There were screams coming from the back mountain.

As for the battle situation.


It can't be said that they were crushed, it can only be said that it was one-sided!

The 500 freshmen were decreasing at a strange speed.

Qin Feng dived underground, and occasionally came out to observe the situation and restore his blood.

"There is no chance of direct confrontation, so we must take shortcuts"

"Rank 2 weapon? Not much of an advantage"

"Tu Rong's sneak attack? The Warrior Realm reacts very quickly……"

When Qin Feng was thinking hard, he suddenly remembered the flame grass in the barren mountain.

If he could make a strategic item similar to the explosive tank, he might be able to turn the tide of the war!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng went underground again and began to look for any useful spiritual materials.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of many mentors.

The D-level superhuman earth fusion is a very good awakening ability.

But this is not surprising, right?

"Tu Rong can only avoid the battle temporarily, and it is still unrealistic to win."A teacher commented pointedly.

Many teachers nodded.

To be honest, they were not optimistic about Qin Feng.


Qin Feng swam wildly in the field.

He had completely forgotten that the freshman trial had a range. He looked up and saw a strange fruit.

It looked like a small snake entwined with a small mouse. It was as strange as it could be, and it had no smell.

Qin Feng carefully picked it up and extracted it directly.

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtain: Snake Rat Tonglu Fruit Essence】


Qin Feng looked at the yellow viscous liquid and was suddenly shocked.

Could it be the legendary... enema?!

He took a whiff and immediately felt his lower abdomen gurgling and his anus almost lost control.

"This is a good thing!"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

An inhumane but very practical plan took shape in his mind in an instant!

At the same time, he also secretly made up his mind. In the future, when he enters the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, he must study hard!

Otherwise, he will not know the effect of these things.

Fortunately, he just sniffed it lightly just now.

If he swallowed it like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, wouldn't it be... cough cough!

Let's get back to the topic!

Qin Feng immediately started to make simple enema.

He made dozens of them in one breath.

Nothing else, just want to be nice to seniors~

On the circular bridge.

The expressions of the instructors are a bit wonderful

"The tree where snakes and rats live together was planted by the old blind man, right?"

"This spiritual fruit is difficult to extract. How did he do it?"

"Could he really be a genius?"

During the discussion, Teacher Zhang suddenly interrupted:"I advise you all to remember to hold your breath later."

The teachers thought of something and their faces turned pale.


In just over ten minutes, more than 200 freshmen had been eliminated.

As a last resort, the freshmen could only gather together temporarily to discuss how to deal with the old students.

"As the saying goes, two fists can't beat four hands, let's just rush forward!" Li Yuntao gritted his teeth and said.

Xiao Ding rarely agreed:"That's right, ants can kill elephants!"

The petite Wan Qian rolled her eyes:"A bunch of reckless men, what if they lose?"

Li Yuntao was about to refute, Dou Meiyu said lightly:"Zhou Gang is an S-level monster system: Fire Magician; Wu Gan is an S-level element system: Tomb of Burning Yuan, do you think a group fight will work?"

Li Yuntao's face turned red.

Playing a group fight with a magician.

It's really a bit stupid!

At this time, the screams continued.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people were eliminated.

There is no way.

The gap between new and old students is indeed huge!

"I have a solution."

Suddenly, a voice came from under their feet.

Everyone saw that it was Qin Feng!

He floated up from the ground, breathing heavily.

Earth melting is very energy-consuming.

He just crossed the entire trial area, and it is inevitable that he is a little exhausted.

Li Yuntao glanced at him and said,"What solution?"

Qin Feng smiled, took out a can of rhubarb water (named by himself), and placed it in front of everyone.

Li Yuntao walked over and took a sip subconsciously.


In an instant, Li Yuntao's face changed suddenly.

He didn't have time to explain and plunged into the bushes.

Li Yuntao was holding confidential documents in his hands, standing on both sides of the Yellow River, with machine guns shooting in front and artillery fire behind!

The battle lasted for 3 minutes.

When Li Yuntao came out, his cheeks were thin and his legs were shaking.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Qin Feng deeply.

Qin Feng nodded heavily.

Silence is better than words at this time!

"This method can be tried!"

Xiao Ding and others' eyes lit up.

Toughness will definitely not work, and wits are the king!

Qin Feng said honestly:"The method is my idea, and the things are provided by me. 500 points, I want 300"


The freshmen flatly refused.

In the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, money is useless, points are the hard currency.

Qin Feng asked for 300 points at once.

Who could agree to this!

"Don't rush to refuse."

"In just over ten minutes, half of the 500 freshmen were killed. If this continues, you will not only lose, but also lose badly."

"You guys just raise 300 points to get a chance to vent your anger."

"Besides, you can still share 200 points in the end."

Qin Feng understands people's hearts.

With just a few words, the freshmen felt that it made sense.

Li Yuntao was the first to raise his hand:"Brother, take me with you!"

"I'll go too!" Zhao Xiaoqi also felt that there was a chance.

Xiao Ding was still a little hesitant:"300 points are too many!"

"We are all classmates, I am at a disadvantage……"

Qin Feng sighed,"I want 310."

Dou Meiyu and Wan Qian widened their eyes.

Hey, hey, hey, how can you bargain against the price?

How can this be considered a loss?

Qin Feng finally said,"Those eliminated freshmen are not eligible to share the points. Do you agree with this?"

Everyone looked at each other. It would be a lie to say they were not moved.

""Okay, how do we do it?" They finally agreed.

Qin Feng whispered:"Who can attack from a distance?"

"I can do it." Zhao Xiaoqi raised his hand.

The next second, his arm became smooth and a stream of water shot out from his palm, easily penetrating a big tree.

"Okay, this is my plan.……"

Qin Feng nodded and whispered the entire battle plan.

At first, everyone didn't take it seriously.

The more they listened, the more interesting their expressions became.

Could this plan really be thought of by a carbon-based creature?


A corner of the forest.

A dozen senior students are beating up a group of freshmen.

Behind Zhou Gang stands a huge monster, 3 meters tall, and its entire body is like flames. Its shoulders and chest are all extended with sharp bones, majestic and domineering, but also weird and gloomy.

This is his fire magician.

Flames extend out, turning into long whips of flames, constantly whipping the freshmen's buttocks. This move is extremely insulting and lethal!


Suddenly, thick clouds and fog surged in the forest, accompanied by the sound of dense horse hooves.

Zhou Gang raised his eyebrows.

This group of idiots actually chose to attack head-on?

In the field of vision, dozens of freshmen rushed over.

Li Yuntao was the leader.

He sat on the back of a majestic horse and took the lead in charging.

This horse was snow-white, tall and majestic. Every time it trampled on the ground, it caused clouds and fog to sweep.

S-level monster system: Yunhai Fierce Horse!

In an instant, the attention of Zhou Gang and others was attracted.

Qin Feng, who had already dived into the ground, seized the opportunity, suddenly broke out of the ground, and grabbed the legs of a senior in the Warrior Realm.

The Warrior Realm had a very fast reaction ability.

However, Qin Feng's speed was not slow either.

He grabbed the senior's legs and pulled them down violently!

"Tu Rong? Kill him first!"

Zhou Gang's expression changed slightly, and he shouted.

Seeing that the old students had completely let down their guard, the new students hiding in the forest raised the rhubarb water jars and threw them over.

On the other side.

Zhao Xiaoqi also took action.


The water arrows shot out.

The jars shattered!

The rhubarb water was like a pouring rain, covering Zhou Gang and others without dead ends.

Li Yuntao and others who had originally launched the charge stopped in time.

They did not retreat, but stood there and sneered.

Hualala- rhubarb water fell on the old students.

At first, they were very disdainful.

We are warriors, and we have a certain immunity to toxins...

As soon as the thought came up, the old students' faces changed drastically.

This taste is wrong!


The stomach and intestines began to rebel.

The pass began to be lost.

These old students ushered in the darkest moment of their lives!

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