Two war general level beasts.

A large number of warrior level beasts.

Three third-grade equipment!

After Dou Meiyu sold the cubs and eggs, she also received points!

Lu Chao sold the beast carcasses for at least tens of millions!

As he calculated, Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

This trip was quite rewarding!

He placed his hand on the body of the Moon Wolf King and said to himself,"Extract"

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtained: 100 points of Qi and Health]

Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

As expected of a general, his Qi and Health were so high!

He hurriedly extracted the Golden War Lion.

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 100 HP points】


【Name: Qin Feng】

【HP: 1298】

【Realm: Primary Warrior Realm】

【Talents: Unlimited Extraction (SSS), Earth Fusion (D-rank Superhuman), Power Storage (C-rank Superhuman)】

【Martial Arts: Blood Thunder Ninth Layer (Second Layer)】

Looking at the attribute panel, Qin Feng wiped his saliva.

What is the upgrade speed as fast as drinking water and eating?

This is it!

Of course, there is also a luck factor.

If the Golden War Lion and the Moon Wolf King were not mortal enemies, Qin Feng would not have found a chance to outwit them.

With his small body, it is not enough to fill the gap between his teeth!

"There are still many warrior beasts here, and we should strive to enter the intermediate warrior realm tonight!"

When Qin Feng was about to continue extracting the blood value, Lu Chao whispered:"Move the bodies quickly, there are many warrior teams here."

"You are so brave that you dare to kill even the beasts of the general level."Dou Meiyu muttered.

Qin Feng said,"The brave ones will die of overeating, and the timid ones will die of starvation. Besides, you are not small in courage."

He was talking about the Moon Wolf King cub and two Iron Dragon Beast eggs.

This is also a huge sum of money!

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Chao and Qin Feng's pupils shrank at the same time, and their hair stood on end.

This is the sense of crisis caused by frequent fighting!

"Get out of the way!"

""Get down!"

The two roared at the same time.

Dou Meiyu and the others' hearts suddenly tightened, and they immediately lay on the ground.


The gunshot rang out.

In no time, the bullet came in front of Qin Feng.


Too fast.

His whole body of blood stopped at this moment. There was no space to dodge. He could only grit his teeth and block the shovel and black knife from his head.

"Block it!"

""I must block it!"

Qin Feng roared in his heart.

A little light appeared on his body.

The iron sheet condensed!

With a clang!

The terrifying force shook Qin Feng away and fell heavily into the ruins.

Wow... a mouthful of blood spit out.

The iron sheet at Qin Feng's brow cracked, and blood flowed.

A large area of bruises appeared around him.

The whole head was buzzing, and it felt like the world was spinning violently.

"Qin Feng!"

Lu Chao rushed over.

Seeing that Qin Feng was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Qin Feng blocked the bullet with a black knife and a shovel, thus avoiding direct contact. Otherwise, he would be a cold corpse now!

Qin Feng gasped for breath and said grimly:"Damn warrior team, you are looking for death!"

"This is a large-caliber heavy firepower, which a warrior team would hardly carry."Lu Chao is experienced and made a quick judgment.

Qin Feng's eyes turned cold:"That's coming for me!"

He went through the enemies in his mind.

The Wufu didn't seem to have one.

Then it must be... a cult!

However, Qin Feng's whereabouts were very secretive.

How could the cult lock on him?

"Either there is a traitor in the Wu Mansion, or they are being watched for a long time."

Qin Feng made a preliminary judgment in his mind.

Then, he whispered to Dou Meiyu and others who were lying on the ground:"Find cover, don't show your head!"

"Brother Lu, the other party is a cult, no one can be spared!" He turned his head and looked at Lu Chao, his tone grim.

Qin Feng hated the cult from the bottom of his heart.

Not only because the cult wanted to kill him, but also because they had attacked Xiaoxue before!

Qin Feng couldn't tolerate this!

"I'll help you." Lu Chao said firmly.

Qin Feng looked at Lu Chao and nodded heavily.

He turned over and jumped into the pile of corpses covered with blood.

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 24 HP points】

【Gain: 3 HP points】

【Gain: 1 HP point】

【Gain: 2 HP points】

【Gain: 31 HP points】


Strands of pure blood rushed through his body.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng's blood value exceeded 1500, and it was still soaring!

At the same time,

Qin Feng discovered a problem.

They were all primary warrior beasts, but some had 10 points of blood, while others only had 2 points. The values were not uniform.

"Could it be that these beasts had died long ago, and the essence of their blood and qi would fade away with time?"Qin Feng thought of this possibility.

Usually, he would extract it immediately, and his blood and qi value was very stable.

Today's situation was the first time he encountered it.

However, he didn't care and continued to extract it like crazy.

When the system stopped prompting, Qin Feng turned his head suddenly, locked the direction of the bullet, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Blood and qi value: 1814!

Only nearly 200 points of blood and qi value were needed for Qin Feng to enter the intermediate warrior realm!

He put away the shovel, held the black knife in his hand, and silently escaped into the ground!

Lu Chao held the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick in his hand, sneaked into the darkness, and quietly approached the building!


Under the building, the warrior team came out with various weapons. There were a large number of people, more than 20 people.

"Don't talk nonsense, kill as soon as you meet!"

"Cut off his head and take it as a trophy, and sell the body to those pharmaceutical companies!" The captain said in a low voice with a face full of flesh.

""Yes, Captain!" The others said they understood.

They were just about to take action.

The next second, a knife light that could not be seen by the naked eye slashed out from the ground!

Puff - legs were ruthlessly cut off.

Accompanied by miserable screams, six or seven people lost their ability to move on the spot.

""Looking for death!"

The captain reacted very quickly. His fist was full of strong Qi and blood, and he slammed the ground heavily.


The ground cracked instantly.

The terrible shock force was transmitted and shook Qin Feng out.

But at this moment, Lu Chao appeared.

Tall and mighty, he was like a Gotham City law enforcer in the dark. He raised his long stick high and slammed down with all his strength!

The captain was completely unaware of Lu Chao's sneaking.

He had no time to dodge, and immediately raised his fists, one left and one right, in a spiral shape, and blasted out head-on.

Qi and blood raged.

The spiral fist wind turned into two blood bulls, crashing into the Qilin Heaven Shaking Stick.


The blood bulls exploded on the spot.

The captain stepped back more than ten steps and smashed the wall

"Bull Fist?"

"You are from the Northeastern Martial Arts Academy!"

Lu Chao recognized the captain's martial arts and said coldly.

Qin Feng looked at the bloody tattoo on a broken leg and said in a cold tone:"To be more precise, they are from the Blood Cult!"

The two looked at each other and rushed out again.


The captain's eyes were cold, and he could only grit his teeth and fight back.

Although they had the advantage in numbers, at the beginning, they did not expect Lu Chao to go with Qin Feng, and their strength configuration was far from enough.

That's why they chose to shoot.

Now they were attacked.

Qin Feng and Lu Chao also got 3rd-grade equipment.

There was already a gap in strength, and now it was even worse.

In less than half a minute

, more than 20 members of the Blood Cult died or were injured.

The captain was even killed by Lu Chao with a stick.

"The last time the Blood Cult wanted to kill me, I killed them instead."

"This time, you failed again."

Qin Feng squatted in front of a member of the Blood Cult and sighed deeply:"Why? The Blood Cult is a bunch of illiterates who don't know how to learn lessons?"

"Qin Feng, don't be so proud!"

Although the Blood Cult member was seriously injured, he still grinned:"Do you think you can leave Youzhou alive?"

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