Sun Mingjie frowned.

Does it hurt?


Then what did he want me to feel?

It was just such a subconscious action.

Sun Mingjie's barrier... was broken!

He was not afraid of attacks from the outside to the inside.

However, this was a magic attack from the inside to the outside, and real damage that would kill him on the spot!

Sun Mingjie panicked all of a sudden.


He saw a shovel coming at him.


Sun Mingjie took off on the spot.

The moment he fell unconscious, he finally smiled with relief.

"We won, we won!"

"I heard that in the freshman wall of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, freshmen have almost never won!"

""Then haven't we made history?"

The freshmen shouted excitedly.

The happiest one was Qin Feng.

He could get 300 points.

Adding the 50 points given by Professor Zhang, the total reached 350!

This is undoubtedly a huge sum of money!

Of course.

Qin Feng was not proud.

Wufu is not a desolate mountain.

The old students are not members of a cult.

After all, this is just an exchange test.

He knew that he had to use tricks to easily defeat this group of old students.

"Students, come out."

At this time, a hearty voice echoed in the back mountain.

The freshman wall is over!


After treatment, 50 old students including Sun Mingjie, Zhou Gang, Wu Gan finally woke up.

They were pale and their cheeks were thin.

If you didn't know, you would think they were dead.

"Seniors, you guys don't look very energetic. Which Japanese teacher did you communicate with last night? Was it Fukada, Kitano, or Xiaohua?"Li Yuntao joked. Sun

Mingjie gritted his teeth and said,"Get lost. What's the point of playing tricks!"

"Senior, it seems like you said that we can do anything."Qin Feng added honestly.

Hearing this, Sun Mingjie and others felt a chill in their hearts.

They must not make enemies with this person!

He has a bright smile, but his methods are so cruel.

They must not provoke him!

In fact, the freshmen are the same.

They have seen Qin Feng's methods today.

In one word: ruthless!


A cough was heard.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the instructors came out one by one.

There were men and women, old and young.

They had just watched the entire trial on the circular bridge.

"Sun Mingjie, Zhou Gang, Wu Gan and 50 others.

A middle-aged male instructor said indifferently:"If this happened on the battlefield, you would have died."

"There are countless geniuses who died because of carelessness."

"There was once an SSS awakened genius who was stabbed through the heart by a cultist who was far below his level and died on the spot."

Except for Li Yuntao, Xiao Ding, Dou Meiyu and other freshmen from warrior families, the rest of the people gasped.

That was an SSS awakened, and he died just like that?

"It is always people who are strong, not supernatural powers. SSS-level awakening only allows you to start higher than others, but it does not make you arrogant enough to look down on everyone."An old woman said calmly.

Qin Feng naturally understood this truth.

He has a system and endless means.

But if he faces extreme danger, he will still die.

Accidents are never predictable.

The same is true for death.

"Next, the tutors will select students. Don't be discouraged if you are not selected, you can join the general teaching class."Teacher Zhang said softly.

After he finished speaking, all the tutors looked at Qin Feng.

In this freshman competition, Qin Feng won with wisdom and performed the best.

As for talent, it is obvious to all!

"Qin Feng, I am Lin Ji, from the Medicine Refining Department. As long as you are willing to be my student, you can get as many pills as you want. The first person to speak was the old man holding a small comb.

"Young man, your personality is suitable for our fighting department. I guarantee that no one will cause trouble for you!"The strong man Huang Zhong grinned.

"What's the point of fighting and killing?"

A middle-aged woman sneered, and then said:"Come to my place, I can give you a residence permit in the imperial capital."


Many tutors offered olive branches, and were very enthusiastic.

Qin Feng seemed to be considering, but in fact he wanted to choose tutor Zhang.

First, he liked tutor Zhang very much.

Second, with the system, tutors were not that important.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng turned his head to look at tutor Zhang, but saw that tutor Zhang secretly waved his hand, as if to signal him not to accept.

"What does this mean?"

Qin Feng was puzzled.

Could it be that Teacher Zhang had already made arrangements?

On the side, the freshmen were already drooling with envy.

Others were chosen by their teachers.

Qin Feng, on the other hand, was actually choosing his own teacher.

Even the old students were quite amazed.

This was the first time such a thing had happened in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy!

"We two old guys should also come and join in the fun."

At this time, an old man came out.

He was hunched over, holding a cane, with a kind smile on his face.

The strange thing was!

There were no eyes in his eye sockets!

An eyeless old man!

There was an old woman next to him, with white hair and silver hair, a kind face, but missing an arm. She and the eyeless old man supported each other.

"Yin-Yang teacher."

The instructors and senior students clasped their fists respectfully.

Seeing this, the freshmen hurriedly saluted.

The old man's name was Yang Guangxu.

He had no eyes, but he could look at Qin Feng accurately and said with a smile:"My wife and I are usually free. Would you like to become our student?"

"However, we are very strict."The old woman's name is Yin Wan'er, and she smiled lightly. After these two words fell,

Li Yuntao and others who came from a martial artist family were jealous.

The old students were drooling with envy.

The instructors also looked unbelievable.

There are ten ancient stones in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion.

The two old men are the second.

They once made great contributions to the Chinese Dragon Country, but now they are seriously injured, so they are recuperating here.

At this time, Instructor Zhang hurriedly winked at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng understood instantly and immediately said:"I am willing, thank you two teachers for your attention"

"Let me make it clear in advance that if you don't perform well, we will not abandon you and will just send you back to the training center for retraining."Yang Guangxu laughed.

Qin Feng's mouth twitched.

Such a cruel word, said so lightly.

It seems to be a werewolf!

Seeing that Yin Yang teacher accepted Qin Feng, the other instructors did not dare to say anything and could only sigh in their hearts.

Afterwards, Li Yuntao, Dou Meiyu, Xiao Ding, Wan Qian, Zhao Xiaoqi and more than 100 freshmen were selected by the instructors one after another.

Others could only enter the large teaching class.

"Even if you enter a university class, you must not slack off or be discouraged. There are countless strong people who stand out from university classes."

"You must know one of them, Li Yiren, the boxing master of the Governor of Jiangnan. With just a pair of iron fists, he killed thousands of enemies!"

"He himself is invincible in the realm of war king, and he has also subdued a war king-level grave beast."

Seeing the low atmosphere, Teacher Zhang spoke to comfort them.

Every word he said made the freshmen's blood boil.

After speaking, Teacher Zhang looked at Yang Guangxu:"Teacher Yang, what do you want to say?"

"Yes, I can, but I'm afraid it will conflict with some people's teaching philosophy."

Yang Guangxu laughed, but his voice was serious:"What is a warrior? It is to forge ahead bravely, to be hardworking and diligent, and to be unforgettable!"

"A warrior only needs to do one thing, and that is... fight!"

"Fight for resources, fight for ranking, fight for status, fight for everything!"

"Without fighting, how can there be peace and prosperity on Blue Planet?"

"Only by fighting can one become strong!"

Yang Guangxu's words were sonorous and powerful, like a brand embedded in the hearts of the freshmen.

Many people listened to them in a daze.

Only Qin Feng listened very seriously.

That's right!

He also wants to fight!

Fight for everything that makes him stronger and let his sister stand up again!

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