Inside the hotel.

New students from the two prefectures gathered together

"According to intelligence, members of the Tianmo Cult are hiding in this abandoned steel plant."

"There are residents around, and the living environment is complicated. It is best to complete the investigation within 12 hours and kill as soon as possible."

"The longer the time is, the more civilians will be bewitched by the Heavenly Demon Cult."

Lu Chao pointed to an aerial view.

It was the destination of this trip.

The Heavenly Demon Cult is rampant in the Dragon Country of China.

They are not as vicious as the Blood Cult, which targets Chinese talents everywhere, but extends its claws to civilians.

The Heavenly Demon Cult believes that the emergence of the tomb pit is a blessing for Blue Star.

China's deliberate obstruction is against the will of heaven!

So they widely publicize the purpose of a certain tribe in the tomb pit, warning the world that the real God is about to come!

Over the years, more and more people have been bewitched.

Now it has become a big problem.

Qin Feng looked at the map and whispered:"Senior Lu, I suggest sending people to investigate around the steel plant to avoid surveillance and avoid alerting the snake."

"OK, anything else to add?"Lu Chao nodded.

"The first thing is the safety of the people. We cannot rush in all at once. We need to place people around to prevent the cult members from escaping in the chaos. We can kill them if necessary."

"When the investigation is almost done, we will launch a surprise attack in the middle of the night. Attack is often most effective when they are most tired."

Qin Feng expressed his thoughts.

Upon hearing this, all the teachers nodded secretly.

Cut off the retreat first, then cut off the source.

This method is very comprehensive.

""This Qin Feng is pretty good," Liang Guoan praised.

Huang Zhong smiled bitterly,"He's pretty good, but his brain circuits are a little weird and can't be understood by common sense.""

"Do you mean the big yellow water, or the one that chopped Guan Hong off with a shovel?" Liang Guoan chuckled.

Obviously, Qin Feng's fame is not only in the Imperial Capital Wufu.

There are already many rumors in the world!

After getting familiar with the map, Qin Feng and Lu Chao began to arrange the personnel.

Wear the communicator and place the whistle. The action begins!


Steel plant.

As Qin Feng expected, every once in a while someone would come out of the dark alley and climb over the wall to enter the factory.

This scene was seen by the two martial arts masters.

"Preliminary investigation shows that there are 3 soldiers in the"

"There are about 15 high-level warriors, nearly 20 middle-level warriors, about 50 beginner warriors, and some inferior ones."

"We have already locked on to the cult member in charge of surveillance."

There are two people in charge of investigation.

One is Wang Ying, from Youzhou Wufu.

The other is Zhao Xiaoqi.

Hearing this, Qin Feng and Lu Chao looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"At 3 o'clock in the morning, raid on the steel plant!"

"Don't reveal your whereabouts now, take a short break."

The two captains gave their orders.

Soon, they got the information from the Zhan Mansion.

The three warriors are:

Qi Yi: 35 years old, male, from Yangcheng, wanted for killing his wife and children, elementary warrior, B-level elemental system: Shadow Warrior...

Lei Weng: 38 years old, male, from the imperial capital, burned many buildings after drinking, and later joined the Tianmo Sect. Two years ago, he was already an elementary warrior, A-level superman system: Spring Man... Leng Chun

: 29 years old, female, from Lunan, used her own ability to devour the blood of more than a hundred people, elementary warrior, C-level monster system: Vampire Sunflower...

After reading the information, Lu Chao said softly:"Leave Lei Weng to me, I will go to help you after I get rid of him."

""Okay." Qin Feng did not refuse.

According to Lei Weng's information, he was a primary warrior two years ago, and now he is very likely to be a mid-level warrior.

This person is very dangerous. It is most appropriate for Lu Chao to deal with him.

Because it is an outbound mission, mentors such as Huang Zhong and Liang Guoan generally do not participate unless the students are in danger of their lives.

However, they cannot guarantee the safety of everyone.

The battle is changing rapidly.

They are not gods and cannot take care of everything.

Time passed, and night gradually fell.

Soon it was late at night.

The students of the two major martial arts schools opened their eyes at this moment.

The rest is over, ready for battle!

""Get rid of the cult sentinels first." Qin Feng whispered.

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure moved in the dark.

Not long after, a very low muffled sound came from the communicator.

"Mission accomplished."

Hearing the reply, Qin Feng and Lu Chao waved at the same time.

A group of people quietly entered the steel plant.

They did not alert the enemy.

Every time they passed an area, they would stealthily assassinate.

Xiao Ding was seen holding the Overlord Spear in his hand, silently locking onto a cult member.


The tip of the spear pierced the man's chest, but failed to pierce his throat.

Xiao Ding's face changed.

It's over!

Seeing that the cult member was about to shout, Li Yuntao clenched his five fingers and blasted out!

In an instant, the man's head exploded like a watermelon.

Thick blood splashed, staining the clothes of many students red. They turned pale and couldn't help retching.


Another cult member heard the retching sound.

Just as he opened his mouth, a figure appeared behind him and broke his neck.

It was Qin Feng!

He had expected this scene and touched the back in advance.

A group of freshmen looked at Qin Feng with apologies.

Especially Xiao Ding.

Qin Feng was not angry about this.

As a captain, it is important to encourage the team members instead of scolding them blindly.


He decisively raised two middle fingers!


Youzhou Wufu also made the same mistake.

The difference is that Lu Chao failed to make a good backup.

The cult members were alarmed.

The whole steel plant suddenly became noisy.

"The two governments cooperate to kill the cult!"

""Don't act on impulse!"

Helplessly, the two captains could only launch a surprise attack.

Lu Chao rushed to the third floor first.

He was responsible for killing Lei Weng.

Qin Feng, holding a large shovel made of Qinggang alloy, rushed directly to the stairs.

The warrior realm is very dangerous.

He must take the lead!


"Die for me!"

Soon, the steel mill fell into chaos, with roars of killing.

With Qin Feng's strength, he was enough to kill a high-level warrior in seconds.

《Blood Thunder Ninth Layer exploded instantly.

The blood-colored lightning tore the outer garment of the night apart.

A high-level warrior was struck on the spot, his weapon broke, and half of his body was cut off, and he died miserably.

"Join forces to kill him!"

Three high-level warriors rushed over. Their special powers were unleashed, and their martial arts burst out, completely blocking Qin Feng.

Qin Feng didn't care about that.

Blood gushed out, and lightning flashed!

One force defeated ten skills!

The faces of the three high-level warriors changed in shock.

Before they could react, they were cut in half in an instant!

In terms of strength, Qin Feng's blood value was close to 800.

In terms of weapons, the blue steel alloy shovel ranked second grade.

In terms of martial arts,"Blood Thunder Nine Layers" was even more advanced in the earth rank.

This battle was destined to be a crushing victory!

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 15 HP points】

【Gain: 15 HP points】

【Gain: 15 HP points】

【Obtain: 15 points of Qi and Blood]

The Qi and Blood value soared rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it broke through the 800 mark!

But before Qin Feng could secretly rejoice, a strong wind swept behind him.

He subconsciously dodged to the side.


A few strands of black hair were cut off.

The Warrior Realm is here!

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