
400 points were deducted.

Qin Feng had 40 more Wolf Blood Pills in his hand.

This scene made the students envious.

Points were hard to get in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy.

Everyone had to be frugal and count every point carefully.

Qin Feng was different.

On the second day after entering the Martial Arts Academy, he squandered 400 points.

The most infuriating thing was... he, a freshman, had 400 points!

Most students might not be able to save that much even after a year!

"You have some stuff, but not much."

The old man from the Resources Department said with a smile:"Although Guan Hongcai is not a good person, he is at the primary warrior level. You should be careful."

"Also, don't take too many pills, as they can easily leave impurities in your body and affect your future cultivation."

"Thank you for your warning, teacher."Qin Feng nodded gratefully and turned away under the gaze of many students.

At the same time, the news that Guan Hongcai suffered a loss spread like wildfire.


Guan Hongcai and the others ran to a deserted corner.

They clenched their fists and looked unhappy. They had originally wanted to give Qin Feng a beating and get some points from him.

In the end, they suffered a loss. They lost all their points and lost face.

Who wouldn't be disgusted by this?

""Old Guan, we have met a tough guy this time!" Everyone sighed.

Guan Hongcai frowned and said angrily:"When have I ever suffered such a loss? He must pay it back double!"

"Why not let your brother exclude him?"The other man looked at Guan Hongcai with shining eyes.

Guan Hongcai's brother is Guan Tao.

He is also a freshman this year.

If suppressing him head-on doesn't work, then exclude him behind his back!


Qin Feng did not go back to Baihua Manor directly.

He wandered around while extracting the wolf blood pill.

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 5 HP points】


The blood value increased rapidly.

Qin Feng felt so comfortable!

You know, after taking the pill, it takes a certain amount of time for others to absorb it. It can take three to five days or as long as ten days or half a month.

Qin Feng is different.

He just said in his heart: Extract!

Then, all the wolf blood pills were absorbed instantly.

The most outrageous thing is!

It is impossible for ordinary people to completely absorb the pills, and there will be some loss.

It is good for a wolf blood pill to improve 2 or 3 points.

Qin Feng absorbed it perfectly!

No medicinal effect will be wasted!

Soon, all the wolf blood pills were extracted.

Qin Feng's blood value increased by... 207 points!


A muffled sound came from the body.

Qin Feng suddenly felt that his blood was boiling, his ears and eyes were sharp, and his strength increased a lot!

He quickly called up the attribute panel

【Name: Qin Feng】

【HP: 629】

【Realm: Advanced Warrior】

【Talents: Unlimited Extraction (SSS), Earth Fusion (D-rank Superhuman), Power Storage (C-rank Superhuman)】

【Martial Arts: Blood Thunder Ninth Level (Not yet mastered)】


Qin Feng clenched his fists excitedly.

Although the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House cannot extract corpses.

However, there are many resources here!

As long as there are elixirs, he can increase his Qi and blood value crazily!

Become stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Pills are really good stuff"

"Try harder and strive for���Breaking through the 1000 mark!"

"As long as you enter the warrior realm, you are qualified to go down to the grave."

Qin Feng secretly planned in his mind.

Although this was only the second day of entering the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion, he did not slack off at all.

His sister was still waiting for him in the Jiangnan Military Hospital!

How could Qin Feng relax!


Daily class.

The so-called daily class is to teach students all kinds of knowledge.

Including fierce beasts, spiritual materials, tombs, etc.

Warriors are not just one-track minds, nor are they all brains and muscles. They need to develop in all aspects.

Qin Feng stepped into the classroom and saw Li Yuntao and the others. They greeted each other and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"I heard that you played a trick on Guan Hongcai, and it was you who did it."Xiao Ding laughed and said

"I didn't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Qin Feng denied it three times in a row, and said righteously:"They feel sorry for me, and they insist on giving me points. I can't refuse it!"

Li Yuntao twitched his lips.

The more he looked at Qin Feng's face, the gentler it became. He was a sunny and cheerful big boy.

Who would have thought that he had such tricks!

Fortunately, they had met for a period of time in the freshman trial.

Otherwise, the whole class would have been fooled by him!

At this time, more than a dozen people appeared at the door of the classroom.

The leader looked quite similar to Guan Hongcai, but he was much more immature.

Guan Tao, Guan Hongcai's younger brother.

He strode into the classroom, his eyes almost never leaving Qin Feng, staring at him fiercely.

"Trouble is coming." Zhao Xiaoqi reminded in a low voice.

Qin Feng said"oh" and didn't care too much.

His elder brother's IQ is not high.

It is hard to imagine what his younger brother is capable of.

As long as he dares to cause trouble, he doesn't mind letting the other party feel the dangers of society.

After all the students were seated, the teacher stepped into the classroom.

Turning on the computer, the class officially began.

"The tomb pit is the main channel for aliens to invade Blue Star"

"But if they want to come in, they have to pay a price."

"You can think of it as apartheid.……"

This teacher's words are so shocking that most of the students are stunned

【Is this something you can listen to for free? Or is it the story that the third brother of Tianzhu and the lizard have to tell? 】

The system complained in time.

Qin Feng said dissatisfiedly:"What lizard! Call me the third sister-in-law!"


"After entering the tomb, you may encounter a race that is very similar to us. Judging from their writing and culture, they call themselves"primitive people."’!"

"In addition, there are spirits, demons,……"

"Once you meet him, do not show mercy and must kill him!"

The teacher's voice was extremely serious.

A girl raised her hand and said,"Teacher, why can't we coexist peacefully?"

"Have you ever thought about sleeping in the same bed with a robber?"

The teacher said in a cold voice,"Put away your naivety. The moment you become a warrior, you are no longer an ordinary person!"

"Peace, environmental protection, kindness, pity, these only belong to the strong"

"For the weak, even breathing is a fault!"

"Why?"One student asked

"No reason!"

"Hold on, survive"

"If you can't hold on, then die!"

The teacher's words were cruel and realistic.

Some students clenched their fists and shouted,"I want to become stronger, kill foreigners, and defend my country!"

Many people echoed.

Li Yuntao and the others were even more excited.

Qin Feng was very calm.

He didn't have any big ideals, he just wanted to make money, go down to the tomb to grab the treasures of heaven and earth, and let his sister recover.

However, he didn't laugh at these people.

People with ideals are worthy of respect.

The general environment requires this group of people to sacrifice their lives and shed their blood.

Dinglingling-the bell for the end of class rang.

Qin Feng gained a lot in this class and was ready to leave with satisfaction.

Just at this moment, Guan Tao blocked the door.

He pointed to the corridor and said in a cold tone:"Come out, I have something to talk to you about."

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