The battle of the tomb pit in the imperial capital soon reached the ears of all the major martial arts schools.

Some martial arts schools were regretful, some were silent, and some were sneering.

This battle caused heavy losses to the imperial capital martial arts school.

It was like a weight. It not only broke the rare peace of the Chinese Dragon Kingdom, but also broke the balance between the major martial arts schools!

These past few days, the imperial capital martial arts school has been deserted.

All teachers and students are immersed in grief.

Qin Feng came to Instructor Zhang's office.

He wanted to verify one thing.

According to the notice, the two teachers were missing, not killed!

So, they are very likely still alive!

Instructor Zhang looked at Qin Feng, whose face was eager for an answer, and said in a firm voice:"The most important thing you should do now is to practice well and don't let down the training of Yin and Yang teacher."

"My mind is in a mess. If I continue to be so confused, I will not be able to calm down."Qin Feng answered bluntly.

The Yin-Yang couple were his teachers.

The practice was very strict, even harsh.

But outside of practice, they treated Qin Feng like their own child.

Meticulous and comprehensive.

Therefore, Qin Feng's heart was a little confused.

He needed a clear goal.

The teacher and his wife died, and he wanted revenge.

The teacher and his wife were still alive, so he would find them back!

Seeing this, Teacher Zhang sighed.

It was indeed the best choice for him to find these two teachers for Qin Fei.

He never thought that this would happen now.

"It is said that the Yin-Yang Master once had a secret conversation with the Lord of the Mansion, and then they left the city and led away a group of enemies. After that, there was no news of the two of them."

"Why did they leave the city, why did they lead the enemy away, and where did they go in the end? Only the mansion master knows all this."

"But I advise you not to hold out any hope. The mansion lord is too badly injured, and the possibility of him waking up is extremely low. Don't rush into the tomb. It's too dangerous there, and you can't bear it at all!"

Teacher Zhang told what he knew and sternly warned Qin Feng.

Qin Feng frowned slightly.

He heard the implication of Teacher Zhang's words.

The disappearance of the Yin-Yang teacher was too strange.

First, why did they leave the city?

Second, with their strength, they could have escaped unscathed after luring the enemy away, so why didn't they participate in the war?

Third, why did they disappear in the end?

It's terrifying to think about it.

It's really terrifying to think about it!

Qin Feng suddenly said,"Is there a traitor?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Teacher Zhang immediately covered Qin Feng's mouth.

Seeing that there was no one around, he let go and whispered,"This kind of thing can't be said, and you're not even allowed to think about it!"

"The battlefield is changing rapidly, and everyone is busy defending against foreign invaders, so who has time to frame loyal officials?"

"Instead of thinking about it, you might as well use this time to practice."

Qin Feng stopped talking immediately.

The words were rough but the truth was true!

He was just a high-level warrior, still at the bottom.

Even if he knew the truth, what would it matter?

Without power, everything is just a mirage.

""Teacher, Master's Wife, you must take good care of yourselves!" Qin Feng prayed silently in his heart.

He was not very sad.

No body meant that he might still be alive.

Since he might be alive, why add to the sadness.

However, he was a little worried.

The strength of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy has dropped significantly. Will it be overtaken by other Martial Arts Academy in the future?

【Don't worry, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House will definitely be bullied, so loosen your hands, spread your legs, and enjoy it!】

""Get lost!"

Qin Feng spat at the system.

He waved goodbye to Teacher Zhang, but just as he turned around, he was stopped by the latter.

"You should be careful recently. Teacher Yin Yang is missing and can't protect you anymore. Someone has been thinking about you."Teacher Zhang reminded.

Qin Feng's pupils shrank, and he felt sweat on his palms and his head was spinning. The two teachers said before that you must have a reason for everything you do, otherwise it is too extreme and easy to be suspected.

Some unscrupulous guys are willing to cut him into slices, drain him dry, and conduct destructive research.

Commonly known as: little white mouse!

"We must quickly enter the warrior realm!"

""I don't want to be a guinea pig!"

Qin Feng shouted in his heart.

An invisible pressure swept over him!

Seeing Qin Feng running away, Teacher Zhang smiled.

He was worried that Qin Feng would not be able to get out of his sadness.

Now it seems that the worry is unnecessary.

Then, Teacher Zhang's expression became cold, and he looked deeply into the dark night sky.

"A traitor?"

"'s possible!"


When passing by the Resource Department, Qin Feng spent all his points without hesitation.

The outbound mission was settled, with a total of 138 points.

Lei Weng's boxing gloves were sold for 2 points.

A total of 140 points, that is, 14 Wolf Blood Pills.

Back to Baihua Manor.

Qin Feng looked at the deserted yard and walked in without saying a word.

Pushing open the door.

There was a box on the table.

It was written: Qin Feng received.

Qin Feng sat on the sofa and opened the box. Inside was a translucent jade block, a bottle of liquid medicine, and a letter.

"Xiaofeng, we are leaving.

I am sorry that I failed to train you to be a good person. This is my and my fault.

However, the national crisis is in front of us, and we have no choice but to leave.

A heart full of blood and still want to write a legend, hahahaha, this may be the attitude of us warriors

《"Nine Layers of Blood Thunder" is printed inside the jade block, you should study it well.

That bottle of liquid medicine was specially prepared by your master's wife, knowing that you will soon enter the warrior realm, specifically to help you shape the iron sheet.

Practice well, don't worry.

Teacher, master's wife, keep it."

Looking at the letter, Qin Feng's eyes were slightly red, and he muttered:"What a mouthful of old blood, can't you live a good life?"

"Train me up, and I can help you kill all those bastards in the tomb!"

"Now, both of them are gone!"

No matter how much he complained, he still carefully put the letter away.

What the two teachers said made sense.

If you are strong, others will not bully you.

Those guys who covet secretly will not dare to take action!

Therefore, you must become stronger!

Take out 14 wolf blood pills, Qin Feng directly extracted

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 5 HP points】


14 Wolf Blood Pills increased his Qi and Blood Points by 70 points.

Qin Feng's Qi and Blood Points reached 997!

Seeing this, he took out the Tiger Blood Pill he had taken from the Thunder Jar.

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 7 HP points】

【Gain: 7 HP points】

【Obtain: Qi and Blood Value 7 points]

Suddenly, Qin Feng felt his blood boiling like a flame. His body temperature rose sharply! His muscles, bones, and tendons were all trembling!

A mysterious force was rampaging in his body!

Qin Feng immediately closed his eyes, and tried his best to stimulate his Qi and blood, tempering his skin over and over again!

His Qi and blood surged, blazing like flames!

His pores opened up, and black impurities flowed out.

These black impurities covered one layer after another, and finally completely wrapped Qin Feng in it, like a worker who had just come out of a coal mine.

Qin Feng hurriedly cleaned the impurities.

He stood in front of the mirror, and his Qi and blood were slightly stimulated, and a layer of shimmering stratum corneum emerged on the surface of his skin.

Hard as iron, a sharp weapon for attack and defense!

"Is this the Warrior Realm?" Qin Feng murmured.

(The Qi and Blood value of a primary warrior is 1000, the Qi and Blood value of a medium warrior is 2000, the Qi and Blood value of a high-level warrior is 3000, and the Qi and Blood value of 4000 breaks through to the General Realm!)

Then, he picked up the liquid medicine prepared by his master's wife and began to further refine his skin!


Qin Feng was practicing like crazy in order not to become a guinea pig. The atmosphere was equally solemn at the new mansion master, Ananda. He looked at Deng Ling, Huang Zhong and others in front of him, his eyes changed from hesitation to determination, and he stood up and said,"Let's go to the Confucius Mansion!"

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