(There are no knives in this book, and the teachers are not dead. Everything is a deeper layout, so you can read it with confidence. This chapter is a transitional plot, indicating that Qin Feng is officially on the road to becoming a great devil who buries people!)

A war broke out in the imperial capital's tomb?!

Countless casualties?!

Qin Feng's mind froze when he heard these words.

Going out to eliminate cult members was bloody enough.

It's hard to imagine how tragic the tomb war would be!

At this time, more than a dozen people returned from outside.

They were seriously injured and brought back dozens of corpses.

One of them was the teacher from the resources department who had chatted with Qin Feng before. His body was no longer in human form, and his identity could only be barely determined from half of his face. The body was already cold.


Qin Feng lowered his head in silence.

He recalled the smiling face of the teacher that day.

It turned out that human life is really fragile.

There are not only instructors, but also many students' bodies. None of them are intact and broken.

Li Yuntao and others are pale.

These are all senior brothers and sisters.

Some of them have met several times and have a harmonious relationship.

Now, they are here.

It's just that they can't speak.



The atmosphere of sorrow continues to erode everyone's mind.

With a bang!

Suddenly, a majestic momentum came from inside the Wu Mansion, like a man of the mountains, with the scorching sun on his head, appearing at the gate of the Wu Mansion.

It was the Lord of the Mansion!

The Lord of the Mansion stared at the dead instructors and students, murderous intent emanating from his body, but his voice was surprisingly calm:"Who did it?"

"It’s the Corpse Garden!"

"They suddenly launched an attack, and the zombies came out of their nest!"

"In addition to the siege, they also attacked our city!"

The surviving teacher gritted his teeth and growled.

The master took a deep breath.

A door appeared above his head, and pure power spread out, pouring into the bodies of the injured teachers and students one by one.

""Palace Master!"

Huang Zhong and others immediately stopped him. But the Palace Master ignored them and waited until the wounds of these people recovered. Then he said,"Bury them properly. Sooner or later, we will use the corpses in the Crazy Corpse Garden as a memorial."

The teachers and students choked up and nodded.

Then, the Palace Master's robe moved without wind, and his feet rose into the air, like a supreme ruler above heaven and earth.

"Children, please remember the sorrow and pain of this day!"

"Sooner or later you will enter the grave, sooner or later you will have to go through the trials of blood and fire!"

"Practice well, don't let their sacrifice go to waste!"

The mansion master couldn't help but speak in a voice full of sorrow and anger.

The whole mansion was silent.

There is no such thing as a perfect life in this world, but there are people who are carrying the burden and moving forward!

They are this group of retrogrades!

"well said!"

"It's time to give the little guys some motivation!"

At this time, ten people floated out of the mansion.

They all had white hair and silver threads, or were disabled, or had no limbs.

But even such a group of old guys, all of them had firm eyes.

Many people were shocked.

These ten people were the ten ancient stones of the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion.

At this moment, all of them stood out.

The master of the mansion glanced at them and couldn't help laughing:"My ten brothers and sisters, do you really want to go down with me?"

"I don't have much time to live. If you hadn't taken the initiative to instill vitality into me, the grass on my grave would be three feet high."

"I would rather die on the battlefield than die in depression on a sickbed!"

"I am willing to die if I can fight with you guys!"

Decades of cold blood, but at this moment it was as hot as the sun.

Qin Feng squeezed through the crowd with a look of horror on his face, staring blankly at the Yin-Yang teacher standing next to the mansion master.

He didn't understand.

He had struggled for most of his life, and he had to rush forward even in his last years?

You can enjoy a peaceful life in the back! You are also qualified!

But, why!

Qin Feng was very confused and distressed, staring at the two teachers without blinking.

"You old thing, didn’t you say you were against my educational policy?" The mansion master looked at Yang Guangxu and raised his eyebrows.

Yang Guangxu said unhappily:"Stingy guy, I told you to remember me for more than ten years, so, do you want to die before me?"

The mansion master laughed.

Then, he turned around and shouted:"All teachers and students!"


At this moment, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House was united in one heart and shouted in unison :

"Practice well!"

"Don't let anger get to your head!"

"As long as you are here, there is hope!"

"You must hold on, and only by holding on to the end can you become a god!"

His voice was filled with reluctance and tenacity.

Finally, the Palace Master looked at Ananda and said,"Wu Mansion is in your hands."


Ananda put his hands together in the air and bowed deeply.

"Fake monk, please take care of Qin Feng as well, I'm afraid he will do something weird." Yang Guangxu and Yin Wan'er also sent a message.

Ananda nodded slightly.

He glanced at Qin Feng below with a deep gaze.

Suddenly, an old man with broken hands and feet laughed wildly:"The flowers in the hall make three thousand guests drunk, and the sword makes fourteen states cold!"

"If you only know how to die for your country on the battlefield, why should you return wrapped in horsehide?"Yang Guangxu also let out a long roar


The ten elders and the mansion master laughed heartily.

This scene deeply shocked Qin Feng and the freshmen.

Why were they so calm in the face of danger? It was like... they were going to die calmly!

Heroic and tragic!

"" Go!"

The palace lord restrained his expression and shouted softly.

Eleven people broke through the air and flew away.

There was a sonic boom and they disappeared in an instant!

Deputy Palace Lord Deng Ling stood in the air and shouted:"May your military fortune prosper!"

"May your military fortune flourish!" All the teachers and students echoed.

Looking at Qin Feng again, he still had a feeling of unreality.

Did the two teachers go down to the grave?

Just now?

An indescribable mourning came over him.

He was suddenly a little scared. He dared not leave alone. He just stood at the gate of the Wu Mansion.

That day, Qin Feng did not practice. He stood there like a pine tree, looking into the distance.

If the mansion master and the teachers came back, he would be the first to see them.

And... he could tell the two teachers that he was about to enter the warrior realm.

The two teachers would definitely be happy.

"Go back, don't forget what the mansion master said."Huang Zhong saw Qin Feng's appearance and couldn't help but dissuade him.

Qin Feng did not respond, and murmured:"Teacher Huang, will we win?"

"Yes, we have always been able to keep the enemy out, and we can do it this time too!"Huang Zhong nodded heavily.

Qin Feng still did not move.

For the first time, he felt that the night was so deep.

It covered his eyes and also covered his hope.

The next morning.

The distant horizon should have been lit up with light golden clouds, but at this moment it was rendered scarlet.

"The suppression of the Imperial Capital Tomb Pit is over!"

A shout spread throughout the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion.

Qin Feng's heart was shocked!

The eyes of all the teachers and students in the school trembled!

This voice was very unfamiliar.

It did not come from the departing lord of the mansion, but from the governor of the War Mansion!

The old man who was full of vigor and vitality yesterday, now lost his elegance, was carried into the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion by two people.

He resisted two War Honor Realm Tomb Pit strongmen alone.

Flesh and blood collapsed, seriously injured and unconscious.

The Ten Ancient Stones suffered even more tragic casualties!

Liu Yudong : Fighting the War Emperor Realm Tomb Pit strongmen to death, after being captured, he would rather die than surrender, and committed suicide!

Kou Heshan: Killed two War Emperor Realm Tomb Pit strongmen, severely damaged the enemy army with his last life, and died on the spot!

Lin Polu: Destroyed the enemy's formation alone and died!


Tong Xiaokui: Hidden in the enemy's hinterland, spied on intelligence, killed eighteen war kings in a row, and was later severely injured!


Yang Guangxu: Killed many War Emperors, and then disappeared for no reason!

Yin Waner, disappeared with Yang Guangxu!


In this battle, the tomb pit was evaluated.

The Imperial Capital Wufu... suffered heavy losses!

(Important things must be said three times, no knife, no knife, no knife!)

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