In the afternoon, the sky was overcast.

The wind was strong, not only shaking the branches, but also disturbing everyone's hearts.

Countless teachers and students had uncertain expressions on their faces.

They were ridiculed by the major martial arts schools in the morning, and so many training resources were taken away.

It was too aggrieved!

They simply couldn't stand it!

At this time, Ananda stepped onto the podium.

He looked down at everyone and said in an extremely firm voice:"From now on, cancel the monthly guaranteed points and reduce the points for ordinary tasks."

Wow - the entire imperial martial arts school was in an uproar in an instant.

Some people were puzzled, some were thinking deeply, but more people were angry.

"This is the rule set by Lord Daozun, you have no right to change it!"

"Monthly points are the foundation of students’ practice. If the points are gone, what can they use to practice?"

"If you change it like this, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy will be in chaos!"

The veteran instructors and the student union stood up and loudly rebuked.

Ananda was not moved at all, and his voice became more firm:"Now, I am the master of the palace."

"One generation of lords, one generation of rules"

"When Master Dao Zun was here, it was his business what he did. Now that I’m in charge, you have to listen to me!"

The freshmen were all stunned.

Are they preparing for a fight?

Qin Feng looked at the student union that was in the front and asked in a low voice:"Who are the student union?"

"The Student Union is responsible for the daily management of students."

Zhao Xiaoqi pointed to the people in front:"President Duan Nian, Vice Presidents: Cheng Ying, Lin Kong, Wu Meng."

Qin Feng nodded suddenly.

He looked at Duan Nian, who had regular features, shoulder-length hair, and slightly shimmering skin. It was obvious that he had cultivated Iron Skin to the extreme, at least to the level of a general.

"It will be difficult to overthrow the Student Union." Qin Feng estimated in his heart.

However, he was not worried at all.

With the resources in place, anyone who comes can be crushed!

In half a year at most, the Student Union will be blown up!

At this time, a mentor with snow-white hair came out and said in a deep voice:"Ananda, you also grew up under the protection of the Lord of Daozun Mansion. This person should be nostalgic and not burn bridges after crossing the river!"

These words hit the heart!

They pointed directly at Ananda's character!

"This is why I hate the current system!"

"Sitting back and enjoying the fruits of others' labor, living a life of luxury, what they have cultivated are only a bunch of useless people!"

"On the battlefield, they will break into pieces if touched, and their legs will become weak when they see blood."

"In this case, I might as well pour the resources into those who are willing to kill the enemy and make meritorious service, instead of wasting them!"

Ananda's eyes gradually became sharper, and his voice sounded like the chanting of gods and Buddhas, shattering the dark clouds in the sky.

His eyes were sharp, and he said directly:"Today, the system must be changed, and it will continue to be changed in the future. What I said is useless no matter who comes. Even if the Lord of Daozun Palace wakes up, it will be useless!"


Countless people were furious, pointing at Ananda.

The whole atmosphere was oppressive.

Even the wind stopped blowing.

Qin Feng and Guan Changsheng looked at each other and nodded silently.

Gradually, freshmen, sophomores, and even juniors and seniors came out one by one, holding weapons and looking determined, striding behind Ananda.

There were three or four hundred people!

""Guan Changsheng, what do you want to do?" Duan Nian frowned and said softly.

Guan Changsheng opened his almond-shaped eyes and said calmly:"The Palace Master is right, I think so too, and naturally I don't want to go along with you."

"Same with me." Qin Feng chuckled.

Wu Meng had a big beard and dark skin, and looked at Qin Feng with disdain:"A freshman also has the right to speak?"

"I'll give you a chance to say it again."

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

Swish, swish, swish...

Behind him, all the students raised their weapons.

A murderous aura instantly came over and filled the whole place.

Wu Meng's expression changed.

Although he was very unhappy, he still shut his mouth.

"Points equal resources, so we must fight for resources"

"Drinking tea every day, collecting points every month, holding a position but doing nothing, what's the point of you?"

"If I were like you, I would be ridiculed by my ancestors in the underworld after I die."

"What? Are you unhappy? If you are unhappy, just drop out of school!"

Qin Feng sneered at first, and then showed disdain.

Suddenly, countless people looked a little unnatural.

Including Ananda.

He looked at Qin Feng, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

What I want is suppression and stimulation! If I really drop out of school, I will be a commander without troops?!

"Are you threatening us?" Duan Nian walked forward and looked at Qin Feng coldly.

"Why don't you try it?"

Qin Feng pointed at the school gate and grinned,"The gate is there, you can go in anytime, but I have to advise you that if you guys are so fat and bloated, you probably won't survive in other martial arts schools."

"Other martial arts schools are high-pressure environments."

"The warrior realm requires killing fierce beasts, and the soldier realm requires going down to the grave."

"With your fighting qualities, I think you can buy coffins in advance."

Hearing this, Ananda, Deng Ling and others gave a thumbs up.

This guy is really a talent! He first angered them, and then told them that it was even more cruel outside.

This is like a slap in the face, and then a club!

The PUA rhetoric is mastered!

"Qin Feng, how can you talk to the president like that!"

The speaker was Cheng Ying.

She was very beautiful, and her pretty face was cold at the moment.

Qin Feng didn't take it seriously and sneered,"Student Union? I think it's more like a corruption union. It doesn't guide students to practice well, but only does some sneaky things. I suggest that it be disbanded on the spot and let me take over the leadership!"

"How dare you!"

Some veteran tutors could not help but shout.

The entire student union had a gloomy look on their faces.

Lin Kong took a step forward, and the aura of the warrior realm came over.

But the next moment, the aura collapsed.

Guan Changsheng held the Lengyan saw in his hand, his eyes cold:"If you touch Qin Feng, you will not see the sun tomorrow."

Qin Feng's eyes were filled with tears when he heard it.

Thank you, Master Guan... No, it's Changsheng Dad!

With someone's support, Qin Feng became even more presumptuous:"Not convinced, right? Let the elementary warrior realm of the student union roll out, preferably from the warrior list, my shovel has been thirsty for a long time.���"

The whole audience was in an uproar again!

Is Qin Feng going to start the ranking?

There are 200 people on the warrior list.

There are 65 people in the elementary, intermediate and advanced levels respectively.

The last 5 people are distributed in these three realms.

Ananda's breathing was a little heavy.


Amitabha, what the hell!

This is completely beyond the plan!

This is completely different from what we agreed yesterday!

"Since you have this idea, I will fulfill your wish!"

An old man walked out, his eyes flashing purple, and said in a low voice:"New school, old school, who can stand to the end, the success or failure will be determined by the results!"

"That's what I meant."Ananda agreed with a faint smile.

He turned around and glared at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked up at the sky and said in a deep tone:"The weather is really good today!"

No idea. As a lone wolf, you should do what a lone wolf does.

It's reasonable to get some points!

""Changsheng, what do you think?" Ananda asked.

Guan Changsheng said:"If reason doesn't make sense, then let's fight!"

"That’s right!"

Qin Feng stood beside Guan Changsheng and shouted,"Beat them so hard that their own mothers won’t recognize them!"

(Subtext: Beat them so hard that they don’t even have any points left!)

Ananda rolled his eyes at Qin Feng in anger.

Then, he also made up his mind:"Then let’s start the ranking battle that has not been started for many years today!"

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