Outside the classroom, in the corridor,

Qin Feng and Guan Tao were facing each other.

Everyone could feel that the atmosphere was gradually changing.

An invisible pressure was coming.

"You cheated my brother out of 40 points, give it back!" Guan Tao stared at Qin Feng and said coldly.

Qin Feng glanced at him and strode forward.

"What? Are you going to fight?" Guan Tao's expression turned cold.

He dared to come today, and he was not afraid before.……


Unexpectedly, Qin Feng sighed deeply, his eyes were dim:"Actually, I don't want to either!"

A long sigh, endless bitter tears!

Guan Tao blinked.

No, I asked you to pay the points, why are you sighing?

Li Yuntao and others' expressions became wonderful.

Qin Feng is about to start performing!

If nothing unexpected happens, there should be an accident!

"I am a poor student, struggling in a third-tier small city like Yuancheng, killing beasts and selling materials just to support my sister."

"My stupid sister is disabled and needs medicine to keep her alive every day"

"I dropped out of school to work, leaving early and returning late, just to protect her innocent smile"

"That time was too hard and too tiring, so I vowed to change it all!"

Qin Feng appealed to his emotions and reason, telling the story of his and his sister's bitter (add oil) and sour (add vinegar) past.

His voice was full of emotion.

There was a crystal tear in the corner of his eye.

In an instant, the scene reappeared.

Many people's eyes turned red and their voices choked.

It can be said that those who heard it were sad!

Even Guan Tao's nose was sour.

This is too difficult!

My brother is such a bastard, he actually snatched Qin Feng's points!

He is simply not a human!

"Qin Feng, I'm sorry"

"I didn't expect it to be so difficult for you!"

Guan Tao patted Qin Feng on the shoulder and said with emotion:"I will tell my dad tonight about what my brother did, and I will never let you suffer any grievances, believe me!"

"Brother, you are so thoughtful."

Qin Feng was so moved that his eyes were filled with tears. He held Guan Tao's hands tightly, and the latter's face was also full of sincerity.

That scene was so beautiful.

If you didn't know, you would think that they were old friends meeting each other after many years!

Li Yuntao, Xiao Ding, and Zhao Xiaoqi were dumbfounded.

Oh my god!

Is this guy engaged in pyramid selling?

Guan Hongcai's brother was actually turned against the government?!

"It seems that we will be led by Qin Feng in the future. We may be sold out someday, and we still have to say that you are a very nice person."Zhao Xiaoqi smiled bitterly.

Li Yuntao, Xiao Ding and others looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

It's not that we are not striving hard, but Qin Feng is too invincible!

This talent + this eloquence = no one can help!

"I'm going to practice, you guys go ahead."

Qin Feng's voice was hoarse, and his tone was as if he was trying to hold back his sobs.

When he left, he nodded slightly to Guan Tao.

Such a thoughtful courtesy immediately broke Guan Tao's defense, and he hurriedly said:"Go quickly, don't delay, I'm with my brother, and I'll help you with any problems in the future."

Li Yuntao and the others shook their heads.

Okay, a complete betrayal!

These days, sincerity is a must-have skill.

Qin Feng is not sincere.

But he can make others feel sincere.

This is no longer a must-have skill, but a finishing move!


Guan Hongcai was stunned for a moment when he looked at his brother in front of him.

Just now, Guan Tao said three sentences.

The first sentence: Brother, you are really not a human being. Qin Feng is already so pitiful, how can you bear to bully him!

The second sentence: The 40 points can be regarded as aid to poor families, which can also be regarded as accumulating some good karma for you!

The third sentence: I have already told Dad about your business, you can take care of yourself!

After that, Guan Tao strode away with a righteous look on his face.

Guan Hongcai's hands trembled, his pupils trembled, and he gritted his teeth and cursed:"Qin Feng, you bastard, you actually instigated a rebellion……"

Before he finished speaking, Guan Tao suddenly turned around and said coldly:"Brother, I hope you can be a human being."

Guan Hong was silent.

A bold idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

Could Qin Feng be the Cyber Daji?

Otherwise, how could Guan Tao be so fascinated by him!


A week passed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Feng basically went back and forth between two places.

He practiced at Baihua Manor and studied knowledge in the daily class.

Every day was very fulfilling.

Inside the villa.

Today's practice just ended.

Yang Guangxu glared at Qin Feng and scolded him loudly:"It's been a week, and you haven't comprehended the first level yet. Reflect on yourself!"

Qin Feng sat cross-legged on the ground, rubbing his sore and swollen arms, with a helpless look on his face.

The master's wife held the thunder and fire quenching fluid in her hand and added:"The strictness is for your own good, so that you can protect yourself when you go down to the tomb."

"I know."

Qin Feng had no complaints in his heart.

He practiced until late at night every day and fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

When he woke up, he found that he was covered with a quilt.

The two teachers were harsh in words, but they were always concerned about Qin Feng in their hearts.

How could Qin Feng complain?

"Rest for 5 minutes"

"Feel the effect of the Thunder Fire Quenching Fluid."

Yin Wan'er smeared the Thunder Fire Quenching Fluid on Qin Feng's back.

At this time, a drop of Thunder Fire Quenching Fluid slid down his back.

Qin Feng had an idea and gently smeared it on his fingers. A sour and numb feeling came over him.

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtain: 1 point of Qi and Blood]

Qin Feng's eyes widened immediately.

Just a little bit of Qi and Blood can earn 1 point?! He has so much behind him, doesn't it mean...

He glanced at his teacher and his wife, pretended to casually shake off the Thunder Fire Quenching Body Fluid behind him, and then said in surprise:"Hey, it fell, don't waste it."

Qin Feng quickly reached out to grab it and wiped it on his palm.

In response, Yin Wan'er smiled with relief.

Frugal and thrifty, he is a good child.

Little did he know……

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 1 HP point】

【Gain: 1 HP point】


In the blink of an eye, the Qi and HP value increased by 30 points!

This made Qin Feng very excited.

"Apply it on your back, the effect is very strong"

"I applied it on my fingers and basically didn't feel much."

"Teacher Yin did this to let me experience the power of the medicine firsthand?"

This thought came to Qin Feng's mind.

At the same time, he remembered Yang Guangxu's action of swinging the branch.

His thoughts were like a disrupted Rubik's Cube.

Lights and shadows flashed in Qin Feng's mind.

The next second.

Qin Feng tightly grasped the Qinggang alloy shovel, his blood was agitated, and he swung it forward.


A muffled thunder echoed.

In front of him, a blood-colored lightning flashed, and it was fleeting.

""Teacher, Master's wife, I seem to have mastered the first level." Qin Feng looked at his hands, a little caught off guard.

Yang Guangxu and Yin Wan'er looked dazed.

《Blood Thunder Ninefold is a high-level martial art created by Yang Guangxu.

He knew how difficult it was to practice.

They gave Qin Feng a month to master it.

He only wanted to get started within a month!

But they never expected that after only a week, Qin Feng had already mastered the first level of Blood Thunder Ninefold.

"This is no longer a genius, but a monster.……"

Old man Yang subconsciously said what was in his heart, then reacted and snorted coldly:"It's just mastering the first level, what's there to be happy about, isn't it enough to have hands?"

Yin Wan'er secretly rolled her eyes at Yang Guangxu.

This old man is addicted to pretending!

But she didn't expose him and continued to apply the thunder and fire quenching fluid to Qin Feng.

It would be a pity not to cultivate such a good seedling!

"If...if our students were still alive, they would be very happy."Yang Guangxu seemed to remember something and murmured. Yin Wan'er froze and her eyes dimmed:"Old man, we agreed not to mention it again."

Qin Feng felt that the atmosphere was a little heavy.

He stood up, picked up the teapot, and poured tea for the two teachers.

On ordinary days, Yang Guangxu would not continue talking at this time.

But Qin Feng's sudden realization reminded him of the past, and his tone was full of unwillingness:"Sooner or later, I will go back to the grave and bring their bones back at the cost of my life. At least...let them rest in peace in their homeland."

A simple sentence, but it expressed endless sadness.

Can the students of the Ten Ancient Stones be bad?

Absolutely impossible!

They are definitely geniuses among geniuses.

It's just that those years were too difficult.

They could only build a wall with their flesh and blood to let Blue Star breathe!

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