"My dear little donor, please calm down."

The abbot was not angry, but said with a smile:"My name is Zhixi, and I hope to have a calm talk with you."

【Zhixi×Zhixi✔, it seems he is very smart again! 】

Qin Feng ignored the system and looked directly at the abbot Zhixi:"How do you explain this drum? Can this be washed?"

"This drum was given to me by someone else. I have known that person for many years, so I was careless for a moment."

Abbot Zhixi immediately passed the buck and said calmly,"Yuanxi, throw it down the mountain, don't pollute the quiet place."

"Yes, Abbot."

Yuanji was a strong warrior monk with well-defined muscles. He wore his monk's robes like tights. The strong energy he exuded almost pushed Qin Feng away.

Qin Feng stood still, smiling:"This drum can destroy the body, then what about the monks in your Lingshan Temple who have committed adultery? Do you want to kill people and dispose of their bodies too?"

Wow - the crowd was in an uproar again.

If a monk commits adultery, then doesn't that mean Yang Dingtian... cough cough!

It means: moral degradation, unbearable to look at!



""Stop talking nonsense!"

The monks shouted like angry Vajra.

Abbot Zhixi's face was not good either. He said angrily:"Little donor, don't talk nonsense. We are clean and self-disciplined. How could we break the taboo of sex?"

At this time, Li Yuntao came back.

He pointed at a little monk and smiled like a chrysanthemum.

"Really? Then why does this monk smell like perfume?"

Qin Feng followed where Li Yuntao pointed and shouted.

The young monk who was pointed at should have just reached adulthood, with red lips and white teeth, but at this moment his face was flushed and he dared not speak.

""Nonsense! Yun Chen is the best Buddhist among the Yun generation in Lingshan Temple, how could he do such a shameful thing!" an old monk said angrily.

Qin Feng had the demeanor of a debater, sneering:"Come on, girls, come out and smell his scent."

Several girls raised their hands excitedly, and Qin Feng waved to them

"Hmm... yes, it really smells like Chanel No. 5"

"Not only that, look inside the neck, there is also Lancome shade 118!"

"No, it was a mosquito bite! (Yun Chen argued)"

"You're talking nonsense. I have this color."

"Exactly the same! (The crowd shouted)"

The scene was in chaos in an instant.

The crowd glared.

Lingshan Temple, which was known for its tranquility, was so dirty!

The monks were pale.

Abbot Zhixi was at a loss.

They really couldn't accept the facts before their eyes.

Yuanji glared at Yunchen and shouted:"You are alone with a woman, do you still have us brothers in your heart!"

Qin Feng and others:???

Good guy, do you still want to join us!

"No, he is not a woman!"

Yun Chen's face flushed, and he explained anxiously.

Qin Feng and the crowd: Huh?!


The amount of information suddenly increased!

【Fool! Although this system does not understand, it is greatly shocked! 】

Abbot Zhixi's CPU burned!

Not a woman?

But she smells of perfume and lipstick!

Isn't that……

"You actually found a transvestite!"

Abbot Zhixi blurted out.

As soon as the words fell, the crowd was even more shocked.

Doesn't the abbot practice Buddhism every day and not pay attention to what's happening outside?

How come he even knows about transvestites!

The second dimension invades Buddhism?

Qin Feng's eyes rolled, and he immediately seized the opportunity and shouted:"The upper beam is crooked, and you still dare to open a temple and recruit disciples? I think you just want to make a lot of money!" Abbot

Zhixi was a little panicked.

He put his hands together and explained hurriedly:"Amitabha, the little donor has misunderstood. We opened a temple and recruited disciples not to make money, but for peace in the world and to strengthen our bodies."

"Why don't you go down to the tomb, kill the enemies and guard it?"

Qin Feng sneered,"It's obviously for fame and reputation!"

"Donor, that's too much!"

A young monk walked out and shouted angrily:"You are obviously prepared for what you said and did, and it's clear that you want to cause trouble!"

The other monks clenched their fists and looked angry.

Qin Feng spread his hands and sneered:"You want to fight because you can't win the argument? Okay, I just want to see how strong Lingshan Temple is!"

Seeing this, Abbot Zhixi had guessed Qin Feng's intention.

But now it can't be explained clearly.

The crowd was making a fuss.

The monks were also angry.

This battle must be fought!

""Little Spiritual Boy, you go ahead." Abbot Zhixi said softly.

A young monk with sharp eyebrows and bright eyes came out.

He shouted coldly:"This donor, you will pay the price for your words and deeds, but don't worry, Buddhist disciples do not kill."

""Then does boiling eggs count as killing?" Qin Feng suddenly asked.

Everyone: Yes, yes.

Monk: Amitabha (pretending to be deaf).

The episode ended.

The crowd and monks made way.


The little spirit boy took the lead in attacking!

He was like an ascetic monk walking in the world. His steps seemed slow, but in fact, he took one step of 5 meters. His palms were filled with golden light, and he slapped Qin Feng's chest with powerful strength.

Qin Feng did not dare to be careless.

He opened the iron sheet and stepped on the ground.

The iron elbow was like a gun, piercing through!


The elbow and palm collided, and the strong wind was stirred!

The little spirit boy's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly opened the iron sheet, but he was still shaken away.

Qin Feng was motionless.

He stirred up his blood and blood, and the blood continued to flow to the heart.

Accumulation began!

"I have some skills, but not much!"

The little spirit boy was filled with the vigorous blood of a high-level warrior. His figure flashed and he rushed towards Qin Feng, shouting:"Prajna Palm!"

At the same moment,

Qin Feng also made a move.

Accumulated power burst out!

Silver armor spread out from his body, like a layer of armor cast by mercury, shining silver in the sun.

The silver fist blasted wildly.

Like a silver dragon roaring!


In full view of the crowd, the little spirit boy just touched Qin Feng's fist, and the whole person flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, rolling on the ground for more than ten times, very embarrassed.

The whole audience was silent.

The crowd stupidly held their mobile phones and forgot to take videos for a while.

Abbot Zhixi was also shocked.

Of course he knew about the silver armor. But, this was the first time he had seen such a young owner of the silver armor!

"Articulate and intelligent"

"Even for the Imperial Capital Wu Mansion, he did not hesitate to take risks and cause trouble"

"Such a pure heart is rare in the world!"

Abbot Zhixi looked at Qin Feng and boasted in his heart.

(Qin Feng: Are you envious? I got it in exchange for 1,000 points!)

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