The steel-boned white ape snored loudly.

It was sleeping so soundly that it didn't notice Qin Feng at all.

So Qin Feng was thinking... could he take the opportunity to kill it!

As soon as this thought came up, Qin Feng quickly suppressed it.

If he didn't kill it with one strike, the situation would definitely get out of control.

By then, the whole plan would be ruined.

"I'll let you go for now, and I'll come back to deal with you later."

While muttering, Qin Feng disappeared back into the ground.

【Life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are determined by God, if you win, you win the Monkey King, if you lose, you lose the Monkey King! 】

Qin Feng cursed in his heart.

You black-bellied system, you encourage me to make trouble all day long!

What good will it do you if I die?

Passing the steel-boned white ape, Qin Feng continued to investigate forward.


A pressure even more terrifying than the steel-boned white ape came over him.

His heart sank.

If nothing unexpected happens, it should be the golden war lion.

Qin Feng's heartbeat accelerated wildly.

He quietly leaned out of the ground and saw a huge outline in the corner of the third floor at a glance.

It was a male lion sculpted from gold, and every hair seemed to be hammered and drawn from gold bars. It shone in the sun, domineering and mighty, and exuded a kingly style.

However, there were several places on the lion's head that lacked hair and were bleeding continuously, looking a little embarrassed.

There was a scratch on its abdomen, very deep, and although it had scabbed over, it would still ooze pus, with a strong stench.

"It is indeed seriously injured."Qin Feng judged.

He had no idea of sneak attack in his mind.

Don't look at this sick lion. If it really attacks, it is estimated that Qin Feng will vomit blood after a roar.

After observing carefully for a moment, Qin Feng prepared to go home.

He just escaped into the ground, and suddenly, his eyes were fixed on the back of the golden war lion.

There were all kinds of backpacks, combat uniforms, weapons, etc. scattered there, which should be the spoils of war.

Most of the things have been decayed and can no longer be used.

However, although a few weapons are stained with blood and dust, they can't cover up the sharp edge.

There is also a combat uniform!

Preliminary judgment, at least 3rd grade!

"Get rich!"

"This time I'm really rich!"

Qin Feng was very excited.

Grade 3 weapons and armor are very expensive!


In the excitement, Qin Feng heard a wolf howl.

In an instant, the whole building shook violently.

A chaotic atmosphere came over him.


"Impossible! I was very careful along the way"

"Even if it is discovered, it is a golden war lion, not a wolf.……"

Qin Feng's face changed, and he quickly merged into the ground.

At this time, the seriously injured golden war lion woke up.

It was 3 meters tall.

It opened its mouth, and a deafening lion roar echoed in all directions.

The building stopped shaking immediately.

All the beasts in its territory quieted down.

Showing the king's style!

Then, the golden war lion came to the small balcony and looked at the street in the distance.

There was a tide of beasts surging there.

A thick smoke spread out, blocking the view and covering the surroundings.


On the tall building.

Lu Chao heard the lion's roar, his expression changed slightly:"Has Qin Feng been discovered?"

He immediately looked towards the square, but did not find any ferocious beasts in the Golden War Lion's territory, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's the other side!"

Lu Chao picked up the telescope and muttered,"There are idiots who would provoke the Moon Wolf King, are they looking for death?"

In another corner of the abandoned city.

A pack of wolves came out, roaring non-stop.

The smell of blood and stench filled the air, and they were chasing a group of girls who were fleeing madly in front!


Dou Meiyu's steps were graceful, and as she waved her delicate hands, cold air spread out and condensed into an ice wall to block the wolves.

Bang, bang, bang...

The wolves hit the ice wall and were slightly blocked.

But not long after, the ice wall shattered and the wolves charged again.

""Sprinkle the animal repellent powder!" Wan Qian said hurriedly.

The other girls turned around and sprinkled the powder.

Taking advantage of this gap, a group of people went into the building, holding their breath and not daring to breathe.

Downstairs, the wolf howled continuously.

It lasted for a long time before gradually dissipating.

Dou Meiyu and Wan Qian and other girls looked at each other, their expressions were both fortunate and regretful.

Fortunately, they escaped the pursuit of the wolf pack.

Unfortunately, they failed to kidnap the cub of the Moon Wolf King.

"What should we do now?"

The girls looked at Dou Meiyu.

Obviously, she was the backbone of the small group.

Dou Meiyu immediately said:"If it doesn't work once, try a few more times, and it will always succeed."

"However, they can fail countless times, but if we fail once, it's all over."Wan Qian said helplessly with a bitter face.

That's a beast at the level of a general!

If we fail, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Fortune and wealth are achieved through risk!"

"If we miss this opportunity, we will have no chance in the future!"

Dou Meiyu was very determined:"Going down to the tomb in the future will only be more dangerous than now. By then, we will have no chance to retreat!"

The last sentence made all the girls silent.

The fear that permeated among the crowd was gradually dissipating.

On the other side.

Lu Chao saw everything that happened just now on the top floor.

He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

A group of wolves are chasing a group of girls.

There are more wolves and fewer girls.

I always feel that this picture is implying something……

"" Brother Lu, what's going on?"

At this time, Qin Feng came back from the square building.

Lu Chao pointed to the building in the distance and replied:"There is a group of girls there, who just provoked the Moon Wolf King."

Then he added:"The one who fought with the Golden War Lion before was the Moon Wolf King."


Qin Feng immediately thought of Dou Meiyu and others.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really not familiar with them!

The Moon Wolf King is a ferocious beast at the level of a general, and he has a pack of wolves under his command.

Except for these young ones, no one dares to provoke them!

Qin Feng glanced at the square, then looked at the building in the distance.

Then, he whispered:"Brother Lu, I have a plan, how about we try it?"

"Is it dangerous?" Lu Chao asked.

Qin Feng grinned and said,"It is countless times more dangerous than the original plan.���The benefits will be greater!"

Lu Chao is not a timid conservative.

This can be seen from the fact that he drives a Wuling car.

Without thinking, he said directly:"Okay! How to do it?"

"Don't worry, let's see if those girls are willing to cooperate." Qin Feng looked deeply at the distant building.

Lu Chao's eyes widened instantly.

He looked at Qin Feng seriously, then nodded:"You do have the capital, but the other side has a lot of people, can you handle it alone?"

Qin Feng rolled his eyes and explained helplessly:"They are also freshmen of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy."

Lu Chao nodded suddenly, murmured:"Then you have to go, and you still want to say that I can help you"

【Just for this sentence, this young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, you deserve to be my lifelong friend!】

"Shut up!"

Qin Feng ignored the two of them.

He climbed up the platform, took in the abandoned city, and said to himself:"Then let's make this hunt even crazier!"

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