin Feng who had just walked out of the slaughterhouse!

His clothes were torn and his arms were bandaged with blood.

In Lin Fei's eyes, he looked extremely embarrassed!

"I was so blind that I actually fell for this guy."

She shook her head and said,"He has good looks, a good family background, and a high health value of 110. How can he compare with me?"

"Miss, you still have to go to the warrior team for the test, don't waste time on rubbish."The driver reminded.

Lin Fei nodded and rolled up the window again.

Qin Feng, who was walking on the street, did not notice Lin Fei.

At this moment, he looked at the attribute panel, his eyes narrowed into a slit

"Qi and blood value 113.55!"

"It's really cool."

He laughed inwardly.

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