Another instant kill!

Everyone knew that Guan Changsheng was very strong.

But they didn't expect him to be this strong!

A warrior-level warrior killed a general-level warrior in an instant.

And this was not all his strength!

"Hey, hey, hey, don't just stand there!"

"Come on stage and challenge me! I'm so itchy!"

Qin Feng took advantage of the situation and shouted.

(Subtext: Points, come on!)

"Zhang Yue, a junior in the Fighting Department, is waiting for your challenge!"

"Tu Huan, a senior in the Alchemy Department, wants to challenge the head of our department here!"

"Baili Jian, a senior student in the Weapon Foundry Department, only wants to be defeated by you, or I can beat you up!"

Instantly, seniors came up to the stage, each one more arrogant than the other.

The Student Union President Duan Nian's face was uncertain.

If this storm is not suppressed, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Qin Feng has the worst foundation, so we’ll start with him."

Duan Nian locked onto Qin Feng and said in a low voice,"Fight him in a round-robin battle, drain his blood and qi, and don’t let him have a chance to breathe."

The student council nodded secretly.

At that moment, one person walked up.

It was a girl, a junior, at the elementary warrior level, with full blood and qi.

Qin Feng looked at her with disdain.

It’s been three years, and she’s still so weak. What a waste of pills. If these pills were given to me, I’d have reached the general level long ago!

""Guo Li." The girl said coldly.

Qin Feng gathered his strength and grinned,"Senior, did you get the points?"

"20 points." She nodded.

Qin Feng shook his head and said,"The price has increased, you get 40 points."


Guo Li's eyes turned cold, and she gritted her teeth and said,"Okay, 40 points, I'll make you spit them all out later!"

After that, she condensed a long whip in her right hand, and swung it at Qin Feng's head.

If this attack hits, he will definitely be unable to fight.

Qin Feng was not panicked.

With a thought, he directly escaped into the ground and avoided the whip.

"I heard that he was awakened, and it was true."The purple-eyed old man was slightly surprised.

Ananda smiled and said,"More superpowers do not mean stronger, what is important is how to use them."

On the ring.

Guo Li's attack missed, and she immediately retreated to the edge of the ring to avoid being attacked.

Time passed by.

The ring was silent.

Qin Feng seemed to have disappeared, without any movement.

Guo Li couldn't help stamping her feet and said,"Qin Feng, what is this? Do you want to fight or not!" After the words fell, no one answered.

Where did Qin Feng go?

He... ran to the Resources Department!

That's right!

He bypassed the martial arts square and went straight to the Resources Department!

"Teacher, give me some water to drink." Qin Feng grinned as he came to the small window of the Resources Department.

The teacher looked confused.

Aren't you competing in the rankings?

There's also a halftime break?

He handed over a glass of water in a daze.

Tons, tons, tons...

Qin Feng drank it in one gulp.

He leaned against the window, reached out to catch the breeze, and said with emotion:"Today's wind is so noisy!"

This scene was seen by Ananda and the mentors.

They were silent.

I'm afraid it's not the wind that's noisy, but you!

At this moment, on the ring.

Guo Li whipped the ground with a whip, trying to force Qin Feng out.

At this time, Duan Nian noticed something and shouted:"Be careful!"

Guo Li stepped back without hesitation, and swung the long whip in her hand towards her feet.


Qin Feng jumped out from the ground.

Iron sheets emerged from his body, and he easily took the whip. He clenched the shovel with both hands and swung it angrily!

Nine levels of blood thunder!

The next moment.

Guo Li was chopped and flew out, falling to the ground

""Senior sister, are you okay?"

Qin Feng squatted on the stage, with a concerned look on his face:"If you feel unwell, give me the points quickly, and then go to the infirmary."

Guo Li didn't vomit blood at first.

When she heard what Qin Feng said, she was so angry that she vomited on the spot.


40 points were credited.

Qin Feng was very happy.

He earned 60 points in the blink of an eye. It's so comfortable!

Qin Feng thought to himself, and another person stepped onto the stage.

The person who came was a senior from Gao University, holding a sword in his hand, his eyes were sharp, and he said in a deep voice:"Student Union - Chen Guang"

"OK, points monster number 2." Qin Feng grinned.

Chen Guang's eyes turned cold:"You are going too far!"

After that, he stepped forward, and his breath became long and thick, like a towering mountain.

The sword slashed out.

The blade light was like a rock rolling down, and each sword was more fierce and domineering than the other!

Lower level of the ground rank: Big Rock Rolling Knife Technique!

Qin Feng's expression became serious.

The blood in his body was surging, and he began to accumulate power!

He did not retreat, and swung the shovel in his hand with all his strength, bursting out blood-colored lightning.

Clang clang clang...

The metal and iron met, and sparks splashed.

Everyone was terrified.

Although Qin Feng was a flowery talker, he was indeed powerful!

""Eighteen swords!"

Chen Guang shouted.

His arms swelled like a dragon, and he turned over and chopped the sword, falling like a rock!

Qin Feng also completed the accumulation of power at this moment.

All the power was released instantly, and his blood and qi were like a dragon, wrapped in blood-colored thunder, and slashed out angrily.

With a bang!

Chen Guang was knocked back.

He lowered his head, and his hands holding the sword oozing blood, and the iron sheet of his arms were all shattered.

Qin Feng took advantage of the situation to chase him, kicked him away, and fell heavily to the ring.

"Senior, how did your hand get hurt?"

Qin Feng stretched out his hand towards Chen Guang and said seriously,"Give me your student card, I promise to only give you 40 points!"

Chen Guang looked at Qin Feng with a confused expression.

Just now, both sides had a fierce fight.

He thought that even if Qin Feng was not injured, the iron sheet would definitely be broken.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng was fine!

Chen Guang naturally didn't know that Yin Wan'er had left Qin Feng silver body water specifically, and his silver armor was far better than ordinary iron sheets.

And this was far from Qin Feng's limit!

"I admit defeat in this battle!"

Chen Guang was convinced and passed the 40 points.

Seeing this, Qin Feng sighed:"Damn, these guys are getting smarter and smarter, 40 points is a bit too little.……"

Hearing this, many people's scalps tingled.

40 points are not enough?

10 points are guaranteed per month. That's 4 months!

Even if you do a task, you need at least two!

Qin Feng is already very fast!

It's worth mentioning.

Other students can also gamble, but very few do.

Points are too precious!

Only Qin Feng is big enough to be addicted to gambling!

At this time, another person stepped onto the ring.

He was tall and strong, staring at Qin Feng coldly:"Student Union, junior, Zhao Dinghao, please teach me."

Many people were shocked.

Zhao Dinghao is here too?

Li Yuntao hurriedly squeezed to the edge of the ring and explained:"Qin Feng, he is indeed a primary warrior, but he is a primary goalkeeper on the warrior list, with a highest ranking of more than 130!"

Qin Feng stared at Zhao Dinghao and said in a deep voice:"Warriors have always been sailing against the current. If they don't advance, they will retreat. How can they run away when they encounter difficulties!"

This sentence won the respect of many teachers and students.

Is there anything good about Qin Feng!

After speaking, Qin Feng directly melted into the earth and escaped on the spot!


Resources Department.

Qin Feng shouted:"Teacher, give me 8 Wolf Blood Pills, hurry up!"


8 Wolf Blood Pills were extracted instantly.

Qin Feng felt the surging blood in his body and frowned slightly.

"No, I have a fear of fire!"

He waved his hand and exchanged for another Boiling Blood Pill.


The blood and qi surged again!

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and looked towards the ring fiercely:"Points Monster No. 3, you are a junior warrior goalkeeper, but you dare to take advantage of me. This is intolerable!" Tu

Rong escaped underground and went straight to the ring!

Ananda and the instructors fell down.

Listen, is this human talk?

Who is taking advantage!

I think my Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy has been upright for a hundred years and has a great reputation. How come there is an ultimate sixth!

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