After leaving the slaughterhouse, Qin Feng went straight to Yuancheng Commercial Street.

He had already resigned, and still had the strength of a primary warrior. In theory, he could directly enter the barren mountains to hunt ferocious beasts.

However, countless warriors died from ferocious beasts.

Before entering, you must be fully prepared.

"First, I need a weapon."

"Then there is a big backpack, which is convenient for carrying materials of fierce beasts."

While thinking, Qin Feng walked into the commercial street.

When he asked about the price of weapons, he was silent.

The price of a first-grade weapon is 50,000 to 80,000.

This is still ordinary goods.

If it is a fine product, the price will soar to 100,000!

The price of a first-grade armor is 5% to 10% more expensive than a weapon!

As for the second-grade, Qin Feng didn't even ask.

It's impossible to afford it!

Standing on the street, Qin Feng held a few red banknotes, his face full of bitterness.

I never thought that after becoming the warrior I had always dreamed of, I still stopped because of my lack of money.

【A man with money is a real man, a man without money is hard to be a real man, hey hey hey yo~]

Three black lines appeared on Qin Feng's forehead.

Maybe the complaints will be late, but they will never be absent!

"Since I can't afford the regular ones, I'll go... to the irregular ones!" Qin Feng quickly thought of the next step.

Don't get me wrong!

The so-called irregular ones are not the alleys in the urban village, but the black market.

He had heard his classmates discuss it before, and he followed his vague memory and groped his way there bit by bit.

The black market is in the east of the city.

After entering a small alley, the view in front of him suddenly opened up.

"Who are you trying to trick! Whose 2nd-grade elixir is made with corn flour?"

"My goodness, you've been into a grave before? How dare you? You're blind in one eye?"

"Come and see, freshly-made weapons from the tomb, no cheating, only 1,000 yuan!"

The noisy sounds and shouting made the whole black market very hot.

Qin Feng looked at the weapons on the stalls, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

One word: broken!

Two words: really broken! (Two words for sure!)

He once doubted whether he could kill the beast if he really bought it back?

Would it break after one blow, and would he be killed by the beast?

After observing for a while, Qin Feng stepped forward and asked:"Boss, how much are your weapons?"

The boss was a skinny old man with two rat whiskers and his small eyes flashing with shrewdness:"Young man, you really know the goods. These are weapons that have just been unearthed from the Tianbei Tomb. One is 1,000 yuan. You don't look like you have much money. Uncle will give you a discount, 750!"

As he spoke, the boss shook his head and sighed, as if he had lost out.

Qin Feng squatted down and looked at these rusty weapons.

Some of them were starting to peel off, and it was prickly to hold them!

Some of the blades were so bumpy that they couldn't cut anything!

As he looked at them, Qin Feng suddenly had an idea.

Can these weapons be extracted?

For example... remove the rust and restore the weapons to their original appearance!

Thinking of this, he was excited inside, but he remained calm on the surface, and even looked disgusted.

"Boss, 750 is too expensive." He shook his head.

The boss smiled and said,"Then name a price."

Qin Feng held up two fingers.

"200? Isn't that inappropriate?" The boss frowned.

Qin Feng shook his head:"2 yuan."

After saying this, the boss froze, and the vendors next door were also confused.

Others bargained little by little, but you bargained from the bottom of your feet!

The boss looked unhappy:"That's too much."

"The market price for scrap iron is 1.5 yuan per pound. I've already given you enough face by raising it to 2 yuan." Qin Feng said seriously.

The boss's face twitched slightly.

If the store hadn't opened yet, he would have really wanted to kick this bastard away!

"3 yuan!"


"Why the hell did you drop down?!"


In the end, Qin Feng chose a weapon that looked like a shovel, and successfully bought it at a high price of 1.9 yuan per catty.

It weighed about 23 catties and was worth 43.7 yuan.

In the end, Qin Feng even rounded off the price, and the total price was 43 yuan!

Why did he choose it?

Nothing else, it was the heaviest!

Even if this thing really didn't work, it could still stun the beast with its weight!

The boss took the money with a dark face and muttered,"You look honest, but you're actually full of bad intentions."

"There is no way, my family is poor." Qin Feng said sullenly.

The boss stopped talking and waved his hand.

Qin Feng did not leave in a hurry. He held the shovel in his arms and asked,"Boss, can you tell me about the grave pit?"

"What? You want to go down? Are you looking for death?"The boss pinched his mouse whiskers and looked down on Sanlian.

However, he still raised his head and recalled:"In the Tianbei Tomb, there are many strange creatures living."

"There are primitive people who look exactly like us, but they are cruel and ruthless, and they specialize in killing the Blue Star people."

"There are also demons who rely on their powerful bodies to occupy one side, constantly expanding their territory and power, and from time to time they clash with us."

"As well as the elves who claim that all things have spirits. Some of them are plants, especially stubborn stones, and their methods are the most difficult to deal with!"

"The grave is endless, you can never see the edge, the risk factor is extremely high, a warrior who goes down will only die"

"But it is extremely rich in resources, and there are countless chances and opportunities. The real strong ones all rise from the grave.……"

The boss was yearning and kept talking about it.

Qin Feng was a little fascinated.

He had been taught in school before, but not in such detail.

""Will there be a treasure in the tomb that can regenerate flesh and blood?" He held the shovel tightly and thought to himself.

If there is, Qin Feng must become stronger and grab it for his sister at all costs!

Then, Qin Feng got up and left.

The boss looked at Qin Feng's back and smiled like a profiteer:"I bought a rotten shovel for 20 yuan, and made more than 1 times the profit by selling it. I am really smart!"

Qin Feng did not leave the black market directly, but found an empty corner.

He held the shovel and said to himself:"Extract!"


The shovel was instantly renewed.

The rust was eliminated and the residue fell off.

A shadow of blue steel lingered on the shovel, and even in the corners with severe lack of light, there was a good color.

【Extraction successful!】

【All rust and residues have been extracted】

【Obtained: 2nd Grade Blue Steel Alloy Shovel! 】


Qin Feng was stunned on the spot!

What followed was excitement, excitement, ecstasy and other emotions, which rushed to his head and almost made him faint on the spot!

This is normal.

43 yuan, and found a 2nd grade weapon.

Anyone would be confused!

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