The sun was rising.

Qin Feng walked out of the Hundred Flowers Garden refreshed.

Yin Wan'er's medicine was very effective.

In just one night, Qin Feng recovered almost everything.

He went straight to the Resources Department, waved his hand, and said generously:"Teacher, give me 15 Wolf Blood Pills!" He defeated Guan Hongcai and won 400 points.

Together with the original 80 points, the total is 480.

200 points will be returned to Teacher Yang.

100 points will be returned to the principal.

20 points will be returned to Guan Tao, and another 10 points will be returned.

People are willing to lend, that's generous.

Qin Feng can't let them suffer.

What's more, they also provided information!

It's reasonable.

This is what Qin Feng should do.

All in all, Qin Feng made a net profit of 150 points.

"I worked so hard to kill Guan Hongcai, and I only earned this little bit. You evil capital, I will remember you, and I will definitely get it back in the future!" Qin Feng secretly complained in his heart

【You curse capital with your mouth, but you want to become capital in your heart. Ha, man!

Qin Feng was not happy when he heard this.

He was just about to have a good fight with the system when a flash of inspiration suddenly came to his mind.

"Teacher, does the Resources Department have anything that others don't want?" Qin Feng looked at the teacher in the Resources Department, who looked harmless.

The teacher in the Resources Department was a little confused. What does this mean


"For example, if someone retrieves a weapon from a tomb, can they sell it to you?" Qin Feng said it another way.

The teacher from the Resources Department suddenly realized and nodded,"Yes, but the price won't be too high. For example, your Qinggang alloy shovel, grade 2, requires 400 points to exchange at Wu Mansion, and 5 points to recycle it. If the quality is good, you can add a few more points."


Qin Feng cursed in his heart,"What a black-hearted Wu Mansion, a bunch of profiteers!"

"Are you scolding me?"

The teacher from the resources department suddenly laughed.

Qin Feng's heart skipped a beat.

These old guys... ahem, these respectable and lovely big guys can actually hear my voice?

Qin Feng immediately changed the subject:"Can you sell me a few unwanted 2nd grade armors?"

"What do you want these for?"

"If the armor is damaged, it is waste."

The resource department teacher is getting more and more confused.

"I like to collect weird things."

Qin Feng made up an excuse and said,"I want the armor picked up from the tomb monsters, the ancients, and the spirits."

The resource teacher nodded.

He didn't doubt it.

It's normal for students to have some weird hobbies.

There are even weirder ones!

(I can't elaborate on this!)

After rummaging through the boxes, he took out 4 pieces of armor.

Qin Feng was about to reach out to take it, but the resource teacher grinned and said,"20 points"

"These armors are all lying around in the corner, isn't 20 points a bit too expensive?" Qin Feng blinked, trying to play the victim.

"Turn right and see you later."

The resource department teacher didn't buy it at all and put away his armor.


"I want it!"

Qin Feng returned the two wolf blood pills with tears in his eyes.

He carried four bags and glared at the teacher from the resources department before leaving. He said viciously:"When I earn points, I will come back at least. If you just look at them but don't buy anything, you will be so greedy!"

"I'm afraid you don't have this opportunity."

The teacher smiled and said,"In a few days, I will go to the grave and may never come back."

Qin Feng was stunned.

Not coming back is a euphemism.

The real subtext is: I can't come back.

He straightened his face and saluted to the teacher with his fists:"I hope the teacher will prosper in martial arts!"

"I appreciate your good words."

The teacher looked at Qin Feng and smiled.

His smile was free and easy.


Coming to a corner,

Qin Feng began the renovation work.

The first piece of armor was a chain mail, rusty.

After extraction... it was gone.

Because only rust was left!

The second and third pieces of armor were made of animal bones, very hard.

After extraction... well, they were gone too.

Because they were all bone residue!

""Will he lose all his money?"

Qin Feng was a little confused.

20 points, not too much, not too little.

He was not so arrogant as to squander it at will!

【Extraction successful!】

【The rust has been removed】

【[Obtained: 2nd Grade Spiritual Leaf Armor]

Qin Feng was delighted.

The bet was right!

In the past few days in the Wu Mansion, in addition to improving his Qi and blood value, Qin Feng also made great progress in knowledge. The

Spiritual Leaf Armor is the close-fitting armor of the Tomb Pit Spirit Tribe. Once put on, it will adjust according to the wearer's body shape. It is waterproof, fireproof, poisonous, and electric, etc. It has a wide range of applications.

"This way, we will be safe when we go out!"

Qin Feng looked at the spiritual leaf armor, and the more he looked, the happier he became.

The mission was to eliminate the cult members.

For Qin Feng, this was not only a test, but also a great opportunity to improve his blood value.

Relatively speaking, the degree of danger was also extremely high.

With the protection of the spiritual leaf armor, Qin Feng had room to operate!


In the daily class,

Qin Feng has become a celebrity.

He broke through the freshman barrier!

He instantly killed the warriors!

He squeezed into the warrior list!

These three things completely convinced all the freshmen.

Qin Feng himself didn't feel much.

At this moment, he was checking the attribute panel.

【Name: Qin Feng】

【HP: 767】

【Realm: Advanced Warrior】

【Talents: Unlimited Extraction (SSS), Earth Fusion (D-rank Superhuman), Power Storage (C-rank Superhuman)】

【Martial Arts: Nine-Layer Blood Thunder (First Layer)]

After extracting the Wolf Blood Pill, the Qi and Blood Value is about to break through 800.

The Warrior Realm is not far away!

While thinking, three instructors walked into the classroom, two men and one woman.

"The way of the warrior is to kill"

"The Imperial Capital Martial Arts Palace doesn’t need warriors who don’t shed blood!"

"You must obey orders when you go out. Those who violate the orders will bear the consequences at their own risk!"

One of the male instructors was Huang Zhong from the Fighting Department. He looked straight at everyone and spoke in a sonorous and powerful voice.

The freshmen suddenly felt the pressure coming.

They were all flowers that grew up in a greenhouse.

The word"killing" was too unfamiliar.

Many people were so nervous that their palms were sweating and their legs were shaking.

The female instructor smiled and said,"Don't be nervous. As long as you are careful, your life will not be in danger."

"Our Imperial Capital Martial Arts School is not the only one going out this time. The Youzhou Martial Arts School will also participate."

"Qin Feng, you will be the captain."


All the students turned their heads and looked at Qin Feng who was confused.

"I didn't say I was willing to be the captain." Qin Feng muttered.

Huang Zhong glanced at him and said,"After the captain comes back, he will get an extra 10 points."

"I am happy to serve my classmates." Qin Feng immediately showed his signature simple smile.

Li Yuntao and others had complicated expressions.

With Qin Feng's ability, he was more than qualified to be the captain.

But... would he really not lead the whole team astray?

"Qin Feng, count the number of people"

""2pm, set off on time and rush to Huidu!" Huang Zhong ordered.

Everyone stood up and shouted in unison:"Yes!"

A total of 50 freshmen were dispatched to eliminate the cult members this time.

These people were specially selected.

Students with weak strength will continue to stay in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy and participate in some non-dangerous tasks.

Among the 50 people, there are 25 high-level warriors.

This lineup can be entangled even if they encounter the primary warrior realm.

The remaining 25 people are all middle-level warriors.

They are about to break through, and their strength is not weak.

""Why don't I see Dou Meiyu and Wan Qian?" Qin Feng asked casually.

Zhao Xiaoqi smiled and said,"They have their mentors to arrange tasks for them, so we don't need to worry too much."

Qin Feng said"oh". But he remembered this detail in his heart!

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