The highly anticipated ring battle ended with Qin Feng's one-shot kill.

The whole process was beyond everyone's expectations.

In less than two months, he entered the middle warrior realm.

The mysterious third-grade black knife.

He successfully condensed the silver armor.

Each of these things was amazing.

It is no exaggeration to say that Qin Feng is now a celebrity in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion!

At this moment, the office building

"Let me go to Lingshan Temple?"

"Lord, you also have an old father who has become a monk in Lingshan Temple?"

"There's something wrong with the plot!"

Qin Feng stared at Ananda with wide eyes.

Ananda's mouth twitched.

How come this kid always speaks with rich connotations!

"Lingshan Temple is located in the suburbs of the imperial capital. It was planned and built by the imperial capital's martial arts school. The original intention was to cultivate more martial arts talents. However, over the years, they have opened a mountain to recruit disciples and collected tuition fees, but have never sent any talents into the grave pit."

"It's time to stop this evil trend!"

He spoke every word clearly, as if he had made up his mind.

Qin Feng scratched his head.

He was still confused!

This kind of thing should be left to the tutor. Why should I, a freshman, join in the fun?

He asked three questions directly:"Why do you want to go to Lingshan Temple? Why let me go? What are you going to do?"

Ananda hesitated for a moment and explained:

"First, Lingshan Temple was originally under the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Palace. Now that the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Palace's strength has dropped significantly, they are naturally needed to supplement it in order to cope with the subsequent war."

"Second, you are weak, Lingshan Temple will not be on guard"

"Third, Lingshan Temple has been away for a long time, and normal persuasion is useless. I want you to find another way, drag Lingshan Temple into the whirlpool of public opinion, and severely hit their arrogance. After that, I will personally take action to bring those monks into the palace."

Qin Feng suddenly realized and rubbed his hands and said,"What's the benefit?"

Ananda said directly:"If Lingshan Temple returns smoothly, our Imperial Capital Wufu will surely become strong again. By then, other Wufu will not dare to act arrogantly, let alone rob and rob like last time!"


Qin Feng slammed the table and nodded heavily:"Master, I understand your painstaking efforts!"

Then... he turned and left:"The rice cooker in the dormitory exploded. I'll go back and take a look. You can find someone else for this matter."

Are you kidding!

Qin Feng now has three goals: practice, make money, and raise a sister.

He doesn't have time to care about this kind of thing.

Besides, it's good for others to bully you.

There are contradictions, and there are conflicts.

Only with conflicts can I earn points!

This matter is really not...

A mysterious force descended silently.

Qin Feng froze in place, unable to move his whole body.

Ananda strode over, smiling and said:"I forgot to tell you that the amount of earth essence in 10 minutes is fixed. Your last usage seriously exceeded the standard. According to the government regulations, you have to pay... 1,000 points!"

Qin Feng curled his lips, looking indifferent.

Lu Chao had not yet dealt with the Golden War Lion and the Moon Wolf King.

There was no news from Dou Meiyu either.

He was now innocent and could simply become a deadbeat!

Ananda smiled:"By the way, as the lord of the mansion, I have the highest authority over the student card. As long as you have points in your card, not only will I know it at the first time, I can also deduct them directly without you!"

Qin Feng almost vomited blood!

Is this a fucking monk? He is compassionate!

He is saving all living beings!

Why is his mind full of dirty tricks!

""Master, where is your compassion?" Qin Feng was like a deflated balloon, powerless.

Ananda smiled and said,"Kindness cannot command the army, righteousness cannot command wealth, how can a kind heart be reformed?"

Qin Feng's forehead was full of black lines.

This is the truth.

But don't reform the friendly forces!

"It's okay for me to do something, but there should be some compensation for my hard work, right?" Qin Feng stretched out his hand.

Ananda said,"I don't have it on me, but Lingshan Temple has it, and it's a rare treasure. Whether I can get it depends on luck."

"What is that?" Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

Ananda put his hands together:"Buddha.""


"Oh my god!"

Qin Feng said unhappily:"Is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

"Read more, think more, remember more"

"I prepared some things for you, like drums and perfume.……"At the end, Ananda laughed very happily.

【Did the mansion master come from Gotham City? Under the cassock, there is actually a body of lumps of flesh, and there are ten golden knuckles on his fingers, which can smash your dog head in a minute! 】

System accurate complaints

"By the way, take that box of clothes with you and wear them at Lingshan Temple tomorrow." Ananda pointed to the cardboard box beside the door.

Qin Feng glanced at it and saw clothes made of animal fur.

Thinking of what Ananda had just said, Qin Feng shook his head.

He finally figured it out.

This bald donkey looks honest, but he is actually full of bad intentions. One insidious little combo after another!

Then, Qin Feng left the office.

Ananda looked at the dim sky and murmured,"If this matter is resolved smoothly, the national warrior list will begin!"


After leaving the office,

Qin Feng came to the dormitory building and found Li Yuntao and his friends.

"How did you find time to come here?" Xiao Ding was a little confused.

Qin Feng smiled and said,"Just to keep in touch. Let's go to Lingshan Temple to relax tomorrow. Are you interested?""

Keeping in touch is one thing.

The key is that they come from a martial artist family or clan.

If he causes public outrage in Lingshan Temple, he can still use the tiger skin as a banner!

Don't ask. If you ask, it's steady!

After hearing this, the freshmen nodded frantically.

The Wufu has been very depressed during this period.

In addition to fighting and ranking, they go out to do tasks.

They have long wanted to rest.

"It would be even better if we could invite a few girls." Li Yuntao, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, smiled more lewdly than anyone else.

"I'll take care of this!"

Qin Feng patted his chest, then lowered his voice:"What is the family background of Dou Meiyu and Wan Qian?"

"What? Want to become a son-in-law and strike back?"

Zhao Xiaoqi joked, recalling:"Dou Meiyu's family is a weapons dealer, not short of money! Wan Qian's father is an employee of the Confucius Mansion, and I heard that his position is not low.……"

Weapons dealer!

Confucius's staff!

Qin Feng shook his head.

No wonder they are getting richer than each other!

Evil capitalism!


Girls Dormitory

"OK, what time tomorrow?"

Dou Meiyu and the others agreed.

"7 o'clock. By the way, why hasn't this wolf been sold yet?"

Qin Feng pointed at the little moon wolf in Dou Meiyu's arms, feeling extremely depressed.

These are all points!

"My dad said to keep it and raise it as my guardian beast."

Dou Meiyu hugged the little moon wolf tightly and snorted,"Don't worry, you will get all the points!"

"Hey, hey, hey, who do you think I am?"

Qin Feng lowered his head and sighed, feeling sad.

Then... he took out a pen and paper and handed it to Dou Meiyu:"The teacher said that a good memory is not as good as a bad pen. Write an IOU, dear~"

Dou Meiyu fell on the spot.

Please don't say proverbs, you are going to be teased!


The next morning, we boarded the bus and set off for Lingshan Temple.

The scenery along the way was beautiful, with trees and lush colors that made people feel relaxed and refreshed, and the fatigue of the soul was relieved a lot.

Staying in Wufu for a long time was indeed depressing.

Especially the struggle between the old and new factions made people feel breathless.

At the foot of Lingshan Temple, vehicles were rampant and pilgrims were endless.

"The air outside is still better!"

Li Yuntao opened his arms and stretched.

The others smiled and nodded, and then their expressions suddenly froze.

I don't know when.

Qin Feng changed into a... mink coat?!

He wore black sunglasses, a gold necklace around his neck, and a Cuban cigar in his mouth. He looked like a rich man from Northeast China!

"You still smoke?"

Dou Meiyu's expression was a little bit incredible.

"No way." Qin Feng smacked his lips, sucked the Cuban cigar into his mouth and chewed it:"This is tobacco candy, strawberry flavor."


They turned their heads to look at the bus going farther and farther away, and suddenly they felt a little regretful for coming here to relax.

Under the gaze of countless people, the group climbed up to Lingshan Temple.

The smoke was faint, and the mountains and waters were green.

The temple is located in the mountains and forests, surrounded by vegetation, emerald like jade, and can be called a beautiful place with beautiful water and green mountains.

"Donor, you cannot enter the temple."

Qin Feng and others climbed to the top of the mountain and were stopped by a monk.

Li Yuntao frowned and said,"Others can enter, but we can't?"


"This temple has a rule that no living creatures’ furs are allowed in the temple, otherwise it will defile the purity of Lingshan Temple."The monk was not telling, but warning, with a hint of severity in his voice.

Qin Feng was not angry at all.

He even laughed in his heart. He fell into the trap before he even said anything.

How comfortable!

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