The talent of the little Lingtong is the strongest among the younger generation of Lingshan Temple.

Unexpectedly, he killed the enemy in one move. This convinced the monks.

In the era of warriors, strength is king.

Although they are monks, they are also warriors.

Abbot Zhixi reached out to help the little Lingtong up and bowed slightly to Qin Feng:"Thank you, little donor, for showing mercy."

He could see that Qin Feng had held back.

If he had used all his strength, I'm afraid that the little Lingtong would be seriously injured if not dead!

"I just don't think it's necessary to show mercy.

" Qin Feng stopped laughing this time, and said in a very serious tone:"After all, he is a high-level warrior.

If something really happens in the imperial capital's tomb pit in the future, he can kill the beasts and save one or two families with a guilty conscience.

" Abbot Zhixi smiled, but did not respond.

He knew that Qin Feng was from the Imperial Capital's Martial Mansion.

Naturally, he also guessed that Qin Feng was ordered by Ananda.

Qin Feng stared at Abbot Zhixi and suddenly laughed:"Buddhism emphasizes detachment from things, so Lingshan Temple pretends to be indifferent to worldly affairs.

The posture is there, but do you really have Buddha in your hearts?


"You can say that you are making a fortune by borrowing money to help the Buddha."

"Hiding animal fur, you can say it's a frame-up"

"If the monk is tempted, you can say that the villain is plotting."

"Then when the tomb pit of the imperial capital collapses and becomes a bloody place, will you take action then? If you do, why don't you enter the tomb pit and kill the enemy before it collapses? If you don't take action, why bother teaching people martial arts now?"

"Abbot, you don't even understand your own heart, how can you practice Buddhism?"

After these words,

Abbot Zhixi's expression changed slightly, and his eyes were a little confused.

Seeing this, Qin Feng said no more.

He had done what Ananda asked him to do.

After today, Lingshan Temple will be caught in a whirlpool of public opinion.

What he said just now was purely out of his dissatisfaction.

As an abbot, he doesn't even know what he wants to do.

Isn't this a waste of his age?

"I sprayed people, fought, and paid off 1,000 points. This trip was worth it!"Qin Feng smiled secretly. How things would develop next had nothing to do with him. It was the Bald Mansion Master's own business.

"By the way, how many Buddha statues do you have here?"

Qin Feng suddenly remembered the opportunity mentioned by the bald mansion master, and turned to ask a monk

"There is only one of them, and it is enshrined in the main hall."After the monk answered, his expression was a little solemn:"Donor, what do you want to do?"

The other monks also stared at Qin Feng.

It was nothing.

Qin Feng was too good at making trouble!

Who knows what tricks he will do next!

"Alilu... Amitabha!"

Qin Feng tapped his forehead and shoulders, then put his hands together:"I take the bald head of the mansion owner as a guarantee, this time I will worship Buddha sincerely."

(The mansion owner:???)

Hearing this, the monk relaxed his vigilance and guided Qin Feng to the main hall.

Inside the treasure hall, the smoke was faint and the solemn atmosphere was thick.

A big Buddha sat in the center.

It was made of gold, shining with colorful colors in the sun, which was awe-inspiring.

The couple was holding the child and praying.

They saw Qin Feng and thanked him excitedly.

Qin Feng smiled and waved his hand.

He walked around the Buddha and found nothing strange.

When he was confused.

He saw a strange sculpture behind the Buddha.

It was the image of a middle-aged man, skinny to the point of skin and bones, colorless, tasteless, and a faint golden light circulated on the surface of the body.

It was a bit like the golden body arhat in Buddhism!

"Abbot, what is this?"Qin Feng pointed at the sculpture.

Although Abbot Zhixi is not a good person, his professional qualities are very good.

He explained:"This is a corpse dug out from the back mountain of our temple. After observation, it was found that this was a high monk. Judging from his attire and accessories, he should be a high monk from the early Tang Dynasty!"


Qin Feng was shocked.

He looked at the golden light on the skin and asked in surprise:"So, he is also a warrior? Did some people start practicing at that time?"

"It is very likely, because this corpse exudes the aura of the War Emperor Realm!"Abbot Zhixi's eyes could not help but be respectful.

Don't look at it as just a corpse.

The monks of Lingshan Temple, and even him, have benefited a lot from the corpse of the monk.

Li Yuntao and Dou Meiyu all bowed down.

They don't believe in Buddhism.

But the strong are different.

That is respect from the heart!

Qin Feng stared at the corpse of the monk.

Could it be that the 'Buddha' that the bald mansion master said is him?

Qin Feng decided to give it a try, and stepped forward and said:"Abbot, I respect the monk very much, can I touch it and feel it?"

Abbot Zhixi didn't care.

Putting aside what happened today, he had a good impression of Qin Feng.

What's more.

The corpse of the monk does have the aura of the War Emperor Realm.

In fact, his cultivation level may be higher when he was alive!

If Qin Feng touches it, can he break it?

"Please."He said.

Qin Feng walked forward.

He reached out and touched the chest of the monk's corpse, almost touching the bones, and said in his heart:"Extract!"


Suddenly, a strong golden light burst out.

The whole palace seemed to be illuminated by the Buddha's light, descending to the world.

At the same moment.

A majestic aura raged.

Everyone, including Abbot Zhixi, was shocked and flew away.

However, there was an exception!

That was Qin Feng!

Qin Feng was seen covered with a layer of pure golden light.

Behind him, a virtual shadow of an ancient Buddha emerged.

One real and one virtual, complementing each other.

Exuding an extremely strong sense of resonance!

"Is this the resonance of qi and blood?"

"Could he be... the reincarnation of a great monk?"

The so-called resonance of qi and blood means that qi and blood can merge with each other.

The great monk has been dead for thousands of years.

There is no blood relationship or bloodline at all.

Therefore, Abbot Zhixi, who believes in the afterlife, subconsciously regards Qin Feng as the reincarnation of a great monk.

Otherwise, how to explain the resonance of qi and blood!

Those monks who were full of suspicion towards Qin Feng instantly became extremely respectful and chanted Amitabha.

"The true Buddha is alive!"

"The legend is true, there is a Buddha in Lingshan Temple!"

"Kneel down quickly, and wish us a smooth year!"

Inside and outside the main hall, all the incense holders knelt on the ground, shouting like thunder and sea.

Li Yuntao and others couldn't control their expressions.

No wonder Qin Feng is so outstanding, it turns out he is the reincarnation of a great monk!

The case has been solved, it's confirmed!

Qin Feng is really cheating!

Abbot Zhixi looked up at Qin Feng, his clasped hands were shaking

"Ananda, Lingshan Temple, the reincarnation of the eminent monk, the Wu Mansion in the imperial capital, it turns out that all of this was arranged by fate!"

"Buddha, I understand!"

At this moment, he really understood.

The monks also looked up at Qin Feng and said,"To save others with one's own body is the ultimate state of Buddha!"

The little boy knelt down on the ground and said,"I apologize for my disrespect just now!"

The golden light covered the entire main hall.

It also covered Qin Feng.

At this moment, he turned into an old man on the subway.

"The god damn monk is reincarnated!"

"Isn't this like roasting me on the fire?"

"I'm so panicked and anxious, I'm looking for answers online!"

He just wanted to try to extract the treasure.

Who would have thought that he would be forced to show his power in front of others!

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtained: Relics】

【Host, how did you take out the kidney stones from this corpse? So this is what the so-called golden elixir looks like!】

【Host, you better figure out how to deal with this, or I will go to heaven with you shoulder to shoulder! 】

The system rarely complains twice!

"Shut up!"

Qin Feng cursed, his mind spinning rapidly.


Seeing Qin Feng remained silent for a long time, the little boy called out

"Silence, according to legend, when a high monk is reincarnated and possessed, the souls of the two lives will be entangled with each other, so do not disturb them."Abbot Zhixi hurriedly stopped him.

Qin Feng really wanted to spray this smart guy to death with a mouthful of salt soda! It

's a pity that you don't write novels with such a good imagination!

However, this also reminded Qin Feng.

He came up with a plan from his heart, kept his eyes closed, and shouted softly:"It's a pity, a pity, how great this earth has fallen into such a situation!"

""Master, calm down!"

Abbot Zhixi and the monks knelt down hurriedly, their faces terrified.

"Angry? Why are you angry?"

Qin Feng pretended to be deep and said,"I am just sighing with sorrow. If my soul is still here, I will turn my body into a killing knife, enter the sea of suffering, fight in the graves, cross the mortal world, save the secular world, and seek the heart of a Shura Buddha!"


Abbot Zhixi seemed to be struck by lightning.

He looked at Qin Feng infatuatedly, seemed to understand something, and shouted,"Thank you for your advice, senior monk. I will keep it in mind."

Then, he turned around abruptly and said to Yuanji and others,"Disciples, go down the mountain tomorrow!"

"Respect the Buddha's will!"

Yuanji and other monks put their hands together.

The friends from the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion were stunned.

Two sentences made thousands of monks voluntarily enter the Imperial Capital Tomb!

This is beyond the scope of PUA, right?


A breeze swept by.

The body of the monk who lost the relic turned into a handful of yellow earth and dispersed.

Qin Feng woke up with the opportunity and scratched his head:"My head hurts, what happened just now?"

"You don't remember?" Dou Meiyu's face was full of suspicion.

Qin Feng shook his head:"What do you remember?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember."

Abbot Zhixi came over.

He looked at Qin Feng with a softer look, even with a hint of respect, and said with a smile:"Little donor,���Let me enlighten you, tomorrow we will enter the tomb of the imperial capital to look for the Asura Buddha's heart!"

"You are not familiar with the Imperial Capital Tomb Pit. It is too dangerous to go down there rashly. You might as well stay at the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion first, so that you can take care of each other."Qin Feng passed on the message.

Baldy, don't come!

I have taken care of everything!

Li Yuntao and the others were stunned.

How did you do the job of the Mansion Master?

Are you going to overthrow Tiangang!

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