Those who understand the three words"easy life" will understand!

It can increase the anger value of Chinese people by 100%, the hatred value by 100%, and the combat bonus by 100.%……

Speaking human language: Angry!

Just when some students were about to start cursing,

Qin Feng said,"Oh, I saw it wrong. It turned out to be our ancestors' Tang sword. No wonder it looks so good. The more I look at it, the better it looks!"

After saying that, he also gave a thumbs up.

"I told you, Japanese swords are not that cool"

"Damn, I almost hurt my friendly forces."

"But Qin Feng is right, he is indeed very handsome!"

The students who almost had their blood awakened a moment ago instantly became a group of compliments, praising the Tang sword in Wu Gang's hand.

The atmosphere suddenly became harmonious.

Duan Nian was also in the audience.

He stared at Qin Feng the whole time, his tone a little solemn:"This Qin Feng, he has a good method"

"What do you mean by that?" Wu Meng was a little confused.

Qin Feng almost made a joke just now.

How could this be a good trick?

Duan Nian glanced at Wu Meng and said in a firm voice:"Wu Gang's momentum has reached its peak. If he makes a move, it will definitely be earth-shattering. Qin Feng just made a joke on purpose. The purpose was to break up Wu Gang's accumulated momentum and even disrupt Wu Gang's mentality."

Wu Meng, Cheng Ying and others were shocked.

So that's it!

Fortunately, the president is here, otherwise they can't see through this layer!

On the ring.

Wu Meng also heard Duan Nian's analysis.

He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and cursed:"Qin Feng, you actually used such a sinister trick, I will defeat you today!"


Qin Feng scratched his head, looking dumbfounded.

Didn't I correct it in time just now?

And I even praised your knife for being beautiful.

How is this sinister?

【Those who don't speak may be masters or dumb! 】

Qin Feng hadn't understood the system's complaints yet, when suddenly, a buzzing sound sounded.

Wu Gang raised his long sword, and as his blood surged, the blade was covered with a brilliant light like the sun, dazzling and blinding!

""Seven Blades of the Sun!"

Wu Gang shouted.

The Zhanming Blade fell down like the sun falling.

A terrifying blade light rushed straight towards Qin Feng!

"How did Wu Gang become so strong?"

"That is a second-grade Zhanming Sword, made by a master. If he is not stronger than her, who is stronger?"

"Duan Nian must have brought it here specially. Qin Feng is in trouble now!"

The students began to discuss in a low voice.

In the advanced warrior realm,

Wu Gang is not strong, but not weak either. He is mediocre.

But his Qi and Blood value is over 3000.

With the Zhanming Sword, his strength is close to the top 50 on the warrior list!

Swish - the sword light came.

Wu Gang looked down at Qin Feng with a smug look on his face.

It seemed that he had seen Qin Feng spitting blood and falling to the ground in embarrassment.

"I win……"

Wu Gang was about to declare victory.

But at this moment,

Qin Feng moved.


The black knife was unsheathed.

A trace of afterimage disappeared in a flash.

Then, two blood-red lightnings descended.

Like the might of heaven, they smashed the evil!

《Blood Thunder Nine Layers》Second Layer!

With a clang!

The two swords collided.


Wu Gang's Zhanming Sword... exploded directly!

Before the seventh sword arrived, the sword broke first!

Snap, snap!

The Zhanming Sword turned into fragments flying all over the sky.

Wu Gang hurriedly urged the iron sheet.

But it was still a step too late.

The blade tore the flesh and blood, and the pain corroded the nerves.

Wu Gang fell heavily to the ring, his whole body was covered in blood, and he looked like a bloody man!

Kill instantly with one move!

"This is impossible, how is it possible?"

"The 2nd-grade Zhanming Sword, actually...actually broke?"

Compared to the pain, Wu Gang was even more terrified.

He didn't understand why he lost!

And he lost so thoroughly! Everyone in the ring was stunned. The surroundings were so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

"Is the 2nd rank very strong?"

Qin Feng grinned and said,"I am the 3rd rank."

The students suddenly realized that Qin Feng had a trick up his sleeve.

It was not unfair for Wu Gang to lose.

Wu Gang gritted his teeth and said unwillingly,"If it weren't for the difference in weapons, I wouldn't have……"

""What can't you do?"

Qin Feng suddenly asked.

He looked down at Wu Gang and clenched his fists.


A silver light covered it.

"Silver armor... He has condensed silver armor." Guan Changsheng said in surprise.

Hiss—— the sound of sucking in cold air sounded.

Looking at the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, there are very few people who have condensed silver armor.

Most of them are seniors.

Qin Feng has successfully condensed silver armor two months after entering school.

This is too fast! (Tsundere face.jpg)

Wu Gang, who originally wanted to save his face, shut up completely.

3rd grade weapon + silver armor.

He hit him with his head! He just tucked his tail between his legs and left the martial arts square in disgrace.

"Thank you for your support"

"Soon, I will challenge the general"

"Please look forward to it!"

Qin Feng held the black knife in his hand and smiled and clasped his fists to the students.

The old school students snorted coldly and turned away.

The new school students laughed happily.

The more Qin Feng made trouble, the greater the reform would be.

They were eager to see this scene!

"Qin Feng, I'll wait for you on the list of generals." Guan Changsheng stroked his long beard and laughed heartily.

Qin Feng nodded heavily.

But then, he felt a little depressed.

"I have a system, so my cultivation speed is so fast. Why is Guan Changsheng so crazy?"

"Could it be that he also has a system?!"

Qin Feng became more and more depressed the more he thought about it.

【The system will go over to see if it is the mother system. If it is, it will be abducted and regenerated into a small system for the host. 】

After a while

【……Host, he has no system, he is just a pure macho man. 】

Qin Feng rolled his eyes.

You really went there!

Ignoring the complaints.

Qin Feng was even more shocked.

Guan Changsheng is already a primary general.

Such a training speed is purely based on talent.

How high must his talent be!

"I really envy this kind of talented player, unlike me, who can only add points in a boring way." Qin Feng put his hands on the awning, looked at the setting sun, and sighed deeply.

This time, the system did not complain for the first time.

It said:

【If others knew the truth, they would definitely spit on you, abuse you, and despise you, but in their hearts they all want to be you! 】

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