Today is the 8th day since I came to the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House.

With the help of the Thunder Fire Quenching Fluid, Qin Feng's Qi and Blood Value successfully broke through the 700 mark.

This made the Yin-Yang teacher look at Qin Feng with a strange look, as if he was staring at a humanoid monster.

"Your blood value……"

As soon as Yang Guangxu opened his mouth, Qin Feng answered directly:"Thanks to the Master's wife's thunder and fire quenching fluid, Master's wife YYDS!"

Yin Wan'er chuckled.

She nodded at Qin Feng:"This is a good reason, and I will say it this way in the future."

Qin Feng raised his hand to salute, indicating that he understood.

He knew it in his heart.

The two teachers saw through his lies at a glance.

However, they never asked questions.

It was this trust that made Qin Feng very glad to be a student of the two teachers!

Leaving the manor.

Qin Feng walked on the streets of Wufu with a distressed expression.

He felt that the blood value was increasing too slowly!

If this idea was known to others, he would definitely be beaten to death in the street!

The genius students of the Imperial Capital Wufu are talented, practice hard, and have sufficient training resources. Under such circumstances, the blood value will only increase by two or three hundred points in a month.

Look at Qin Feng again.

In 8 days, the blood value increased by nearly 300!

He actually still thinks it is too slow!

(Author: It depends on whether he is the protagonist, otherwise I will write him to death!)

"The daily amount of Thunder Fire Quenching Fluid is limited"

"If you want to improve quickly, you still need to rely on points"

"How can I quickly earn points?"

As he was thinking, a bold idea flashed through Qin Feng's mind!


【Hey, I thought you were looking for a rich woman! Disappointment.jpg. 】

Qin Feng ignored the system.

Because he thought of a perfect candidate.

Guan Hongcai!

If Qin Feng has black fans, then he is definitely the leader of the black fans.

Lost 40 points.

His own brother was also turned against!

The hatred value is full!

"It's decided to be him."

"Let's go find Guan Tao to get some information first,"

Qin Feng turned around and strode towards the classroom


After class,

Qin Feng successfully obtained Guan Hongcai's information.

Guan Hongcai: Sophomore, Fighting Department, just entered the Warrior Realm not long ago, still in the familiarization stage, Qi and blood value is 1020~1040, A-level Monster Awakening: Dragon Blood Dragon Spear!

There is one more thing.

He is actually on the Warrior List.

But he is the last one.

""Guan Tao, your brother and I will have a fight in the end." Qin Feng stretched out his hand to catch the leaves falling in the wind, and sighed softly.

Guan Tao hurriedly stopped him:"My brother is a junior soldier, you are not his opponent, don't do it!"

He didn't expect Qin Feng to be so brave that he dared to challenge him across levels!

"A real man should face the bleak life, otherwise, he will never get over this hurdle."Qin Feng put his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky at a 45° angle.

Li Yuntao and others behind him took small notebooks and carefully wrote down what Qin Feng said.

PUA Golden Sentence +1

Seeing Qin Feng so determined, Guan Tao did not persuade him and said in a deep voice:"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

In his eyes, Qin Feng is a good brother who is brave enough to move forward and is willing to fight for his sister.

His brother can only cheat!

It is clear who he is helping!

"How can I be so embarrassed?"

Qin Feng sighed, and then said:"Lend me some points, twenty or thirty will be fine, your brother won't fight me without a reason."

"What are you borrowing? It's too formal!"

Guan Tao waved his hand and directly gave Qin Feng 20 points.

"Good brother!"

Qin Feng patted Guan Tao on the shoulder and turned away.

"Am I lying to the kids?"

"Definitely not. I am here to help Guan Hong return to the right path."

"That's right, I borrowed the points to do good deeds, not to return them."

Qin Feng instantly comforted himself and walked towards Baihua Manor with confidence.

Outside the villa, the master's wife was not there, and no one knew where she went.

Old man Yang was lying on a chair, fanning himself with a palm leaf fan, feeling very comfortable.

""Teacher, let me fan you."

Qin Feng grabbed the palm-leaf fan and fanned gently.

Although Yang Guangxu had no eyes, he knew what was going on. He said unhappily,"I don't have any points. It's useless to look for me."

Qin Feng's face darkened.

How was he discovered again?

Could it be that the teacher's awakened ability was the ability to hear the wind?

"Teacher, please lend me some points. If I win, I will not only return the full amount, but also give you a rebate."Qin Feng requested

"Do you want to gamble with Guan Hongcai?"

"You only have 700 HP, how can you fight?"

Yang Guangxu took back the palm leaf fan and fanned himself:"Don't lose all my points, or you will blame the family rules for being ruthless."

It is worth mentioning that the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy has a task department.

Students can earn points by completing tasks. However, freshmen are not allowed to take tasks at this stage. The reason is simple. Freshmen have just passed the Yifen period and need to settle down for a while. Therefore, Qin Feng cannot take tasks and can only think of other ways to get through this vacuum period.

"Teacher, you believe me!"

Qin Feng gritted his teeth and pulled out a large Qinggang alloy shovel:"If I lose, I will pawn this shovel and return your points."

Yang Guangxu immediately became interested and said with a smile:"Since you are so eager, the teacher will of course support you and lend you 100 points."

Qin Feng was ecstatic.

100 points are enough!

"If we win, we'll split it 50-50." Teacher Yang added.

Qin Feng's expression froze.

Just take half of the points?!

This is too dark!

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said,"Okay!"

Guan Tao borrowed 20 points.

The teacher gave 100 points.

If he really wins, Qin Feng will get the points for nothing!

He won't lose anything!


Arriving at the Resources Department,

Qin Feng looked at the 120 points on his student ID card with a struggling expression.

【Are you strengthening your teeth? I've been biting them all day.]

Qin Feng was too lazy to care about it and said softly,"Teacher, change two Boiling Blood Pills."

The teacher frowned and reminded,"Boiling Blood Pills will overdraw your blood and qi. You will feel tired for a few days after taking them. Don't use them unless it's a crisis.""

"The students know." Qin Feng nodded slightly.

40 points can be exchanged for two Boiling Blood Pills.

This is Qin Feng's confidence!

He looked at the Boiling Blood Pills and said to himself:"Sister, I finally lost to reality and was polluted by the world. I hope you can always remember that I was your white moonlight!"

【Come on, you just suppressed your nature before, but now that no one is watching you, you completely let yourself go.]

Qin Feng snorted in his heart.

Who cares!

"Let this drama begin!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath.

He took a big step and walked straight to the fighting department.


At this time, the sky was overcast.

There seemed to be a slight drizzle.

Outside the Fighting Department building,

Qin Feng walked towards the wind and rain step by step.

"Junior Qin Feng, come uninvited!"

"Please ask Senior Guan Hongcai to come out and fight!"

In the drizzling rain, Qin Feng's figure was as straight as a sword.

If you look closely... the phone in his trouser pocket is not locked, and there is a search record on it.

It seems to be: Begging Xiao Huohuo's pretentious quotes!

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