The sun slowly sets.

The abandoned city has entered its most dangerous moment.

Fierce beasts will come out to hunt at night.

They are more ferocious and bloodthirsty, and will not stop until they kill their prey.

Qin Feng and Lu Chao left the top floor and quietly rushed to the building where Dou Meiyu and the others were.

"My friend, there is someone here."

"If you dare to come closer, don't blame us for being rude!"

As the two approached, they heard a cold female voice.

Qin Feng felt that the voice was a little familiar, and lowered his voice and said:"Is it Wan Qian?"


The woman said in surprise, and then said,"Why do I hear the voice of the dark Qin Feng?"

Qin Feng's face darkened.

You are the dark one!

Your whole family is dark!

Soon, Wan Qian poked her head out and looked at Qin Feng and Lu Chao in the shadows, especially the latter. She was full of vigilance.

"Why are you here?"

Wan Qian frowned and said,"You didn't follow me here, did you? Not only is he treacherous, but he is also……"

Before she finished speaking, she was covered by the other girls' mouths and smiled awkwardly.

Qin Feng resisted the urge to dig a hole to bury the person and followed them into the building.

"You were the ones who provoked the Moon Wolf King just now, right?" Qin Feng got straight to the point.

Dou Meiyu was aloof by nature and nodded slightly.

"You almost got yourself killed!"

Qin Feng's eyes were deep, and he said word by word:"There is a second beast in the general realm here. If we attract them……"

Is this true?


But no!

The Golden War Lion is nearby, and it is indeed a fierce beast at the level of a general.

However, fierce beasts have a strong sense of territory.

As long as it does not invade their own territory, they will ignore it.

Dou Meiyu and the others are making trouble in the territory of the Moon Wolf King, and there is no way they can provoke the Golden War Lion. The reason why Qin Feng said this is that he wanted to join forces with this group of girls.

If the alliance fails, he will scare them away so as not to affect his and Lu Chao's plan.

Afterwards, Lu Chao briefly introduced the situation of the Golden War Lion.

The group of girls realized it belatedly.

"Your target is the Moon Wolf King, our target is the Golden War Lion, we can definitely form a united front"

"Cooperation, win-win"

"If we don't cooperate, it will not only be difficult, but also affect each other."

Qin Feng put forward two options

"Okay, we will cooperate with you!"

Dou Meiyu agreed immediately.

Qin Feng blinked, a little surprised.

This girl is so straightforward!

He didn't even tell her the details of the plan, and she agreed directly?

"Are you surprised that we are so straightforward?" Wan Qian saw Qin Feng's confusion.

Qin Feng nodded.

A girl explained:"My father is from the Kong Mansion. He mentioned your information. You dropped out of school and gave up cultivation in order to save your sister. You also helped the Zhan Mansion to kill cult members. Your character is trustworthy!"

After that, the girls looked at Qin Feng with sparkling eyes.

Qin Feng was a little amused and hurriedly changed the subject:"Why did you provoke the Moon Wolf King?"

Dou Meiyu replied:"When you went out to eliminate the cult members, the instructor took us to the abandoned city area to hunt ferocious beasts. By chance, we discovered the cub of the Moon Wolf King."

Qin Feng suddenly realized.

It seems that this is really the case!

"That's the cub of the Moon Wolf King. If you sell it, you can get a lot of points!"

"It's all because my family didn't give me enough points to spend, otherwise I wouldn't have come"

"That's right, not only is it dangerous, but it also makes your skin tanned."

A group of girls complained.

Qin Feng and Lu Chao's mouths twitched when they heard it.

My goodness, these are a bunch of rich women!

If they don't work hard to earn points, their families will keep giving them points to spend!

Versailles Tournament!

""Okay, no more idle chatter."

Qin Feng took a deep breath and his expression became serious.

"The beasts in the general realm have strong recovery ability. The longer we delay, the more disadvantageous it will be for us. We must fight quickly."

"In this battle, we can only win by wits, not by force."

He drew a simple route map with a stone, marking key areas:"I will be responsible for attracting the hatred of both sides, making them leave their respective territories and kill each other."

"When they start fighting, try to collapse the building to block the way back. The more they fight, the more chances we have.……"

"Leave the building collapse to me!"

Wan Qian patted her chest, making the sound of sea-blue steel plates.

She is an S-level elemental system: Shockwave!

"Okay, I will try my best to lure the two war general beasts to this location, and then you can blow up the building."

"Brother Lu and I will go to the Golden War Lion for a walk first, and then come back. As for the cubs you want, I will go with you when the time comes, so that I can take care of them."

After saying that, Qin Feng looked up at the group of girls.

This plan is very simple.

It may not be perfect, but it is practical.

The more detailed the plan, the more likely it is to make mistakes, so it is better to keep it simple.

Dou Meiyu and the others discussed it for a while.

Finally, they nodded in agreement.

"After 10 minutes, I started pulling monsters"

"You guys get ready first."

Qin Feng looked at the time.

After saying that, he disappeared into the ground silently.


In the abandoned city, on another building, a group of people were hiding. Some were sitting cross-legged and practicing, while others were staring at the window.

Some were even holding a black sniper rifle, looking for something.

"Did you see him?"

"No, but he is definitely in the area."

"Keep monitoring, and if spotted, kill immediately!"

"Their purpose is to conduct human experiments, and they don’t care whether someone lives or dies!"

"The feeling of hunting geniuses is so wonderful!"

The voices sounded particularly eerie in the dark night.


The night wind swept past.

The corner of the robes of this group of people was lifted.

Faintly, there was a strange tattoo.


10 minutes have passed.

Dou Meiyu and others are ready.

As soon as Qin Feng returns, they will go to the Moon Wolf King's territory and seize the cubs.

Lu Chao came to the Golden War Lion's territory, waiting for an opportunity.

Through the night vision goggles, he could vaguely see Qin Feng's figure.

The latter shuttled between the ground and underground, smashing the heads of one tiger cat after another, and then dragged them away.

This operation is very dangerous.

The beast is very sensitive to the smell of blood.

Therefore, Qin Feng does not have much time left!

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 5 HP points】


Get 30 points of Qi and Health!

Qin Feng improved his Qi and Health while executing his plan.

After dealing with the Golden War Lion, he immediately fled to the Moon Wolf King's territory.

There was a large orchard there.

Qin Feng twisted the heads of several silver wolves and fled silently.

Before leaving, he threw the body of the tiger cat into the Moon Wolf King's territory.

Then throw the body of the silver wolf into the Golden War Lion's territory!

Pretend to be a fight!

After doing all this, Qin Feng crouched and waited quietly.


In the middle of the night, a lion's roar suddenly broke out, full of anger and haste.


On the other side, the howl of a wolf that seemed to be able to penetrate gold and split stone completely broke the silence of the night.


The earth shook violently.

One ferocious beast after another roared to the sky, causing the nearby buildings to sway from side to side.


These two words popped up in the minds of Qin Feng, Lu Chao, Dou Meiyu and others at the same time.

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