The Earth Essence Training Room.

This is a huge glass room.

The corridor is bright and the glass is transparent.

It is not big inside, about 20 square meters, clean and tidy.

There is a futon in the middle. No fluctuating energy can be felt here.

The isolation is excellent!

"You have 10 minutes, make sure you use them well."

The teacher in the training room, surnamed Tang, was explaining to Qin Feng

"The essence of the earth, a cultivation resource from a tomb pit, requires thousands of processes to remove impurities."

"It has excellent integration properties, and will not produce any side effects in the process of increasing Qi and blood value."

Qin Feng had an expression of understanding on his face.

He asked in a low voice:"Teacher Tang, how much does the Earth Essence Training Room charge?"

"1 minute is 100 points."Teacher Tang said with a smile.

Qin Feng's eyes widened.

10 minutes is 1000 points?!

You can obviously go and grab the points, and you even built a special earth essence training room. I'm crying!


Qin Feng suddenly had an idea.

Why don't I sell 10 minutes to others?

"Mr. Tang, I can……"Qin Feng rubbed his hands.

Before he finished speaking, Teacher Tang directly refused:"No"




"It is strictly forbidden to resell training time. What's more, this is a reward, not something you can redeem with points. It is of a different nature."He had expected this and directly cut off all of Qin Feng's evil thoughts.

Qin Feng sighed. You defended so hard.

Next season, you will defend James alone!

Teacher Tang stared at Qin Feng and sighed in his heart.

"The Imperial Capital Wufu has always been upright and honest."

"How come there is a kid who does the opposite this year?"

"It's all Zhang Antong's fault! He's the one who caused all the trouble!"

While Teacher Tang was complaining, Qin Feng walked through the disinfection door and officially stepped into the Earth Essence Training Room.

It was extremely quiet inside.

Even his own heartbeat could be heard clearly.

Thump, thump... his heart was beating rhythmically.

Inexplicably, a feeling of suffocation came over him.

"Don't worry, everyone will have this situation. Sit cross-legged on the cushion and try your best to absorb it."Teacher Tang's voice sounded.

Qin Feng suppressed his inner restlessness and sat cross-legged obediently.

Suddenly, a pure energy surged, as vast and tolerant as the earth, spreading around Qin Feng's body.

""Can it be extracted?"

Qin Feng said to himself.

He turned his palm upwards and said silently:"Extract!"

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: Earth Essence, HP increased by 1 point】

【Gain: Earth Essence, HP increased by 1 point】


The system prompts did not jump one sentence at a time.

Instead, they refreshed the screen!

Crazy +1+1+1+1+1!

In just one minute,

Qin Feng's blood value has broken through 1950!

Moreover, it is still refreshing the screen!

As if it will not stop!

Although killing fierce beasts can give more blood value.

But, that is to risk your life.

How good it is here!

Extremely safe and quiet!

"Strange, how can the earth essence be consumed so quickly?"

Teacher Tang looked at the operation panel, somewhat puzzled.

Generally speaking, few students would come to the earth essence training room.

It was too expensive!

Calculated by the minute, even the richest students would find it difficult to maintain.

Therefore, the service group was the tutors.

At this moment, Qin Feng's speed of refining the earth essence was comparable to that of the tutors, and was even accelerating!

""I'm about to break through."

Teacher Tang stared at Qin Feng and murmured.

At this moment, Qin Feng's blood was surging all over his body, and his skin turned red, like a red-hot shrimp.

【[Obtained: Earth Essence, Qi and Blood Value Increased by 1 Point]

With the reminder of the system, the Qi and Blood Value exceeded 2000!

Officially entered the intermediate warrior realm!

Qin Feng had no time to rejoice.

He immediately used all the energy of the earth's essence to condense the iron sheet, ready to shape the silver armor in one go!

The condensation of silver armor requires huge resources.

In these 10 minutes, there is an unlimited supply of energy.

Qin Feng must seize this opportunity!

As for the realm, he is not in a hurry.

Anyway, it is all about improving strength.

The difficult points must be dealt with first!


Qin Feng clenched his fists, and the iron sheet covered his skin, emitting a little silver light, which was very beautiful.

With the influx of the essence of the earth, the iron sheet became more and more solid, giving people a sense of indestructibility.

"Is this to condense silver armor?"

Teacher Tang saw through Qin Feng's intention.

But he was not optimistic.

There were less than 5 minutes left.

Such an absorption speed was too reluctant!

In the earth essence training room.

Qin Feng was frantically extracting the essence of the earth.

A stream of majestic energy attached to the skin, dyeing the iron sheet with a light bright silver color at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a beautiful silver iron man.

However, the color was slightly dull.

This shows that the degree of shaping is relatively low.

Generally, by this time, the practitioner has lost strength. The remaining part requires a lot of time to polish.

Qin Feng has no such concerns!

He is still frantically extracting the essence of the earth!


More and more pure energy poured in.

The color of the silver armor gradually became colorful.

The mediocre surface began to evolve into the outline of armor, covering the whole body one by one, exuding a majestic breath!

""The last 30 seconds!"

Teacher Tang's voice came out hurriedly.

Qin Feng's forehead had not been filled by the silver armor yet!

It was still a little short!

Qin Feng was still calm.

He took out the pill sent by the Governor of Youzhou.

It was a 2nd-grade Fire Dragon Body Forging Pill.

Extract it directly!

In an instant, a violent flame energy surged into the body, combined with the essence of the earth, making Qin Feng feel like he was in a furnace.

The silver armor on the forehead began to cover faster!

"20 seconds!"

The silver armor completely covers the forehead!

Start filling in the color!

"10 seconds!"

Teacher Tang's voice became more and more urgent.

In his field of vision, the silver armor was completing the final shaping!

Inch by inch, until... completed!


Powerful blood and qi fluctuations broke out.

The glass of the entire earth essence training room was shaking.

Time is up!

The earth essence supply has stopped!

Teacher Tang slumped in the chair, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and smiled bitterly:"This kid is really capable!"

In the training room.

Qin Feng stood up slowly.

With a thought, the silver armor covered his whole body, attacking and defending at the same time!

"Wow, in order to condense the silver armor, at least 2000 blood points were consumed!"

"This amount of Qi and blood is enough for me to break through to the high-level warrior realm!"

Although he complained,

Qin Feng was still very happy.

The silver armor was successfully condensed.

His combat power has at least doubled!

This is not the most critical thing.

As the saying goes: A tall building starts from the ground, and it is important to lay a solid foundation!

The sooner the silver armor is shaped, the more help it will be for future practice.

You know, even in the realm of generals, silver armor is a rare thing!

Restored to its original state.

Qin Feng walked out of the practice room with satisfaction, clasped his fists and said:"Thank you, Teacher Tang"

"Why thank me? I'm just a gatekeeper." Teacher Tang said casually. Qin Feng laughed and said,"If Teacher Tang deliberately controlled the supply speed of the earth's essence, I would not be able to break through to the middle warrior, let alone condense the silver armor. Naturally, I have to thank you."

""Okay, okay, stop complimenting me."

Teacher Tang waved his hands again and again:"Don't stay here, be careful or I'll charge you!"

Qin Feng smiled even more.

The teachers at the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy have a characteristic.

They have a sharp tongue but a good heart!

Before leaving, Teacher Tang suddenly said:"Calm down and don't make trouble."

"No problem!"

Qin Feng nodded obediently.


Walking out of the Earth Essence Training Room,

Qin Feng immediately locked onto the Student Union and narrowed his eyes and said,"Fighting a mid-level warrior? That's pointless! If you want to fight, fight a high-level warrior!"

""Fuck the Student Union!"

He said, and walked away with big strides.

Calm down?

Yes, fighting is the best way to calm down!

Don't make trouble?

I'm not making trouble, I'm going to stir up trouble!

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