Qin Feng retreated to the stairs and stopped.

When he looked up, he saw a black shadow standing on the second floor. It looked like a human, holding a shadow sword in his hand, and slowly disappeared.

"Qi Yi, the shadow warrior.

Qin Feng made a judgment in an instant.

He began to stimulate the blood and blood, pumping the blood into the heart, compressing it like a water pump.

He began to accumulate power!

"The government's lackey, the society's running dog!"

Qi Yi walked out slowly from the darkness.

He was about middle-aged, with a beard and a look of resentment.

Qin Feng sneered:"An anti-human beast is also qualified to say such things? The world has really changed!"

"This world is hopeless. Only by introducing new races can mankind have a future."Qi Yi said coldly, holding the dagger in his hand.

Qin Feng deliberately frowned:"What do you mean by that?"

He didn't care about wasting time.

The longer time drags on, the stronger the power will be.

Now Qin Feng has gradually mastered the power accumulation, and can accumulate about 100 blood points. The burst of"Blood Thunder Nine Layers" is 150 blood points, a total increase of 250.

His current blood value is 837.

In the case of full attack, the explosive power exceeds the 1000 mark.

It is close to the combat power of the primary warrior realm!

"The world needs to be recalibrated, and you are the victims."Qi Yi shouted coldly.

He took a step forward, and a shadow swept across the surface of his body, condensing into a shadow warrior holding a long sword.

One on the left and one on the right, attacking!

Qin Feng did not retreat, but took the initiative to attack, waving the Qinggang alloy shovel!


The shadow sword of the shadow warrior trembled, and it was about to collapse.

Qi Yi's face changed slightly, but he still gritted his teeth and waved the dagger, piercing Qin Feng's abdomen!

In response, Qin Feng sneered.

He did not dodge, but let the dagger pierce into his clothes.


Qi Yi did not feel the friction of the dagger piercing into the flesh, but was blocked by a very soft force.

It was like a punch on cotton, with no force at all!

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Qin Feng sneered even more.

Spiritual Leaf Armor, meritorious!

He finished charging and swung the shovel with all his strength.

The bloody thunder cut through the night and also cut Qi Yi's neck.

A bloody head fell to the ground silently.

Elementary Warrior Realm, one move to kill!

【Extraction successful!】

【[Get: 30 points of Qi and Blood]

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, he has to be a warrior!

The Qi and Blood value is awesome!

Outside the steel plant.

The fighting was equally fierce.

One by one, the followers of the Heavenly Demon Sect were beheaded.

Similarly, students also suffered casualties.

This kind of thing is inevitable.

Where there is fighting, there is fighting, and there is even more death!

Qin Feng didn't have time to care about these.

He went up to the second floor.

There were already students besieging the second elementary warrior, Leng Chun!

Leng Chun was not beautiful, but she had an explosive figure. Her hair covered half of her face, like a crazy woman. There was also a strange plant as tall as an adult next to her.

The plant was blood red all over and shaped like a sunflower. It kept swaying and easily resisted the attacks of Li Yuntao and others.

Puff puff puff!

Then, the vampire sunflower spit out seeds similar to sunflower seeds and pierced into the new body.

Strands of Qi and blood were swallowed.

The sunflower seeds turned red and returned to the vampire sunflower.

Leng Chun's breath became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye!

""Looking for death!"

Li Yuntao was angry.

He rode on the Yunhai Fiery Horse, and with a neigh, rolling clouds and mist spread out, trying to wrap up Leng Chun.

Leng Chun was not afraid, but laughed at him:"A bunch of little brats, with powerful superpowers, but they don't know how to use them at all!" The vampire sunflower shot out sunflower seeds again.

Some freshmen were blocked by the clouds and mist, and they had no time to dodge.

Soon, they felt a wave of fatigue.

It was a symptom of excessive blood loss!

Li Yuntao and his men panicked.

Their offensive was taken advantage of by the opponent.

If it dragged on like this, they might be wiped out!

At the same time.

Qin Feng crouched and silently touched behind Leng Chun.

He was confident that he could kill Leng Chun head-on.

So, he chose to sneak attack.

【Xue'er's white moonlight is a sixth child. Will she drop her little pearl when she knows the truth? 】

The system's complaints made Qin Feng speechless.

Don't jump out at this time, you are busy!

At this time, Zhao Xiaoqi found Qin Feng.

The two looked at each other and nodded tacitly.

""Foamy rain!"

Zhao Xiaoqi shouted, and a large number of soap bubbles were sprayed out from his hands, covering Leng Chun and the vampire sunflower, blocking their sight.

Leng Chun licked her red lips and sneered,"Another idiot, I don't have time to play house with you!"

Just after she finished speaking, Lao 6... No, it was Qin Feng who made a move!

He held the shovel with both hands, and his blood and qi burst out like a water pump, and when he swung it, there were bursts of thunderous sounds!

Leng Chun was shocked.

She didn't have time to dodge, and immediately let the vampire sunflower resist!


Qin Feng shouted in a low voice.

The shovel changed from a downward chop to a diagonal chop, bypassing the vampire sunflower and forcibly chopping off Leng Chun's hands and feet. Blood gushed out.

""Besiege the vampire sunflower!"

Qin Feng succeeded in one strike and shouted hurriedly.

At this time, Li Yuntao and others finally reacted and rushed forward.

In a few seconds, the vampire sunflower was chopped into pieces and turned into a ray of light and returned to Leng Chun's body.

""A lackey, a lackey of the government!" She said bitterly.

Qin Feng clicked his tongue and shook his head:"It turns out to be a fairy with the attribute of a repeater."

The shovel smashed down, crushing her throat and cutting off her ear.

Li Yuntao and the others saw this scene and their eyes widened.

Qin Feng smiled and said:"These are all small scenes. You will get used to them after seeing them too many times."

Everyone's mouth twitched.

Do we care about this?

We have been fighting for so long, and you are secretly picking peaches!


"No, if this continues, we will only be making things easier for Qin Feng!"Li Yuntao and Xiao Ding realized it later and turned around and roared to kill the high-level warriors of the Demon Sect.

【Extraction successful!】

【[Get: 30 points of Qi and Health]

Qin Feng had just withdrawn his palm.

Suddenly, there was a fierce fight coming from the rooftop.

Crash-- the ceiling shattered.

A figure fell down, it was Lei Weng!

His Qi and blood were blooming all over his body, like a steam engine in motion, extremely hot.

Lei Weng's hands and feet were like springs, and his fists were wearing steel gloves, but they were slightly damaged and dented.

"Leng Chun! ?"

Lei Weng saw that Leng Chun was dead, and immediately roared like a beast.

With a bang!

Lei Weng's spring legs exerted force, and he turned into a human cannonball and rushed towards Qin Feng like crazy.

The next moment.

The wall on the second floor of the steel plant exploded.

Two figures flew out of it.

It was Qin Feng and Lei Weng.

They chased down from the sky and landed in an open space in the distance.

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