Baihua Manor.

Qin Feng is saying goodbye to the two teachers.

"Be careful, don't underestimate anyone."

"There are countless geniuses who have died at the hands of evil cults, and almost all of them were due to carelessness."

Teacher Yang and Teacher Yin stared at Qin Feng and gave him earnest advice.

They didn't want their good students to die at the hands of evil cults.

Anyone would feel sorry for the saplings being cut off before they grow up.

Qin Feng understood this and nodded,"Okay, teacher, and my wife,"

"Go ahead"

"Have a good trip."

The two old people had nothing to say and waved their hands and left.

After leaving the villa, Qin Feng took out his mobile phone and clicked on his sister's profile picture.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds... the video was connected!

Qin Xue was in good spirits. The moment she saw her brother, she showed a sunny and lovely smile.

""Brother!" she shouted happily.

With this shout, Qin Feng's tiredness of the past few days was instantly swept away, and he couldn't help but smile.

He squatted outside the villa and said with a smile:"Xiaoxue, are you feeling better? I'm doing well here. I've recognized two teachers. By the way, let me introduce them to you."

Qin Feng was about to leave, but then turned back to the villa.

When the two saw the lovely and beautiful Qin Xue, they all showed kind and gentle smiles.

"Hello, Grandpa and Grandma. Please take care of my brother." Qin Xue blinked her big black eyes, speaking in a sweet and sensible voice.

Teacher Yin smiled even more happily and nodded:"Don't worry, Xiaoxue."

Teacher Yang muttered on the side.

Are they really siblings?

The sister is so sensible.

But the brother is full of bad intentions!

After a round of greetings, Qin Feng said goodbye to the two teachers again.

He looked at Qin Xue reluctantly:"Brother has to go out for a while and train with the instructor. You have to be good over there."

"Come on, brother!" Qin Xue waved her pink fist

"When you feel better, I will take you to the zoo." Qin Feng said with a smile.

The call ended.

Qin Feng was like a fully charged mobile phone, full of energy!

It was 1 o'clock.

The students and teachers going to Huidu boarded the bus.

"Let’s see who has killed more cult members!"

"Li Yuntao, you'd better pray that the venue is wide, otherwise your Yunhai Liema won't be able to run away!"

"The cult members are just a bunch of trash. They will be laughing even if they die because we S-level awakeners can fight them!"

Most of the freshmen were fighting for the first time. They were very excited in the car.

They were very presumptuous and arrogant, and didn't take the cult members seriously at all.

"Shut up!"

At this time, Huang Zhong suddenly shouted.

The atmosphere in the car instantly dropped to freezing point.

"A lion needs to use all its strength to fight a rabbit!"

"A bunch of rookies dare to look down on others, they don’t know how to live or die!"

"There are so many geniuses who die in the crackdown on cult members every year that they cannot be counted. What's so great about your pride?"

"If you don't want to die, be serious!"

Huang Zhong wasn't a bad-tempered guy.

He just wanted to give these little guys a little more hope of survival.

However, Li Yuntao and Xiao Ding, geniuses from warrior families, didn't say anything, but their eyes were still disdainful.

Qin Feng shook his head.

Many people might die on this trip!

"Mr. Huang, how do you calculate the points?"He asked.

Huang Zhong said:"Cut off the left ear as evidence, the beginner warrior is 1 point, the intermediate warrior is 5 points, the advanced warrior is 10 points, and the beginner warrior is 20 points."

"Of course, you can get 10 points for completing the task, which means you will get at least one pill."

Qin Feng captured the key information and continued,"So, there will be cult members at the primary warrior level?"

"I can't give an accurate answer to this."

Huang Zhong's tone was meaningful:"It's difficult for flowers in a greenhouse to grow. Sometimes they need some external stimulation."

After he finished speaking, the car became even quieter.

Elementary warrior realm!

And he's a member of a cult!

That must be a huge pressure!

Of course.

Qin Feng is an exception.

This time, his original intention was to increase his blood value!

Naturally, the stronger the opponent, the better!

"I have to do more tasks."

"Staying in Wufu, the improvement is too slow."

As Qin Feng muttered, the bus drove into the highway and headed straight to Huidu.


Huidu is a second-tier city with a large population and a bustling bustle of people.

The bus slowly stopped.

50 freshmen and 3 tutors stood in front of the hotel.

"Teacher Huang Zhong, you are finally here."

A hearty laugh came.

A middle-aged man walked out of the hotel.

Huang Zhong walked up quickly and said with a smile:"Teacher Liang Guoan, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

"No, we just arrived not long ago." Liang Guoan greeted.

At this time, Qin Feng saw a group of students in the hotel.

The leader was quite outstanding.

The man was tall and strong, with a pair of eyes as bright as stars, standing there like a unicorn in the abyss.

His name was Lu Chao. He was the captain of Youzhou Wufu.

SSS-level monster awakening, elementary warrior realm. He was a celebrity in Youzhou Wufu.

As the captain, Qin Feng led the students to step forward, clasped his fists and said:"Imperial Capital freshman, Qin Feng."

Lu Chao also smiled and replied:"Youzhou sophomore, Lu Chao."

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.


Didn't it mean freshman?

"The situation has changed a bit, so Wufu specially transferred me here." Lu Chao saw Qin Feng's confusion and explained immediately.

Qin Feng asked:"Does the other party have a primary warrior level?"

"The preliminary judgment is that there are two, and we need to investigate the exact number."Lu Chao nodded.

Qin Feng glanced at Youzhou Wufu, feeling a little heavy.

There are only seven or eight students who are high-level warriors in Youzhou Wufu, and the rest are either middle-level warriors or elementary warriors.

The teaching staff is not at the same level at all!

No wonder they want to let the sophomore seniors join!

"Senior Lu, I suggest that students from both governments cooperate to reduce casualties and minimize them.���How about it?" Qin Feng hesitated for a while and took the initiative to propose.

Lu Chao's eyes lit up and he smiled and said,"That's what I meant!"

On the side, Huang Zhong and Liang Guoan looked at each other and nodded with satisfaction.

These two captains are very good.

They have clear minds and take the overall situation into consideration.

The key is that they will not be ruthless and brave.

This undoubtedly greatly reduces the risk

"No need to go through so much trouble, just say a few words and it will be done."Li Yuntao rested his hands on his head, looking nonchalant.

Hearing this, Qin Feng turned his head with a smile and said,"If you keep talking nonsense, I will let you drink as much rhubarb water as you can."

Li Yuntao shuddered.

Even Xiao Ding and others behind him lowered their heads and shut up instantly.

Brother, I was wrong!

I spoke a little too loudly just now!

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