In the morning, all the major martial arts schools came to snatch away resources.

In the afternoon, the imperial capital martial arts school was about to reform.

This storm came too fast and too fiercely!

One after another, the dusty arenas gradually opened.

A solemn atmosphere swept across the entire school!

""Master, aren't you afraid of making a mistake?" The purple-eyed old man looked at the noisy Wu Mansion, but his voice was very calm.

Ananda replied:"Whether it is right or wrong, let time judge."

"In half a year at the earliest, the Imperial Capital Tomb Pit will inevitably start a war again"

"If we are still like this at that time, how many predecessors will be able to die?"

"Therefore, reform is imperative!"

"I don't want these children to die in obscurity, nor do I want happy families to be torn apart."

After saying this, the old man with purple eyes fell silent.

Another war is about to begin!

But... will half a year really work?

"Half a year is too short, let's just keep it as it is, and we'll find other people who can't help." Some people are still unwilling to reform.

Ananda's voice turned cold:"I'll just say one last sentence: from now on, I'll be the boss of the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little wrong, the purple-eyed old man coughed and changed the subject:"By the way, I heard that something is happening in Jiangnan"


Ananda was a little confused:"Didn't you say Yuancheng?"

"It was indeed Yuancheng before"

"But for some reason, the signal from Yuancheng's tombs weakened dramatically until it disappeared completely."

"On the contrary, Jiangnan, who had never seen any signal from the tomb pit, suddenly had a problem. The location was near the Jiangnan Military Hospital!"

The tone of the purple-eyed old man was also full of doubts.

"These are troubled times!"

Ananda felt the pressure doubled and sighed,"Let's take care of these for now and focus on the present!"


Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors did not study in the classroom, but gathered around the arenas.

The fighting department, the casting department, the medicine refining department, and the Wanjuan Building were also included!

A figure stood in the center of the arena.

It was Qin Feng!

He smiled and said,"I know you are very unhappy with me, now I will give you a chance: the primary fighters on the fighter list can take the points and challenge at will."

"Of course, if you fail to make it to the Warrior Ranking, it doesn’t matter. As long as you have the points, everything will be fine."

"I hope everyone will always be on stage and beat me to death!"

The last sentence was like a fuse, instantly igniting the anger of those old-school students.

Qin Feng looked like he deserved a beating.

Qin Feng's words were even more so.

He was like the ridiculous mirror of the Nine-Rank Sesame Official, jumping in and out from time to time, shouting: Come and beat me!

No one can resist it!

"Douzi, go up and kick him down!"

Wu Meng was so angry that he was shaking all over, and he couldn't help but say.

Douzi was a sophomore in the Student Union. He was very tall. He nodded, and strode onto the stage with a gun in hand.

Douzi sneered,"You ignorant guy, do you really think we are made of mud?"

""Wait, what's your ranking? How many points do you want to bet with me?" Qin Feng's eyes were full of the shrewdness of a profiteer.

Dou Zi said disdainfully:"I want your 200th place!"

Qin Feng rolled his eyes:"No ranking means no ranking, that sounds nice."

The warrior list system is very simple.

You can raise your ranking by killing enemies of a certain level or killing beasts of a certain level.

Qin Feng had killed several cult members before.

Logically, his ranking would rise.

But there have been many things going on in the Wufu recently, and no one has reviewed the ranking.

So he has always been ranked last.

"How about this, if you lose, give me 20 points, if you win, I give you this shovel." Qin Feng raised the blue steel alloy shovel.

Dou Zi looked at the black shovel with disgust on his face:"It's so dirty, just like you!"

【How does he know that your heart is as black as a shovel? Is he Kogoro Maori? 】

System's sharp complaints

"Then you agree."

Qin Feng grinned.

The next moment.

His momentum changed instantly.

From laughing to murderous!

His heart was like a water pump, accumulating power crazily.

Douzi didn't dare to be careless.

He knew that Qin Feng's ability was to accumulate power.

So, he raised his gun and killed with all his strength.


Gun shadows came one after another, like a group of snakes coming out of a cave!

Xuan-level upper level: Snake Shadow Gun!

"You've fallen into the trap."

Qin Feng's smile became even stronger.

He decisively gave up on accumulating strength, held the shovel in reverse, and slashed into the air.

A blood-red lightning appeared in the void.

It was thicker and more ferocious than before!

With a bang!

What snake shadow, what spear, all collapsed under this blow!

Dou Zi was shocked.

Iron skin appeared on his body, and he wanted to resist this blow.

However, the gap in strength between the two sides was too big.

The blue steel alloy shovel broke the spear, and the remaining power was not reduced. It slashed on Dou Zi's chest and directly knocked him out of the ring.

"Remember to give me 20 points."

Qin Feng carried the shovel, looked back at the student union below the stage, and said with a smile:"Please welcome the next victim"

"This is too much!"

"They simply don't take our Student Union seriously!"

"President, you must knock him down," the student union members were furious.

Guan Changsheng and the others nodded in satisfaction.

A single blow killed him instantly.

It was indeed a good start!

Next, Guan Changsheng stepped onto the stage.

Countless people cheered up, including the teacher.

"I heard that Guan Changsheng went down to the tomb a while ago, single-handedly, and killed countless enemies in a small battlefield!"

"The army seems to have given him a military rank!"

Many people hate the reform, but they still admire Guan Changsheng.

Guan Changsheng holds a cold saw in his hand, and the gleaming cold light is compelling. His majestic figure makes people dare not challenge him, which is particularly powerful!


The blood vibrates.

The blood light behind him pretends to move, and a horse condenses.

The hair is like blood, bright red, and the neck is actually dragon scales.

What is even more shocking is that it is not a horse head, but the head of a Chinese dragon, majestic and domineering, with wind and thunder surging between his mouth and nose, very fierce

"SSS-level Monster: Dragon Colt!" Duan Nian's face was solemn.

Guan Changsheng directly locked onto Vice President Lin Kong and said coldly:"Although you are at the level of a general, I will fight you. Do you dare to accept the challenge?"

Everyone was shocked.

A warrior against a general?

This is too crazy!

Lin Kong's face was gloomy.

As the vice president, he was actually provoked in public.

He shouted:"As you wish!" As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Kong stepped onto the stage.

Black lightning burst out, shaking the arena, with a huge momentum!


Guan Changsheng stepped on the stirrups and mounted the horse.

The dragon colt neighed, but it was not the sound of a horse, but the roar of a dragon! In an instant, the black lightning disappeared.

Before Lin Kong could react, the dragon colt had already killed him in front of him.


Guan Changsheng swung his sword without saying a word.

In an instant, the sword light swept out like a green whirlwind.

Lin Kong screamed, then fell off the stage, spitting blood from his mouth.

The whole place was silent, and no one spoke.

Qin Feng grumbled, and said in his heart:"You red-faced man, you actually stole my limelight!"

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