Qin Feng took off his mink coat and put it aside.

The monk observed for a while before nodding and letting them go.

A group of people walked into the temple.

The ground was covered with gray stone bricks with traces of people walking on them. It seemed that the incense was very strong.



A series of powerful shouts came.

At the same time, there were strong fluctuations of qi and blood.

"The strength of a warrior!" Xiao Ding judged.

Li Yuntao sneered:"Opening the door to accept disciples and earning tuition fees, it's really a carefree life!"

"There are many such martial arts schools in China, but not many people are willing to go down to the graves."Dou Meiyu also showed disgust.

As they talked, they passed through a monk building.

In front of them was a martial arts training ground.

Many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures and whispered.

In the martial arts training ground, thousands of monks were dancing with their fists and feet.

Every move was strong and brave, and it swept the strong wind and made the blood surge, shocking many people.

"My son wants to learn martial arts and is planning to come here as a lay disciple."

"Okay, it just happens to be a companion for my little brat."

"If he could become a warrior or even a governor in the future, it would be a great honor for the family.

Many parents were talking to each other, their eyes sparkling.

Soon, a monk came forward and exchanged contact information.

""You are greedy for money!" Wan Qian couldn't help but spit. Qin Feng ignored her. He observed the environment of the martial arts training ground. There were weapon racks, training equipment, and everything else. There was also a standing drum. This drum was very ordinary, with a bright red drum body and golden round nails around it, but the color of the drum head was slightly darker.

""Master, you must not cheat me."

Thinking of this, Qin Feng walked towards the red drum.

"It is said that burning incense and praying to Buddha at Lingshan Temple is the most effective. Please let us in!"

"No, your child is wearing animal fur, which will defile the temple. Please go back!"

"My baby is weak and needs the golden lion's mane to keep him warm. Please be flexible!

Suddenly, there was a hurried noise at the mountain gate.

Countless tourists were attracted.

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows.

He was worried that he had no reason to cause trouble, and now it came!

【Are you going to rip your clothes off to reveal your Homelander uniform?】

"You are right!"

"Today I will stand at the highest point of morality and enjoy it once!" Qin Feng laughed in his heart.

A group of people walked out quickly.

I saw the monks and a couple holding a child pushing and shoving.

This was a pregnant mother who had just given birth. Her face was a little pale and she cried and begged:"Let us go in and pray for the safety of the child!"

Even in the warrior era, people still believed in gods and Buddhas.

This kind of thing is difficult to change

"No means no, no matter how much money you offer!" The monk was not moved at all.

After saying that, they were about to push the family of three away.

But in the next moment, a strong hand stopped the monk.

Qin Feng strode forward and said sternly:"Children wearing animal fur are polluting the sacred land of Lingshan. If you have things made of animal fur in Lingshan Temple, don't you have to get off the mountain yourself?"

"How dare you slander Lingshan Temple!"

The monks were furious.

"You know whether it is slander or not!"

"You keep saying that Lingshan Temple is a pure Buddhist place where people worship to seek peace of mind, but you keep making things difficult for them for inexplicable reasons. Where is your promised compassion? Where is your promised salvation?"

"The funniest thing is, Lingshan Temple was clearly built with money from the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion, and now that the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion is in trouble, you guys ignore it and are only focused on money. So, there's the Buddha's portrait on the banknotes?"

"I think, let's not call this place Lingshan Temple, we should just call it Shuangbiao Temple, and focus on cutting off the firewood from under the cauldron!"

Qin Feng fired at full power.

Soon, the surrounding area was full of pilgrims.

The monks' faces were red, their fingers were shaking with anger, but they couldn't think of how to refute


A middle-aged monk came out, put his hands together, and said in a deep voice:"Donor, you are eloquent, we will not argue, but you said there are animal furs in the temple, do you have any evidence?"

"Of course!"

Qin Feng deliberately raised his voice.

After that, he strode towards the martial arts training ground.

The pilgrims were excited.

Burning incense can also watch a big show.


Li Yuntao and others were even more excited.

No wonder Qin Feng wanted to come to Lingshan Temple to relax.

It turned out that he had prepared it in advance.

Now Lingshan Temple is in trouble!

Soon, everyone returned to the martial arts training ground.

"Family, start recording Douyang, start slow hand, I'm going to give you a big wave!"

Qin Feng came to the front of the big drum.

He clenched his five fingers, and his blood was surging.

He punched the drum head with a heavy fist! With a bang!

The big drum exploded on the spot.

Suddenly, dense animal hair sprayed out from it!

Wow - there was an uproar at the scene.

Various recording sounds rang out.

"Impossible, how could there be such a thing in the temple?"

"Who sent this drum?"

""Don't take pictures, don't take pictures!"

The monks were stunned.

They couldn't accept the facts before their eyes.

"Buddha, I have no choice but to do this. If you want to punish someone, punish Ananda, the fake monk. By the way, help me to cancel the 1,000 points. Amen... Bah, Amitabha!"

Qin Feng finished shifting the blame in his mind.

Then, he stepped on the broken drum with one foot, pointed to the sky with one hand, and sneered:"It seems that the golden Buddha saves the world, but in fact, the fake Buddha is ruining the world!"

"If Lingshan Temple can't give a reasonable explanation today, I will go back to the Imperial Capital Wu Mansion and ask the Mansion Master to demolish this place by force!"

At this moment.

The sun seemed to be shining on Qin Feng!

What is great and glorious?

This is it!

"Lingshan Temple says one thing and does another, defrauding us of our money"

"Geneva, give your money back!"

"If you don't give me an explanation today, don't even think about turning the page!"

The crowd also began to get angry.

Qin Feng was so happy at this moment!

No wonder so many people like moral kidnapping

���This is what it feels like!

"Old Li, go to the monks' dormitory and smell if there is any perfume." Qin Feng whispered.

Li Yuntao raised his eyebrows.

Good guy, there is a back-up plan!

This is to destroy Lingshan Temple!

It's really... too naked!

Li Yuntao smiled and ran in.

At this time, the abbot of Lingshan Temple led the crowd to


The host held a Zen stick in his hand and said loudly:"Please be quiet, all donors. I will give you a satisfactory answer!"


The Zen stick fell to the ground, and golden light rippled.

The whole martial arts training ground was instantly quiet.

Qin Feng looked at the host.

His blood was strong and unfathomable. He was no less than the fake monk!

In addition, there were hundreds of monks behind him, all of whom were strong.

"No wonder the fake monk wanted to re-incorporate Lingshan Temple."

Qin Feng suddenly realized it.

On the surface, he was still shouting and even raised his arms and shouted:"Apart from the facts, is Lingshan Temple not at all wrong? We don't care what the answer is, you must admit your mistakes today!"

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