The next day,

Qin Feng went to the Resources Department again.

He got 4 Wolf Blood Pills!

Extract them directly!

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Obtain: 5 HP points]

Attribute panel expanded

【Name: Qin Feng】

【HP: 1068】

【Realm: Primary Warrior Realm】

【Talents: Unlimited Extraction (SSS), Earth Fusion (D-rank Superhuman), Power Storage (C-rank Superhuman)】

【Martial Skills: Blood Thunder Ninth Level (Second Level)】


Qin Feng sighed inwardly.

However, he still felt that the blood value was rising a little slowly.

It seemed that he had to find some tasks to go out and kill enemies.

This way, he could not only earn points but also extract blood.

Qin Feng was about to go to the mission department when his cell phone suddenly vibrated.

He picked it up and saw that it was Lu Chao!

His eyes lit up instantly.

Lu Chao had said before that there was a big deal!

It must be extraordinary to be remembered by Old Lu!

"Brother Qin Feng, I heard that you have been doing very well in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House recently." Lu Chao's hearty laughter came.

Qin Feng had a good impression of him.

He was strong, but not arrogant, just like a big brother.

He smiled and said,"It's okay. I'm still waiting for your big deal, Brother Lu.""

"You have a good eye!"

Lu Chao restrained his laughter a little and said seriously:"However, this deal is very risky. If it goes wrong, people may die. Do you dare?"

【This system understands, he is the second in command of Liangshan in Water Margin, Mr. Lu, who is ready to take you to rob the birthday gift and then marry Sister Daiyu!】

"Don't read those bound volumes of the Four Great Classics!"

Qin Feng rolled his eyes, then said,"Next time I'll take you to see the love story of Sun Wukong and Lin Daiyu, Granny Liu and Zhu Bajie's first experience of love"

【Too many factors! Too many factors! We must... do it quickly!】

Seeing that Qin Feng didn't say anything, Lu Chao joked,"Are you scared?"

"No, I dare to go no matter how dangerous it is. Tell me!" Qin Feng said hurriedly

"Have you ever heard that in the past, ferocious beasts in Youzhou were rampant and occupied a large area. At that time, someone proposed to use nuclear bombs to solve the problem. Unexpectedly, after the nuclear bomb was fired, the ferocious beasts not only did not die, but mutated instead."Lu Chao said.

Qin Feng nodded.

He had heard about this from his mentor.

There were not many warriors back then, so nuclear bombs were used to wipe out the area.

Lu Chao continued:"There are ferocious beasts in the general realm in Youzhou. They each have their own territory. By chance, I saw two ferocious beasts in the general realm fighting each other. One of them was seriously injured and fled. I think this is an opportunity!"

Qin Feng was stunned. He was obviously a warrior, but he dared to seek a ferocious beast in the general realm!

"So exciting?"

Qin Feng's eyes were full of excitement, and he whispered,"Where shall we gather?""

The brave will die of overeating, and the timid will die of starvation!

How could Qin Feng miss such an event!

"Come to Youzhou, I will take you to the abandoned city area." Seeing Qin Feng agreed, Lu Chao whispered.

The call ended.

Qin Feng didn't have to prepare anything.

He was alone and could leave at any time.

Qin Feng muttered:"I wanted to go to the Earth Essence Training Room to take a look, forget it, the beasts in the War General Realm are more important!"

He was about to leave when Instructor Zhang came.

"You are going out?" Teacher Zhang asked in surprise.

This kid made such a fuss yesterday, and he wants to go out today!

Why? Taking advantage of his youth and having no restraint?

Qin Feng said directly:"Let's go to Youzhou and rob the birthday gift!"

Teacher Zhang:???

Isn't this a high-level martial arts novel? Why did it turn into a martial arts novel?

"Stop messing around!"

Teacher Zhang glared at him with a look of disappointment and warned him,"I'm going to the grave, so you better be quiet recently."

"How about I go with you?"

Qin Feng's eyes turned.

He has always been curious about the tomb.

Teacher Zhang refused directly:"The Wufu will have its own organization in a few days, so don't think too much."

Qin Feng curled his lips and said"oh"

"Let's get back to the point."

Teacher Zhang stopped chatting and said seriously,"When you have time, go find the mansion master. He has something to tell you."

"Why does he always chat with me? Can't he find a twilight romance?" Qin Feng complained and turned away.

Teacher Zhang smiled bitterly.

In the entire Imperial Capital Wufu, only Qin Feng dared to speak like this!

But this is also good! He has his own personality and will not follow the crowd.

He also turned away.

After taking a few steps, his footsteps suddenly stopped.


"Wan Qian and Dou Meiyu also went to Youzhou"

"What a coincidence?"

Teacher Zhang muttered.


Mission Department.

Dou Meiyu and Wan Qian gathered together.

They accepted the mission and hid in the corner stealthily.

"Is he really alright? That's a beast at the level of a general!"

"Shush, shush, shush! Keep your voice down! As long as you get its cubs or unhatched eggs, it will definitely be worth a lot of points!"

"The Wu Mansion is so competitive now. If we don’t work harder, we will definitely die in the tomb!"

"The small mission we just accepted in Youzhou is a trick to prevent others from noticing that we are going to abduct the cubs.……"

A group of women chattered and talked in low voices.

Some time ago, Qin Feng went out to eliminate the cult members.

Wan Qian and Dou Meiyu followed their mentor to Youzhou to kill the beast.

By chance, Wan Qian discovered a beast cub in the general realm.

At that time, she did not report it, but kept it secret.

Now she is preparing to go to Youzhou again.

"It’s almost time, let’s go!"

The girls exchanged glances with each other.

Then, they left in a hurry.

Heading to Youzhou!


Student Union.

Duan Nian sat by the window.

Half of his body was in the sun, and half in the shadow. He whispered to his phone,"He left."

"Are you sure you went to Youzhou?" The other end of the phone confirmed.

Duan Nian raised his eyes, with an indescribable feeling, a little cold, a little sinister.

"Remember what you promised."He said.

A woman's laughter came from the other end of the phone. She said:"Don't worry, the company's shares will always be reserved for you. As soon as you graduate, you will be a senior executive!"

Duan Nian hung up the call.

He turned his head to look at the magnificent scenery by the window, and said proudly in his heart:"Qin Feng, enjoy it"



One of the largest provinces in China Dragon Country.

The atmosphere here is very fierce, and you can see warrior teams everywhere.

After the nuclear bomb washing incident that year, that area was isolated by Youzhou and named the Wasteland District.

It covers a very large area and breeds many fierce beasts.

You can even see large grassland creatures such as lions, cheetahs, and rhinos, but they are all mutated.

Qin Feng arrived in Youzhou in the afternoon.

When he got off the bus, he saw Lu Chao

"Come on, I'll take you to taste our local delicacies, beef noodles and donkey meat hot pot!"

Lu Chao took Qin Feng's arm and walked out.

He came by car.

Yes, a Wuling magic car.

The key is that he has also modified it, the kind that can go through the corners of the drainage ditch!

Qin Feng looked at Lu Chao with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and shook his head.

So you are such an SSS-level awakener!

On the street stall.

Two bowls of beef noodles were served.

The two of them showed off wildly.

Qin Feng said in a muffled voice:"What kind of ferocious beast is it? It's so mysterious, could it be a dragon?"

"You can only encounter dragons in tombs."

Lu Chao chewed the beef and said casually,"It's a golden war lion!"

Qin Feng almost choked.

Golden war lion?!

This beast is said to be full of treasures!

Hunting one can easily achieve wealth freedom!

"Don't get excited yet, the Golden War Lion is the boss, and it has many high-level warriors under its command!"Lu Chao added.

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

This trip doesn't seem to be simple!

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