A group of people walked into the freshman dormitory.

The freshmen all turned their eyes to the

"You don't know manners, do you? Or are you born in the Year of the Dog, and can only open doors with your feet?"Li Yuntao's main character is arrogant and rebellious.

The man with short black hair is sturdy and narrowed his eyes when he spoke:"This year's kids are quite brave and know how to talk back."

"Unlike the seniors in the third and fourth years, who are lazy and boring."The person who answered was a man wearing a black robe with various powdery things on his body, with his hands in his sleeves, and his voice was a little feminine. The third man had a crew cut and a face full of flesh, and grinned:"Don't talk nonsense, whether it's a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk"

"Who are you guys?"

Among the girls there was a tall and cold beauty with a voice as cold as an iceberg.

"Fighting Department: Sun Mingjie."The short-haired man grinned.

"Medicine Refining Department: Zhou Gang."The black-robed man said calmly.

"Foundry Department: Wu Gan. The man with a crew cut raised his eyebrows.

"Fighting Department……"

The people behind also began to introduce themselves.

They came from various departments of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House.

A total of 50 people!

Qin Feng frowned slightly:"New Wall……"

"You know this too?" Zhao Xiaoqi was a little surprised.

Qin Feng nodded:"It seems that he wants to give us a warning and suppress our arrogance."

"As far as I know, the training intensity of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy is average, while the Magic Capital, Jinnan, and Lunan are really cruel, where they train you to death if you don't die!" Zhao Xiaoqi shuddered. Sun

Mingjie smiled proudly and said arrogantly:"The freshmen are very cute, rich, and beautiful, but at the same time……"

"You are also a bunch of garbage!"

His expression changed, and his disdain was evident.

The freshmen were furious when they heard this. They spoke foul language as soon as they opened their mouths.

Seniors can curse people?

Wu Gan sneered,"To say that you are garbage is a compliment. People like you are not even as good as cannon fodder in a grave!"

"If you really go down to the grave, you will be a burden, a bunch of losers." Zhou Gang also sneered.

Li Yuntao's hair was burning like a flame, and his tone was completely cold:"Then I want to see what you can do!"

Sun Mingjie smiled with a successful plot and said:"There is a freshman trial in the back mountain to welcome you. If you lose, you will contribute part of your admission points."

"Let's compete, I'm not afraid of you!" Xiao Ding immediately agreed

"He’s just one year older than us, what’s the big deal!"

"Come on, let's have a good fight!"

The freshmen couldn't help but curse.

How could they not be angry after being called losers again and again!

Just when the two sides were on the verge of a fight, Qin Feng slowly raised his hand:"Seniors, what if you lose?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire freshman dormitory fell silent.

Everyone fixed their eyes on Qin Feng.

Some were surprised, some were stunned, and more of them were disdainful from the old students.

Sun Mingjie and the others burst out laughing, and said in unison:"You really dare to think about it!"

"There are winners and losers. If we lose, we lose points. If you lose, you have to pay the same points."Qin Feng smiled very honestly.

Sun Mingjie and the others looked at each other and nodded:"Okay, whoever can defeat any of us can get 10 points."

50 seniors.

That's 500 points.

For freshmen, it's definitely a huge sum of money!

"We will not use weapons, only our natural abilities."

"You can use whatever you have, without any restrictions."

"Because we are at the primary warrior level. In the face of absolute power, any effort is in vain!"

Sun Mingjie explained the most basic rules.

The freshmen said there was no problem.

Instantly, the two sides looked at each other.

There seemed to be a smell of an explosion in the air.

Freshmen vs. seniors!

The freshman trial is about to begin!


The Imperial Capital Wufu, the back mountain.

This place is huge and has a wide view.

A part of the venue is specially set aside for the trial.

The forest is lush and green, and birds are flying and singing.

On a circular bridge, a group of instructors have been waiting for a long time.

Among the instructors, there are old people and middle-aged people, with different appearances, and they are concentrating on observing the new students who are entering the trial.

"Do you think there will be some interesting little guys this year?"

"Li Yuntao from the Li family, Xiao Ding, the only genius from the Xiao family, and Dou Meiyu from the Dou family, the only SS-level element awakening"

"I remember there was a genius in Yuancheng……"

"An Tong, tell me about his abilities.

Everyone looked at Teacher Zhang at the back, quite curious.

"You will know in a moment."Teacher Zhang smiled.

In fact, he was very depressed.

How the hell did I know his ability? I forgot to test him!

I was in a hurry to leave and didn't have time to sort out the information!

"Qin Feng, you must strive to do well!"

"My old face is depending on you!"

"Please ask the Jade Emperor, Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Three Pure Ones... to bless Qin Feng so that he won't lose too badly!"

Teacher Zhang put his hands together and asked all the gods and Buddhas.

At the same time, in the back mountain,

500 freshmen and 50 seniors were ready.

"You have 30 seconds to prepare."

"Whether it's cooperation or single combat, it's up to you."

Sun Mingjie looked down at his smartwatch.

The countdown started!

Qin Feng immediately fled into the mountains and forests, hiding his body.

He had a general understanding of the primary warrior realm.

Primary warriors can exert 1 ton of force, and can use qi and blood to temper the surface skin to form a very hard stratum corneum.

Therefore, there is another name - iron skin!

The existence of this realm is basically difficult to kill with hot weapons, because even if they are hit in the body, they can use iron skin to resist, and then use muscles to lock the bullet, greatly reducing the damage.

Unless high-firepower weapons such as sniper rifles are used, there is a certain probability of killing.

As for the so-called probability.

That is, the warrior realm will not stand there stupidly!

Tick-tock... time passed second by second.

The 500 freshmen shouted very passionately, but their bodies were very honest.

None of them chose to fight singles, and they all fled into the mountains and forests, ready to use the terrain and environment to fight against the old students.

30 seconds are up!

Sun Mingjie turned his head and smiled:"Let the hunt begin!"

As soon as the words fell, a stream of hot blood gushed out.

They were like a pack of wolves entering the forest, and they immediately locked onto the slower freshmen.

"Damn! It’s so fast!"

"Hey hey hey! Don't hit me in the face!"

"We ikun will never be slaves!"

Suddenly, the whole back mountain was in chaos!

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