The work of the student union is to manage students on a daily basis.

For example, if there is friction between two people, they will go to mediate.

Moreover, if there is any festival, they will arrange activities to add to the festive atmosphere.

But in Qin Feng's eyes, the student union is shit!

They take high points every day, but do not urge students to practice, but instead form small groups!

Want him to respect such an organization?

No way!

The student union building at this moment.

Duan Nian sat in a chair, playing with the pen in his hand, feeling a little uneasy.

"Qin Feng is not dead!"

"Not only did he not die, he also cooperated with the Governor of Youzhou!"

"I admit that I underestimated you. I thought you were a dog of the new mansion master, but you turned out to be a wolf. I was wrong!"

He sneered in his heart, and his eyes became colder.

At this time, Cheng Ying walked in with an ugly face:"President, Qin Feng is here."

Duan Nian's face returned to normal, and his expression was indifferent.

Cheng Ying gritted her teeth and continued:"He wants to challenge the high-level warrior realm of the student union!"

Duan Nian narrowed his eyes. He went to the student union to make trouble just after returning.

Was this instructed by the mansion master, or was it spontaneous?

While thinking, he and Cheng Ying walked out of the office.

There was already some chaos outside.

"Qin Feng, there are so many opponents on the Warrior List, why did you choose our Student Union? You are targeting us!" A member of the Student Union shouted indignantly.

Qin Feng said in a sinister voice:"Oh, your Student Union is so noble that you don't allow others to challenge you?"

"Or is it that the student union system is superior to the Wufu system?"

""You've never been to a grave, you've never killed an enemy, yet you still speak so confidently, aren't you a jerk!"

That's right, he was scolding the Student Union!

Others didn't dare to scold, but Qin Feng wouldn't tolerate it!

"Who are you scolding?"

Wu Meng was angry and stood up.

Qin Feng laughed and said,"Whoever is in trouble will be in trouble. Don't you think so, President?"

As he said that, his eyes were fixed on Duan Nian.

"Qin Feng, you have repeatedly provoked the Student Union. Do you believe that I will complain to the Lord of the Mansion?"Duan Nian revealed a hint of threat.

Qin Feng curled his lips and said indifferently:"Please go quickly and see if the Lord of the Mansion will pay attention to you."

The atmosphere of the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion is quietly changing.

The collision of ideas between the new and old schools is getting more and more intense. Duan Nian is from the old school.

How could the Lord of the new school care about him?

It is worth mentioning.

In the few days when Qin Feng was away, the martial arts mansion warrior list changed suddenly.

He was originally ranked 133rd.

Now he is about to fall off the list.

This is also affected by the trend of innovation.

Want points?

Then keep getting stronger and keep hitting the list!

In addition, the task points have also been weakened a lot.

Therefore, the ranking will only get more and more.

The people from the Student Union surrounded him.

They stared at Qin Feng and couldn't help wanting to take action.

Qin Feng smiled secretly in his heart.

This is exactly the effect he wanted!

Seeing that the atmosphere was right, he opened his voice and shouted:"Want to beat me? Okay, I'll give you a chance. The 60th on the Warrior List is from your Student Union, his name is Wu Gang, I want to challenge him!"

Hearing this, Wu Meng couldn't sit still anymore.

Wu Gang is his younger brother.

During this period of time, Wu Gang worked hard to climb to this ranking, and he will be able to collect the points smoothly in a few days.

Now suddenly Qin Feng comes out to make trouble!

How can he have a good face.

While he was thinking, a man strode out.

He looked very similar to Wu Meng, and said in a deep voice:"I am Wu Gang, I accept your challenge!"

""You are a real man. I will be waiting for you tomorrow at 12 noon!" After saying that, Qin Feng turned and left, not wanting to bother with them any more.

When Qin Feng left the building,

Cheng Ying and the others were so angry that they punched the wall.

They had no legitimate reason to not fight the whole time. It was reasonable for Qin Feng to come and challenge Wu Gang.

If the students fought, they would be caught.

At that time, their life would be even more difficult.

"Don't just stand there, go away."

Duan Nian dispersed the crowd, and then pointed at Wu Meng and Wu Gang:"Follow me in."

The three of them walked into the office.

Wu Gang, who had been calm and composed, immediately became gloomy.

"According to rumors, Qin Feng killed a beast of the War General level in the abandoned city of Youzhou, but I don't know if it's true or not."He said solemnly

"This is nonsense!"

Duan Nian said confidently,"I just felt that his blood value is only over 2000, and the War General Realm beast has at least 4000. It's hard to hurt him, let alone kill him!"

"I have a friend in Youzhou Wufu, he said that Lu Chao has been selling materials of war general level beasts recently, which means Qin Feng is just assisting, and Lu Chao is the main force."Wu Meng added.

Hearing this, Wu Gang breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be an embroidered pillow!

He looked like he was facing a great enemy just now!

"Tomorrow, I will give you a second-grade weapon forged by a master."

Duan Nian was also confused by Qin Feng, and he exuded a coldness:"Just go ahead and do it. If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility for it for you!"


Wu Gang was ecstatic.

He felt that Qin Feng's biggest reliance was the 2nd-grade shovel.

Now, he had a master-level 2nd-grade weapon. His

Qi and health value was much higher than Qin Feng's.

He really couldn't imagine how he could lose this game!


In the mansion master's office,

Ananda was processing documents.

Lin Ji from the Medicine Refining Department was describing how Qin Feng had caused trouble in the student union.

After that, Lin Ji asked tentatively,"Are we just going to let him mess around?"

Ananda responded as he was marking the papers,"His invitation to fight was reasonable and not ridiculous."

"He should have been sent to the Wu Mansion in Modu, he is too noisy."Lin Ji complained.

Ananda did not say more on this topic, and suddenly asked:"Have you made arrangements for Lingshan Temple?"

Lin Ji's expression became a little unnatural.

He said dryly:"It's done, they also accepted it, and didn't notice anything unusual."

"That's good."

Ananda nodded with satisfaction:"Next, let Qin Feng, the troublemaker, go over there."

"Lord, isn't this a bit unfair?"

"You were born in Lingshan Temple, and the abbot is your senior brother.……"

Before Lingji finished speaking, Ananda interrupted him and said,"In less than half a year, there will be a major battle in the imperial tomb. Do you think kindness is more important, or human life?"

Lingji shut up instantly.

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.

The overall situation is the most important thing!


The next morning, the news of Qin Feng challenging Wu Gang spread.

Huang Zhong was the most speechless.

Yesterday, he was bragging to other instructors: I waved my hand, exuding a domineering aura, and easily subdued Qin Feng, the number one troublemaker in Wufu.

Then, Qin Feng started to fight for the list today!

He even specifically provoked the Student Union!

Isn't this a slap in the face!

"You little bastard, how can you be so low-key?"

"Do you know how difficult it is for me to show off?"

Huang Zhong scratched his head, getting mad.

At noon, more and more students gathered in the square.

Freshmen Li Yuntao and Dou Meiyu and others.

Sophomores and juniors Guan Changsheng from the fighting department.

There were even quite a few seniors.

The scene was very lively.

On the ring,

Wu Gang was resting with his eyes closed.

He held a long sword in his hand, which looked like a swordsman.

When the time came,

Wu Gang drew his sword and pointed it at the sky, shouting in an arrogant tone:"Qin Feng, you……"

Before he finished speaking,

Qin Feng jumped onto the stage, pointed at Wu Gang and cursed,"Why are you holding a Japanese sword from the old days!" As soon as he finished speaking, there was a whoosh!

The eyes of all the students changed.

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