(It's time to start, brothers, put on your helmets, I'm going to start the race! Also, I added pictures of my sister and some beasts in the front, and there will be more in the future, if you are interested, you can go and have a look, finally, my sister is the best!)

Golden War Lion. The best beast in the War General Realm.

Even the War General Realm warriors dare not provoke it.

If it wasn't seriously injured and dying, Lu Chao wouldn't dare to look at it even if he had ten courage

"The Golden War Lion occupies a corner of the abandoned city, with two steel-boned white apes under his command, both of whom are high-level warriors."

"I haven't been able to see clearly the number of beasts in other realms. Currently I know about the Golden War Lion and the Steel-Bone White Ape."

"Therefore, I need your cooperation to find out the types and number distribution of the beasts, so as to facilitate the deployment plan."

Lu Chao expressed his thoughts.

Qin Feng nodded slightly:"No problem, but we have to agree on the distribution of spoils first."

There are countless powerful and smart teams that eventually disbanded due to uneven distribution, or even turned against each other.

Qin Feng is called being a villain first and a gentleman later.

Lu Chao showed an expression of approval and said directly:"I found the golden war lion, I will take six and you will take four, how about it?"

"No problem!"

Qin Feng agreed immediately.

He thought Lu Chao would only give 30%, but he didn't expect it to be 40%.

"But Brother Lu, I need money more."Qin Feng hesitated for a while and said.

Lu Chao said readily:"Okay, I will transfer the money to your account when the time comes, don't worry!"

Soon, the two finished their discussion.

They went to the department store to buy outdoor necessities, and then checked into the hotel, preparing to enter the military base in the abandoned city tomorrow.


It was just dawn.

Qin Feng and Lu Chao arrived at the military base.

Compared with the military base in Yuancheng, the abandoned city area is larger and more stable, like a heavy fortress.

The surrounding area is full of warrior teams, densely packed and noisy.

Lu Chao's eyes were cold and he whispered:"Once you enter the abandoned city area, it's competition, and casualties are normal."

The implication is.

If others' target is also the golden war lion, then you must stop killing with killing!

Money can move people's hearts.

What's more, it's a seriously injured golden war lion!

The two just hope that this news will not spread, so as not to cause a huge storm.

At this time, Qin Feng saw a group of familiar figures.

It was Dou Meiyu, Wan Qian and others!

""Why are they here?" he asked in surprise.

However, Qin Feng did not make a sound, nor did he go over.

They were not familiar with each other.

There was really no need to get together.

After waiting for a moment, the gate of the military base opened.

Lu Chao took the lead, and Qin Feng followed closely behind, merging into the vast flow of people.

On the other side,

Dou Meiyu's voice was a little excited:"Sisters, you must work hard on this trip, so that you can gain a firm foothold in Wu Mansion!"


Wan Qian and others nodded heavily.

A group of people quickened their pace and rushed into the abandoned city.

At the same time, some warrior teams also rushed in.

They stared at Qin Feng's back, with a sneer on their lips.


In the dense forest.


The wind was whirling wildly.

Lu Chao held the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick in his hand and smashed a primary warrior-level iron-skinned wild boar into a pulp.

Qin Feng tightly grasped the Qinggang alloy shovel and moved like thunder, easily chopping off the head of an iron-skinned wild boar.

Afterwards, the two of them dissected it with ease.

These materials can be sold for money.

Qin Feng also extracted two iron-skinned wild boars.

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 30 HP points】

【Obtain: 30 points of Qi and Blood]

A full 60 points of Qi and Blood!

This made Qin Feng feel delighted.

Lu Chao on the side was stunned.

He keenly felt that Qin Feng's Qi and Blood suddenly increased a lot.

But he did not ask.

Everyone has their own secrets.

Qin Feng has, and so does he.

The two continued on their way.

Qin Feng asked:"How far is it?"

Lu Chao estimated:"We are still in the outer ring of the abandoned city. It will take about 20 minutes from here."

Qin Feng nodded and stopped talking.

The two began to speed up and rushed to their destination!


Abandoned city area.

This is an abandoned city.

Dilapidated buildings, bumpy ground.

Chaotic streets, dirty hoof prints.

Many cars were smashed and tattered, randomly placed aside or lying on the ground.

Green trees penetrated the foundation, and vines wrapped around the building like a green dragon, lush and full of life.

This is a paradise for ferocious beasts and a nightmare for warriors!

Qin Feng stood on a high place and saw this scene, and couldn't help but sigh, it was really spectacular.

"Look, it's over there." Lu Chao handed over the telescope.

Qin Feng hurriedly looked in the direction he pointed.

The territory of the Golden War Lion is a square.

There are many ferocious beasts around the buildings, patrolling like soldiers to prevent other ferocious beasts from attacking.

Qin Feng rubbed his chin.

Although ferocious beasts can be seen from here, it is difficult to judge how many there are.

Suddenly, he came up with an idea and said in a deep voice:"Brother Lu, I'll go over there. It will be easier to judge when the distance is closer."

"How do you get through?"

Lu Chao frowned and said,"It's too dangerous in front. Once the steel-bone white ape appears, it will be difficult for you to escape."

Qin Feng laughed.

The next moment, he merged into the wall.

Lu Chao was stunned.

Two superpowers?!

"I won't put myself in danger and will be back soon." Qin Feng reappeared and gave Lu Chao a reassuring look.

After that, he jumped down from the tall building.

The shovel was inserted into the wall to slow down the speed of falling.

The moment he landed, Qin Feng leaped up, merged into the ground like a dragon entering the water, and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Lu Chao couldn't help but admire:"You are worthy of being a genius in the imperial capital, you really have the ability!"

Qin Feng ran to the square silently.

Although the vision in the soil was poor, the rough outline could be recognized.

If he encountered steel bars, Qin Feng would cut them off and continue to sneak in.

"Outside the square were warrior-level tiger cats and blood-toothed hyenas, about a hundred of them."

"Inside the building were long-tusked wild boars of the elementary warrior realm and demon dogs of the intermediate warrior realm."

At regular intervals, Qin Feng poked a hole in the floor with a shovel and stuck his head out to observe the surroundings.

Soon, he gradually got an idea in his mind.

Floating along the concrete.

After a moment, Qin Feng stuck his head out to observe.

At this moment!

His whole body suddenly stiffened.

A chill ran from the back of his head to his spine, his eyes stared at the front, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

Because, in front of him was a huge monster!

It was snoring heavily.

This was a snow-white ape, and with the length of its arms, it was 5 meters tall. The violent and ferocious aura permeated out, even Qin Feng felt creepy and his scalp was numb.

Steel-boned white ape, advanced warrior realm!

It seemed to be asleep.

Waves of snoring came out, as deafening as thunder.

Seeing this, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.


A bold idea came to his mind!

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