The Moon Wolf King was fighting with the Golden War Lion.

It was covered with wounds, and a lot of its silver hair had fallen off. It was blind in one eye, and its two claws were broken and bleeding.


The roar of the Iron Dragon Beast came.

The Moon Wolf King turned back suddenly and looked at his territory in confusion. The male Iron Dragon Beast seemed to have a telepathic connection and also roared like thunder, as if responding to the female Iron Dragon Beast.

However, the Steel Bone White Ape under the command of the Golden War Lion did not follow the moral principles of martial arts.

It took advantage of the roar of the male Iron Dragon Beast and punched the latter's head directly, sending it flying several meters away, with blood oozing from its mouth and nose.

At this time.

Wan Qian noticed that the Moon Wolf King wanted to retreat, and hurriedly shouted:"Do it!"

A blurred afterimage appeared on her hands.

This was not a virtualization, but an afterimage caused by high-frequency vibration!

Wan Qian jumped high and slapped her hands on the ground. A visible impact swept out and hit the crumbling stone pillar!


The high-rise building shook violently.

Cracks continued to spread upwards, and finally collapsed, completely cutting off the Moon Wolf King's retreat!

Not only that, other buildings also began to collapse.

Dust flew wildly, covering the entire abandoned city area.

"Damn, who is doing the demolition here?"

"There should be ferocious beasts fighting each other. Should we go over and take a look?"

"Judging from the noise, it is most likely a ferocious beast at the level of a general. With our strength, going over there would be courting death!"

There are many teams of warriors in the abandoned city area, each with their own ideas.

It is worth mentioning that the reason for destroying the high-rise building is, first, to block the Moon Wolf King and the Golden War Lion, allowing them to fight further.

Second, to buy time for Qin Feng and his men to escape.

Qin Feng, who was running fast, knew that Wan Qian had taken action when he saw the shocking scene of dust all over the sky and the collapse of high-rise buildings.

He held the shovel in his left hand and the knife in his right hand, and whispered,"I'll go help Brother Lu first, and gather later!"

After that, he escaped into the ground and quickly rushed to the collapsed area.

Dou Meiyu and others did not hesitate, turned their steps, and evacuated in another direction


In the center of the abandoned city. The surrounding roads are blocked.

The Golden War Lion and the Moon Wolf King stared at it with a fierce roar.

Looking closely, the Golden War Lion's injuries became more and more serious.

The wound on its abdomen was torn open, and its bloody intestines could be seen. Its blood and qi were greatly depleted, and its steps became a little staggering.

The Moon Wolf King stared at the Golden War Lion.

It wanted to return to its territory just now.

Now the road is blocked.

Since it can't leave, it might as well kill the guy in front of it and further expand its territory!

Not far away.

Lu Chao stood on the ruins, holding the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick in his hand, breathing in and out rhythmically.

Gradually, the Kirin pattern on the surface of the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick began to wriggle, as if it had life, sometimes shining, sometimes dimming.

""Are you ready?"

Qin Feng asked as he jumped out from underground.

Lu Chao tightly grasped the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick and nodded.

Qin Feng also tightly grasped the shovel and black knife.

The target this time was the Golden War Lion.

It would be even better if the Moon Wolf King could be killed at the same time!


The golden war lion let out a low roar.

Its fighting spirit faded, and it seemed ready to escape.

But at this moment!

A human jumped out from underground, open and bright, as if he was not afraid of them at all. The golden war lion was stunned at first, and then burst into rage.

It saw the black knife in Qin Feng's hand.

That was its favorite collection!


Qin Feng glanced at the black knife and said jokingly,"Now, it belongs to me, and you also belong to me!"

The golden war lion has a very high IQ.

It can't understand human language, but it understands Qin Feng's joking.


It was completely angry.

With a roar, it turned into a golden flash and killed!

It ignored its seriously injured body, and had only one thought in its mind: kill this human!

Qin Feng was well prepared.

At the moment the golden war lion attacked, it went underground directly!


The lion's claws fell to the ground.

The terrible shock wave was transmitted into the ground, causing Qin Feng's mouth and nose to bleed slightly, and his internal organs to ache slightly.

"How terrible!"

Qin Feng's expression was shocked.

He managed to avoid the claw.

If it had been caught, it would have been smashed to pieces!

Look at the golden war lion again.

It was even more angry after missing the attack.

But at this moment, a figure rushed over quickly, and a fiery and vigorous blood burst out of his body, like a volcanic eruption.

Lu Chao shouted:"Qilin Mang Yue Style!"

The Qilin Heaven Shaking Stick was waving quickly in his hand.

A Qilin phantom emerged, pointing directly at the belly of the golden war lion from bottom to top.


The terrifying power erupted instantly.

The belly of the golden war lion was already cracked, and the stick hit it, and the internal organs inside were beaten into meat paste, and the spine even had cracks!

But, this is not over yet!

Almost at the same moment, Qin Feng jumped out of the soil.

He held the shovel and the black knife tightly, and shouted:"Nine-fold Blood Thunder!"


The blood thunder bloomed!

The ruthless blade chopped down.

The heavy long stick was raised.

Qin Feng and Lu Chao mobilized the blood in their bodies and roared:"Die!"

Puff-- the huge lion head was cut off in an instant.

The spine exploded, piercing through the flesh and blood.

The golden war lion fell!

Two warriors killed the war generals!

This scene deeply shocked the Moon Wolf King, the Steel Bone White Ape, the Steel Dragon Beast and other fierce beasts.

Dou Meiyu, Wan Qian and others were even more shocked.

They knew that Qin Feng and Lu Chao would deal with the golden war lion.

They never expected that these two people would kill it so neatly!


At this time, the Moon Wolf King growled.

It was not a fight to the death, but a desire to escape.

It was already seriously injured, without two claws, and its combat effectiveness dropped significantly.

Just now, the golden war lion died on the spot.

The last trace of fighting spirit disappeared, and it only wanted to escape back to the territory as soon as possible.


"Of course!"

Qin Feng and Lu Chao had a tacit understanding.

They rushed out quickly, one on the left and one on the right.

At this time, the Moon Wolf King was about to escape from the ruins.

At the moment it jumped, Qin Feng jumped high, turned his body 360 degrees, and threw the black knife out.


The black light merged into the darkness, silently.

When the Moon Wolf King reacted, it was too late, and he could only watch the black knife pierce into his waist.

Puff- the flesh was torn apart violently.

The Moon Wolf King had no time to wail, and Lu Chao arrived in front of him.

He jumped into the night sky, holding the stick with both hands, like the Monkey King, sweeping the Qing court with a stick!


The Moon Wolf King's waist was hit hard.

The so-called copper head, iron tail and tofu waist is about wolves.

First, the black knife tore the flesh on the waist.

Then the unicorn stick smashed the spine.

Even as tyrannical as the Moon Wolf King, he couldn't bear it. After letting out an unwilling wail, he fell heavily to the ground!

"The beasts fight each other, and we benefit. We've made a lot of money this time!" Qin Feng's face was full of excitement.

Lu Chao also grinned.

It turned out to be the right choice to join forces with Qin Feng!

Dou Meiyu and others walked over from the safe area.

There was still horror in their eyes.

Two great war generals-level beasts died overnight!

Tonight is really shocking!

At the same moment.

On a building.

A man in black with tattoos on his arms was looking at the ruins through a night vision goggles.

Suddenly, he exclaimed:"Captain, found it!"


The man called the captain immediately gave the order.

In an instant, the sniper was in position.

He picked up the black sniper rifle and aimed at... Qin Feng!

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