The dilapidated street shook violently.

At the corner, a large number of canine beasts rushed out.

The leader was the Moon Wolf King!

The mighty and huge body, the pure silver hair shone in the moonlight, the indescribably handsome face was grinning, exuding a cold and terrifying murderous intent.

In front of it, of course, was the Golden War Lion.

At this moment, the Golden War Lion was completely furious.

The mane on its neck exploded, and with a low roar, it rushed out first!


The beasts from the two territories collided with each other.

In the field of vision, blood and flesh were blurred.

The melee broke out!

Not far away, the girls were shocked and amazed when they saw this scene.

"Qin Feng is indeed an expert at making trouble, no wonder he is so successful in the Wu Mansion."Wan Qian was amazed.

With just a little trick, he could attract ferocious beasts to fight.

This trick is really unique!

"Stop talking nonsense, go and cut off the route. Be careful, wait until they retreat before you attack."Dou Meiyu reminded


Wan Qian and others left, leaving Dou Meiyu and others to continue observing.

On the other side,

Qin Feng and Lu Chao had already rushed into the Golden War Lion building.

"Is there really a 3rd grade equipment?"Lu Chao's eyes were shining.

Qin Feng confirmed:"Although I only took a look, it should be correct."

Lu Chao smiled, his eyes full of excitement.

If there is really a 3rd grade equipment, whether the golden war lion is killed or not, it will be a big profit!

The two steel-boned white apes followed the golden war lion to join the battle.

Therefore, Qin Feng and Lu Chao had a smooth journey.

After a while.

The two arrived at the golden war lion's lair.

A fishy smell hit them in the face.

The two people's eyes were locked on the hill of trophies at the same time.

In addition to the rotten equipment, there were also many that were bitten to pieces and could not be used at all.

""Damn, you prodigal son!" Lu Chao cursed.

He saw a pair of 3rd-grade combat boots being bitten to pieces, what a waste!

While Qin Feng was looking for useful equipment, he asked,"How many points are needed for the 3rd-grade weapons and armor of Youzhou Wufu?"

"Let's start with 1000!" Lu Chao's face was full of heartache.

Qin Feng thought about it.

The Imperial Capital Martial Arts House was a big family, and a 3rd-grade weapon seemed to be 800 points.

There was nothing he could do about it.

Youzhou Martial Arts House was notoriously poor.

Even if the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House was now in decline, it was still a lean camel that was bigger than a horse, and it still had the necessary foundation!

In the end, they found two weapons and a piece of armor, all of which were 3rd-grade

"According to the proportion, I will take a weapon."

Qin Feng was not greedy.

He took a fancy to a black sword, which was as black as ink. He felt very comfortable when he held it.

Lu Chao was very happy, but he still shook his head and refused:"You found all these, so you took the biggest share.……"

"Don't be so fussy, man!"

Qin Feng laughed and scolded:"Just listen to me, let's cooperate more in the future!"

Lu Chao also laughed:"It's me who is petty, okay, I recognize you as my brother!"

Qin Feng smiled, but frowned.

Why does this line sound familiar?

【Host, you have to be careful, he may want to be with you~]

Qin Feng resisted the urge to kill the system, took a deep breath and said:"Brother Lu, the Golden War Lion is in your hands, I will go to help them!"

"Go ahead, you don't have to worry about the Golden War Lion, I promise to give you a complete answer."Lu Chao's voice was full of boldness.

Qin Feng nodded, hid in the concrete, and left quickly!


A strong smell of blood and a brutal fight.

The Golden War Lion and the Moon Wolf King turned into two streams of light, one gold and one silver, and fought madly on the ground.


The lion roared to the sky.

One after another, the canine beasts had their eardrums shattered and died on the spot!


The Moon Wolf King howled to the sky, transformed into a silver comet, and knocked the Golden War Lion into the tall building, smashing big holes.

This was a pure wild fight!

Every scene that fell into the eyes of Dou Meiyu and others was extremely shocking!

"Stop looking and get ready to go!"

Suddenly, Qin Feng poked his head out from the ground, almost scaring the girls to scream.

""Can't you give me a heads up?" Dou Meiyu complained.

Then, several people hurriedly followed Qin Feng and sneaked towards the Moon Wolf King's territory.

""Are there only cubs of the Moon Wolf King?"

Qin Feng asked on the way.

Dou Meiyu hesitated for a while, and said in a concentrated voice:"Not only that, there are also eggs of the Iron Dragon Beast."

Qin Feng recalled the information.

The Iron Dragon Beast is a high-level warrior.

This is an extremely ferocious beast, with steel armor that cannot be penetrated by artillery.

Its body is larger than the Golden War Lion and the Moon Wolf King. It has thick skin and flesh, and its hardness is comparable to steel. It looks very much like a rhinoceros. Once it launches a charge, it is simply a siege weapon!

Since there are eggs, it means at least one male and one female.

In terms of status, it is equivalent to the two steel-boned white apes under the command of the Golden War Lion.

"In this operation, I not only made suggestions, but also did everything myself. I'm sure you all saw this."

"There is a saying that working people are the most respectable. You must not let the people down."

Qin Feng showed a warm and kind smile.

Dou Meiyu rolled her eyes at him and said,"Don't worry, we will transfer the points to you as soon as we sell the cubs."

"Don't worry, just remember it."

Qin Feng's smile became more and more gentle, but his heart was filled with ecstasy!

After making money from Lu Chao, make money from Dou Meiyu!

Make money from both ends!

Maximize the profit!

Soon, a group of people sneaked into the territory of the Moon Wolf King.

There were ferocious beasts guarding here, but they were all inconspicuous little Karamis, which could be killed easily.

After a search.

Qin Feng found the sleeping Moon Wolf King cub in a corner.

"I'll go find the Iron Dragon Beast's eggs."

Qin Feng handed the Moon Wolf King cub to Dou Meiyu and turned to flee to another direction.

It didn't take much effort for Qin Feng to find two Iron Dragon Beast eggs, which were about the size of a human head, covered with sticky liquid, and twitched from time to time.

"I made a fortune today!"

Qin Feng put the egg into his backpack and prepared to leave.

Bang, bang, bang!

There was a violent vibration.

A huge monster was walking outside.

It was the Iron Dragon Beast!

"What should we do?"Dou Meiyu looked anxious.

The Iron Dragon Beast blocked the way back.

Qin Feng could burrow underground, but they couldn't!

Qin Feng said without any hesitation:"I will attract its attention, and you take the opportunity to escape. Remember, don't trust any warrior team. If they dare to stop us, we will kill them!"


Dou Meiyu and the others nodded heavily.


Qin Feng escaped into the concrete and ran quickly.


Under the tall building.

Steeldramon came back from patrol.

For some reason, it always felt a little uneasy and was eager to return to its nest.


A stone hit its head.

Steeldramon turned back angrily, but could not find any trace.

Bang, bang, bang... a series of knocking sounds came from a distance.

Steeldramon was already irritable, and immediately shifted his attention to it, running quickly towards the source of the sound.

Taking advantage of this gap, Dou Meiyu and others rushed out quickly. They disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As soon as they left, Steeldramon came back.

Its IQ is not high, and it has no idea that it has been fooled.

Returning to the nest, curled up in the corner.

Steeldramon habitually pointed its butt at the two eggs, ready to start today's incubation.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Steeldramon felt something was wrong.

Why are today's eggs not scratchy?

It looked back in confusion, and then... where are my eggs?!

Looking at the empty lair, the eyes of the Irondramon instantly turned blood red, and it raised its head and let out a shrill roar.


The roar dispersed the dark clouds and was even transmitted to the scene of the fight!

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