Martial Arts Square.

Fierce battles broke out in the arenas.

The blood was boiling, and the atmosphere was passionate!

But one arena seemed very quiet.

Zhao Dinghao stood on the arena with a confused expression.

Where are the people?

It was said that warriors must sail against the current, and if they do not advance, they will retreat?

Li Yuntao and others were also speechless.

How could such a weirdo appear in our freshman year!

Ananda and the instructors had strange expressions.

They knew what happened.

But, how to explain this...

The purple-eyed old man said unhappily:"We can't do this anymore. It's against the rules to leave the opponent on the stage and go buy pills by yourself."

"Did we say that this is against the rules?"Ananda asked.

Everyone looked at each other.

It seems not!

Ananda smiled and said,"Since it is not against the rules, it is reasonable."


The purple-eyed old man frowned, but could not refute.

At this time, Qin Feng came back.

The instructors glanced at him, and their expressions became more exciting.

Qin Feng's blood value... How did it increase so much!

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: HP 5��】

【Gain: 5 HP points】


【Obtain: Temporarily increase the host's Qi and Blood value by 100 points]

Qin Feng sneered.

His heart was like a water pump, constantly increasing the pressure.

Qi and blood condensed, accumulating the strongest attack!

A goalkeeper at the primary warrior level?

I'm doing a hat trick, specializing in hitting goalkeepers!

"Qin Feng, come out!"

Zhao Dinghao finally wiped out the last bit of patience.

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng broke out of the ground.

"Take a shovel from Qin!"

He jumped high, holding a large shovel made of green steel alloy, with a strong aura, like a bloody sun falling from the sky!

Zhao Dinghao was startled.

However, he was also very strong. He condensed a shield with both hands, merged them together, and charged out!

A-level Monster System: War Shield!


A dull thunder sounded in the air.

Faintly, a blood thunder fell, like the roar of an angry dragon, and killed it with regret!

Kacha - the first collision, Zhao Dinghao's war shield exploded on the spot.

Qin Feng exerted force again.

A terrifying force burst out, passed along the shovel to Zhao Dinghao's body, and shook him out of the ring.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone, shocking.

Zhao Dinghao, a goalkeeper of the primary warrior realm, ranked 133rd, has been stuck in this position for many years and has stopped countless students.

Today, he lost. He was killed by Qin Feng in one move!

It seems that in Qin Feng's world, there are always seconds, seconds, seconds!

"Thank you for letting me win!"

Qin Feng landed, first clasped his fists, then grinned and said:"Points Monster No. 3, don't forget to give me points."

Zhao Dinghao looked at Qin Feng, his face full of helplessness.

He was convinced of his defeat in this battle!

Not far away.

The purple-eyed old man said in surprise:"Breakthrough, the blood thunder ninth level has entered the second level"

"Boiling Blood Pill temporarily increases Qi and blood value"

"Blood Thunder Ninth Level Enters Second Level"

"All these are understandable, but why did Qin Feng absorb the power of the Wolf Blood Pill in an instant?"Ananda's eyes were sharp and he saw many doubts in an instant.

The instructors were full of doubts and confused.

Only a few people's eyes changed, as if they were thinking about something.

On the ring.

Qin Feng once again gained 40 points.

He was happy at first, and then slapped his thigh:"Gan, I forgot to bargain!"

Li Yuntao and others didn't know Qin Feng's psychological activities.

They looked at Qin Feng and felt their blood boiling!

Qin Feng represented their freshman year, and successively defeated the superiors and replaced them!

Isn't this the attitude that a warrior should have?

Always strive for the first place!

Never want to fall behind!

Qin Feng set an example for them!

At almost 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

The battle for the ranking came to an end.

Guan Changsheng, No. 1 on the Warrior Ranking!

Baili Jian, No. 5!


Qin Feng, No. 133! (Primary Warrior Realm Goalkeeper)


This new school reform was very successful.

Many old school students were kicked off the Warrior List.

However, the bulk of the student union is mainly concentrated on the Warrior List.

That is the most important list!

""The points for the Battle Generals List should be more, right?" Qin Feng rubbed his chin.

Just like the teacher said, warriors must fight!

Fight for fame!

Fight for resources!

Fight for status!

Fight for the strongest person that everyone looks up to!

And, don't be a guinea pig!

Compared to the joy of the new school, the old-school students, headed by the Student Union, all had gloomy faces.

Duan Nian stared at Qin Feng with cold eyes:"Junior Qin Feng, you are just a junior warrior, and you are already thinking about the Battle Generals List. Even if you are given a year, you can't catch up with us!"

"It is the end of June now, give me three months, then I will challenge President Duan!" Qin Feng met Duan Nian's gaze.

Now he represents the new school.

The new school seeks reform and passion.

Therefore, Guan Changsheng did not say anything, and even nodded slightly in secret.

If Qin Feng wants to compete, he will help him!

The students were in an uproar.

Someone actually wanted to shake Duan Nian's position as president?

And he was a freshman!

Lin Kong, Cheng Ying, Wu Meng and others glared at Qin Feng.

This is completely disrespectful to the elders!

Duan Nian's eyes changed slightly, and he couldn't help laughing:"I am waiting for the challenge from my junior brother at any time!"

At this point, the Warrior List came to a temporary end.

Ananda came out and said softly:"The replacement of the old with the new is not to make you lose your dignity, but for the survival in the future"

"After a while, I will organize a warrior to go to the graveyard, so that you can feel the cruelty of the graveyard firsthand."

"It is better to experience it yourself than to study it a thousand times."

The students looked at each other in bewilderment.

Is the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy also going to start going down to the grave?

These days are getting harder and harder!

Qin Feng was excited.

What does going down to the grave mean?


But also with opportunities!

If you are lucky, you may find a treasure that can bring you back to life and let your sister stand up again!

"Xiaoxue, just wait a little longer and I will make you become like an ordinary person." He said firmly in his heart


Everyone dispersed.

But the atmosphere in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House was still hot.

Today's changes were too amazing.

All the teachers and students in the school were immersed in shock.

Slowly, people came out of their sadness.

The ten ancient stones suffered heavy damage.

The Lord of the Sword Palace fell asleep.

Perhaps, they really should cheer up.

Otherwise, how can they take revenge in the future!

Duan Nian stood there with deep eyes.

He had no complaints about Guan Changsheng.

The latter galloped through the tomb pit, with a sword and a horse, charging into the enemy formation.

He was convinced of this!

Duan Nian was unhappy with Qin Feng.

In his opinion, Qin Feng was a jumping clown who clung to Guan Changsheng's thigh, and his every move was extremely annoying!

"Qin Feng……"

Duan Nian thought back to the declaration of war just now and whispered,"You won't be so proud for long!"

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