Only Qin Feng, Sun Mingjie, Zhou Gang and a few others at the scene could understand Yang Guangxu's theory of warriors.

Other freshmen either came from wealthy families or warrior families. They were pampered and had abundant resources since childhood. As long as they practiced step by step, they could reach the level of generals or even the level of war kings.

Qin Feng was different.

He came from the bottom of society.

Even if he had a system, he had to fight to get to where he is today.

So, he wanted to fight!

Fight for everything!

"I don't care whether you listen to me or not."

Yang Guangxu smiled lightly and said,"My educational philosophy is contrary to that of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy. In fact, my wife and I are more suitable to go to other martial arts academies."

The teachers smiled bitterly.

This cannot be said casually.

The master of the academy must have heard it.

Teacher Zhang fanned the flames and said,"I also think that the two teachers are more suitable for outside. The educational policy of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy is too loose."

"Okay, if you say any more, a certain stingy person will get angry."

Yin Wan'er smiled kindly, looked at Qin Feng and said,"Xiaofeng, right? Go get your student ID, and then take your luggage to Baihua Manor."

""Okay, teachers." Qin Feng nodded quickly.

As he spoke, he waved goodbye to Li Yuntao and the others.

After going through a trial, everyone got to know each other better.

This is a good thing.

After all, they are classmates, so it's better to get to know each other sooner!

On the top of a certain teaching building.

A white-haired old man stood with his hands behind his back.

"I am stingy? How generous are you, an old blind man?"

"Since he is a talented warrior, he must be trained well, and then we can talk about fighting!"

From this, we can see that the educational policy of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy does have two directions.


Qin Feng successfully received his student ID card.

It contained 360 points.

310 points were earned from the freshman wall.

50 points were promised by the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy.

"Are you very happy?"

A light laugh sounded.

Instructor Zhang slowly walked over and said with a smile:"Make good use of these points to enter the advanced warrior realm as soon as possible, and then break through the warrior realm."

"Warrior is the first step in cultivation"

"There are many reasons why you can win today."

"For example, Sun Mingjie and the others couldn't use their full strength, for example, they were careless, and for example, your... ahem, that thing"

"One-on-one, you can't get out of a round."

Qin Feng naturally knew this.

He was never proud, but he also didn't feel inferior.

Victory is victory.

What's more... if it was a life-and-death fight, he really wouldn't necessarily lose!

"How many abilities do you have?"

Suddenly, Instructor Zhang lowered his voice.

Ordinary warriors only have one awakened ability.

The talents Qin Feng showed today include D-level earth fusion, C-level power storage, and a strange ability to devour!

Throughout the entire warrior era, there are only a handful of people with two talents, and no one with three talents!

Qin Feng had already prepared an explanation in his mind,���"Teacher, I have awakened the fusion ability, and there is a chance that I can fuse with other people's awakening talents."

The explanation system is unrealistic.

Just push towards awakening the ability!


Teacher Zhang pondered,"SSS-level Fusion of All Things? Or SS-level Thousand Stars Fusion Dragon?"

Qin Feng shook his head,"It should be a new ability."

"That's right, there are all kinds of awakenings, so it's not surprising to see new ones."

Teacher Zhang smiled as he spoke:"Fortunately, I was prepared and found two good teachers for you."

"Are they really strict?" Qin Feng asked tentatively.

Teacher Zhang did not answer, but said seriously:"Follow the Yin-Yang teacher carefully and you will benefit a lot."

After that, the two separated.

Qin Feng walked towards Baihua Manor.


Baihua Manor.

There are all kinds of flowers growing here.

The flowers are in full bloom, bright and beautiful.

It really lives up to its name.

However, the residence of Yin Yang teacher is a little strange.

They don't grow flowers, but fruits and peaches!

A strong fruity fragrance wafts over, making people salivate.

""Teacher, I'm coming in."

Qin Feng pushed open the iron door and saw the two elders drinking tea.

Yang Guangxu put down the teacup and smiled at Qin Feng:"New fusion ability? It makes sense."

Qin Feng's heart trembled.

Did Teacher Zhang pass on the information?

Or could Yang Guangxu hear the conversation from a distance?

"Everyone has their own secrets. The old man and I will not interfere. As long as you don't betray the human race, that's fine."

"However, a secret needs a suitable reason."

Yin Wan'er smiled meaningfully.

Qin Feng understood immediately and said with gritted teeth:"My ability is fusion!"

No matter who asked or questioned, he insisted on fusion!

"With us here, no one can touch you, but you must grow up as soon as possible"

"One day we are gone, and you become stronger, then no one dares to touch you."

"The Dragon Kingdom of China is united in its external relations, but not everyone follows the right path"

"The better you perform and the more amazing your talent is, the more some people want to conduct special experiments on you, like a guinea pig."

Yang Guangxu's few words made Qin Feng shudder.

He had also heard of this kind of thing.

Some crazy people are willing to sacrifice millions of lives to achieve a certain goal!

Including geniuses!

Yin Wan'er patted the old man angrily and said with a smile:"You will live here in the future, and it will be convenient for us to teach you."

"Okay, two teachers." Qin Feng felt the care and concern of the two elders and thanked them quickly.

It is worth mentioning that ordinary students and exclusive students are two different concepts.

Ordinary students are treated equally.

Exclusive students are similar to the closed disciples in ancient times, and the relationship is deeper.

"A gift is a must."

Yang Guangxu stood up and said with a faint smile:"I will teach you a set of upper-level earth-level swordsmanship"

""Earth level?" Qin Feng asked in a puzzled tone.

The Yin-Yang teacher was speechless.

High school doesn't even teach these basics?

"Martial arts are the most important skills for warriors and the basis for killing enemies."


After listening to Yang Guangxu's explanation, Qin Feng immediately understood.

This is a great gift!

The upper level of the earth level.

One step further is the heaven level!

While thinking, the atmosphere suddenly changed. The villa, which was originally shrouded in warm sunshine, became cold as ice at this moment, like falling into an ice cave.

Look at Yang Guangxu again.

He seemed to no longer be a weak old man. He picked up a branch and took a step forward. As the branch was swung, a blood-red thunder flashed in the space in front of him, making a loud bang!

Blood lightning, destroying everything!

"《Blood Thunder Nine Layers is a sword technique. If you comprehend the first layer, you can reach the warrior realm."Yang Guangxu smiled, and his aura dissipated, and he turned into an ordinary old man again.

Qin Feng was completely frozen in place.

The world he had come into contact with before was just a drop in the ocean.

No, it was a drop in the ocean!

""Old woman, it's your turn." Yang Guangxu said.

Yin Wan'er held a large bowl with an unknown liquid in her hand and said with a smile:"Take off your shirt and sit on the ground."

Qin Feng did as he was told.

Before he could ask, Yin Wan'er had already smeared the unknown liquid on his body.

In an instant, Qin Feng felt that the world was spinning.

This was not dizziness.

It was pain!

It hurt to the extreme.

It hurt so much that he had hallucinations for a while!

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