No one in the room spoke.

Not only the students, but even the instructors were completely confused.

A junior warrior was killed in seconds by a senior warrior?

And it was just a matter of a shovel?!


It was outrageous!

Guan Changsheng looked at Qin Feng from afar with a smile on his face.

"He is brave, resourceful, and ruthless. This guy is pretty good."He gave a high evaluation in his heart.

Not far away,

Old Man Yang jumped up excitedly.

Not only did Qin Feng win, but he also won the bet, which made him proud!

"I let you look down on my students, now you are embarrassed!" Old man Yang smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum.

The other old men looked embarrassed.

They all looked at Qin Feng with horror in their eyes.

"He did not take the Boiling Blood Pill, but he fully utilized its medicinal effect. How did he do that?"

"《"Nine Levels of Blood Thunder" The first level + Boiling Blood Pill + Charging Power. Fortunately, this kid intentionally held back, otherwise Guan Hongcai would have been dead!"

"Lao Yang, how did you teach?"

"He is only 18, he has a good understanding, and his training speed is fast, but his method is a bit dishonorable."

The other elders analyzed one by one.

Yang Guangxu sneered:"What do you mean by dishonorable? When warriors fight, winning or losing depends on their own ability. What's more, it didn't say that you can't take pills before the competition. He didn't say it before the fight, but he still said it after the fight. Isn't it cheap?"

"This child has penetrated my theory of warriors, and my school is not extinct yet!"

"He did the right thing, he did the right thing!"

He laughed.

As he laughed, he felt a sense of loneliness.

"Is this the reason why you use Xiaofeng as a bet?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Yang Guangxu's laughter disappeared instantly.

He quacked like a duck with its neck strangled.

Yin Wan'er appeared behind Yang Guangxu like a ghost, grabbed Yang Guangxu's neck with her hand, and sneered:"When I'm not around for a while, you get addicted to gambling again, okay!"

"It's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, it's Xiaofeng!"

Old Man Yang said hurriedly:"He insisted on gambling with Guan Hongcai, and I was forced……"

"Shut up!"


"I'll deal with you when we get home!"




In another corner,

Teacher Zhang was also looking at Qin Feng.

His face was dull, shocked, but more of it was relieved.

"I underestimated you."


At this moment, blood began to spurt out of Qin Feng's skin.

He looked like a punctured water ball, covered in blood. It was as scary as it could be.

But a smile appeared on his face.


""I succeeded in getting points without any effort!"

Qin Feng clenched his fists excitedly.

He spent 40 points and won 400 points.

After deducting all the costs, he made a huge profit!

This is a groundbreaking step!

Below the ring.

Li Yuntao, Xiao Ding and others looked at Qin Feng, shivering wildly.

"After paying such a huge price, he can still laugh so casually. Is this why he surpasses us?" Xiao Ding began to imagine

"The mission department will be opened in two days, he must be preparing for it in advance!"Li Yuntao was also thinking

"Qin Feng is extremely talented and he works so hard, we... are so embarrassed!" The cute and petite Wan Qian is also working on herself.

They sighed, and the shock in their hearts did not ease at all, but became even stronger.

Guan Hongcai was the last one on the Warrior List.

This is a list that only warriors can get on!

Now, Qin Feng has squeezed into the Warrior List with his high-level warrior cultivation.

This is simply unprecedented!

It is worth mentioning.

Students on the Warrior List can receive 50 points every month.

As long as you stay on the list, you will get it!

The higher you are, the more points you will get!

At the same time, students from the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House can receive 10 points for free every month.

In other words.

Qin Feng can now receive 60 points every month!

This is also a considerable gain!

In the dark.

The Lord of the House was also observing this side.

He looked at Qin Feng deeply and murmured:"Warriors enter the Warrior List……"

There were two more people behind the mansion master.

One stood respectfully, with a dignified demeanor, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a very charming middle-aged man.

The other was a monk wearing a cassock, with a scar on his head, twisting a Buddhist rosary, smiling, and looking kind and amiable.

The middle-aged man was named Deng Ling.

The monk was named Ananda.

Both were deputy masters of the Imperial Capital Wu Mansion!

"Deng Ling, what do you think?"

The mansion master had a head full of silver hair and deep eyes.

Deng Ling stared at Qin Feng for a long time, and finally said:"He has excellent talent, and his awakened superpowers are one in a billion. He is a promising talent."

"Ananda."The master asked again.

The monk said:"I like this boy. He has the potential to change the Wu Mansion, just like Changsheng."

"Wufu is very good, why should it change?"The master's eyes changed slightly.

Ananda looked at the master's back and sighed deeply:"Master, the status of our Wufu has declined sharply in recent years. Normally, Kongfu should reallocate resources, but we still occupy the majority."

"Other martial arts schools have long complained about this. If no reform is made, the imperial martial arts school will be criticized."

"I know you want to give your child room to grow."

"But will the tomb be given to you?"

The first three sentences did not enter the mind of the master.

The Imperial Capital Martial Arts House had fought for China.

It was natural for him to take this resource.

But the last sentence made him tremble in his heart.

"Ananda, if I die one day, you will be the next lord of the palace."The lord of the palace suddenly said.

Ananda was stunned.

Deng Ling's expression changed drastically.

They understood what this meant and could only nod silently.


Under the gaze of the crowd, Qin Feng walked down the stage.

The first person who ran over to congratulate him was none other than Guan Tao.

"This battle was won beautifully!"

"It’s a pity that you were too gentle!"

"If he could be beaten half-crippled, everything would be perfect."

As expected of Guan Hongcai's good brother, Guan Tao expressed deep 'regret' for Guan Hongcai as soon as he opened his mouth.

Qin Feng shook his head and smiled.

Just as he was about to speak, he felt a strong sense of dizziness.

It was the side effect of the Boiling Blood Pill!

When he was about to fall, Yin Wan'er appeared silently, grabbed him with one hand, and held Old Yang with the other hand, and disappeared in full view of everyone.

Back to Baihua Manor.

Qin Feng and Old Yang knelt on the ground, their faces full of innocence.

""Who is the mastermind!" Yin Wan'er shouted coldly.

Qin Feng and Yang Guangxu pointed at each other and spoke almost at the same time:"Him!"

"Shut up!"

"The old one is not decent, and the young one is not learning well!"

Yin Wan'er said coldly:"The mission department will be opened in two days, and then the instructor will take the students to wipe out the cult members. I wonder how you will go with your appearance!"

Qin Feng's face was full of grievance.

I have no choice.

The blood value is increasing too slowly.

The right way is not easy to take, so I can only take the crooked way!

Besides, haven't I won!

But Qin Feng is a good person with one thing: he admits his weakness.

He said directly:"Master's wife, I know I was wrong." He knelt down at the speed of light!

Yin Wan'er's complexion was much better at this time, and she said in a relaxed tone:"I will prepare the medicine later to replenish the blood and qi lost by the Boiling Blood Pill. As for the body, it will recover slowly at that time."

"I don't know where you get the ruthlessness from. With two Boiling Blood Pills, are you really not afraid of burning out all your blood?"

The master's wife glared at Qin Feng, feeling very disappointed.

Qin Feng whispered,"If I am not ruthless, when will my sister be able to stand up?" The

Yin-Yang teacher's eyes condensed.

Especially Yin Wan'er.

Her expression softened and she sighed,"Don't do this in the future."


Qin Feng responded with a smile, secretly adding a word in his heart:"Really?"

This really wasn't Qin Feng being rebellious.

If you want to blame someone, blame those points for being too good!

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