Deng Ling and the others looked distressed.

Other martial arts schools were blatantly snatching resources from the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School.

They had no choice but to give them.

This was too aggrieved!

"I think reform is unrealistic."

"The junior and senior students are pampered and have been on the list for years to collect points. They have almost never been to the imperial capital."

"Some tutors are also lazy and this has gradually affected freshmen and sophomores.……"

As he spoke, Huang Zhong sighed repeatedly.

Ananda twisted the beads a little faster and said softly,"That means reform is urgent."

"The old mansion master's original intention was to give them enough time to practice, and then enter the tomb pit when they grow to a certain level."

"But now, everyone who enters the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy only cares about enjoying life, and after graduation joins companies to earn high salaries. It would be better not to train them at all!"

"If a warrior doesn't want to put in effort, then don't take this path!"

"But don't worry, I have already selected the candidates, and they will be the key factor in disrupting the stagnant Wufu!"

Hearing this, Deng Ling and Huang Zhong and others looked at each other.

There are such students in the Imperial Capital Wufu?


On this day, all the major martial arts schools gathered at the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School.

Many students thought they were here to exchange their cultivation experiences.

A group of people smiled and greeted them, but were met with sneers and cold stares.

"Sharing my thoughts with you? Is it useful?"

"Today, we are going to receive cultivation resources."

"The Earth Essence Training Room, Gravity Room, Fire Refining Qi and Blood Tower, etc., all of these no longer belong to you!"

The students of each martial arts academy either sneered or ridiculed, each one more proud and arrogant than the other.

At first, the students of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy thought it was a joke.

Until... whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A burst of air-breaking sounds rang out.

The strong men of the major martial arts academies soared into the air, holding up buildings and ancient spiritual trees with their hands, and left without looking back.

All the students were stunned, and then they were furious.

"Robbers!"Someone couldn't help shouting.

The students of Xishu Wufu laughed:"Robbers? That's because you are useless. You can't even protect your own things!"

"The students of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy are so naive."

The students of Jinnan Martial Arts Academy also laughed:"They have consumed so many resources, but they don't go into the tomb pit or kill foreign enemies. They just hide in the Martial Arts Academy all day long. They are really a bunch of frogs in the well."

A few words made the students of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy speechless.

They could only watch outsiders take over the Martial Arts Academy, and they were always powerless.

"The battle for the double rankings of the martial arts academy is about to begin. This time, we will trample you under our feet!"The students of the Magic Capital Martial Arts Academy were even more arrogant.

One after another, the ridicule rang through their ears.

The entire Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy was in chaos.

"Ananda should not be allowed to take the throne!" Some teachers said indignantly

"In the past, when the Lord of Sword Palace was here, who dared to act presumptuously? Now, a tiger is trapped in plain land and bullied by a dog!"An old mentor said self-deprecatingly.

Such words kept coming.

Dissatisfaction filled the Imperial Capital Martial Palace.

It was like a bomb that was about to explode at any time!

Ananda saw and heard all this, but his expression was very calm. He murmured,"It's not enough."

His eyes turned and looked deeply at Baihua Manor.


Outside the villa,

Qin Feng applied the liquid medicine left by his master's wife and waved the blue steel alloy shovel over and over again.

His arms were light silver and sparkled in the sun.

"Teacher Yin has high expectations for you."

Suddenly, a light laugh sounded.

Seeing that it was the new palace master Ananda, Qin Feng stopped and scratched his head and said,"What do you mean?"

Ananda pointed at the liquid medicine and said,"This is the liquid medicine refined by the Iron Rhinoceros, called Silver Body Water, which can allow you to condense the 'Silver Armor’"

"Silver armor? Isn't it iron skin?" Qin Feng was even more confused.

Ananda explained:"Generally speaking, iron skin is a characteristic of the warrior realm. Since it is tempered, there are naturally different levels. Silver armor is the highest level of iron skin tempering."

"It is harder and tougher, and can be called a weapon to kill the enemy!"

After saying this, he put down the Buddhist beads, clenched his hands slightly, and a wisp of blood seeped out.

In Qin Feng's eyes, Ananda's whole body was filled with a shining silver light. Under the sun, he looked like a god or Buddha cast in white silver. Unlike the dignified golden Buddha, it was invisibly permeated with a murderous aura. Qin

Feng suddenly realized.

Silver armor is indeed more oppressive than iron!

Ananda returned to his original state and said:"Your master's wife treats every student wholeheartedly. Even if she is leaving, she misses you all the time."

Qin Feng nodded, looking at Ananda deeply:"Master, you didn't come here just to talk to me about this, did you?"

Ananda didn't beat around the bush, and said directly:"The Wu Mansion is about to reform, and some things will disappear. I am afraid it will cause unrest."

"I need you to cooperate with the Fighting Department to form a new faction!"

"No more pampered life, no more lazy and careless!"

"If no changes are made, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion is likely to be replaced!"

Qin Feng agreed with Ananda's words very much.

On the first day he came to the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion, he was very puzzled. He did nothing and got 10 points every month.

Some tasks were simple, but the points were very high.

This gave many people an idea.

Since you can lie still, why should you get up and work hard?

The Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion is a big family, and it doesn't need me!

The most terrifying thing is.

This idea has been deeply rooted.

This is why the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion has been declining year after year.

The predecessors fell, and the younger generations were weak.

The Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion will definitely be eliminated.

By then, there will be unrest in the Imperial Capital Tomb Pit, and the entire Empire will inevitably fall into danger, with tens of millions of casualties, or even hundreds of millions of lives!

""I can help you, but what's in it for me?" Qin Feng laughed.

Ananda was stunned.

This little guy really doesn't get up early without benefits!

He replied:"Like Guan Changsheng and the others, you can enter the Earth Essence Training Room for 10 minutes."

Qin Feng had never heard of the Earth Essence Training Room.

But when he heard Guan Changsheng, he knew that this thing was not simple.

"Rest assured, Lord, I will do my best!"Qin Feng's expression changed instantly.

Ananda's face was even more bitter.

This kid looks gentle, but he is actually a smart guy.

But it's okay!

If you don't even fight for your own interests, what motivation is there?

The Imperial Capital Martial Arts House needs people like Qin Feng!

"There will be a meeting in the afternoon, and then it will be your turn to take the stage." After saying this, Ananda turned and left.

""Master, take care~"

Qin Feng waved to Ananda.

Deep in his eyes, a gleam of brilliance flashed.

The more chaotic the Wu Mansion is, the more opportunities there will be.

Conversely, there will be more ways to gain points.

Why not do this!

"Xinfugui is very similar to the teacher's martial arts theory"

"There are variables, but it suits me very well!"

Qin Feng turned and looked at Baihua Manor, and his fists clenched involuntarily.

In the afternoon, all the teachers and students of the school gathered in the martial arts square.

However, the atmosphere was a bit strange.

A sense of oppression came over him!

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