Abbot Zhixi naturally agreed with Qin Feng's words.

He immediately said that he would report to the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion tomorrow!

This is also normal.

Lingshan Temple worships the corpse of the monk.

Now, they have determined that Qin Feng is the reincarnation of the monk.

Even if Qin Feng doesn't say it, they will take the initiative to go to the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion!

As for Lingshan Temple, of course it will be closed temporarily.

It won't be too late to move back when things are peaceful in the future.

"Then we will wait for you in the Imperial Capital Wufu."

Qin Feng and the others clasped their fists and left.

Then, Qin Feng took a look at the relic in his hand.

【Extraction successful!】

【[Obtained: Breath of the Golden Buddha]

A ray of golden breath was extracted from the relic.

As soon as it flowed into Qin Feng's body, he felt that his bones became harder and his flesh became tougher.

"Strengthens the body and activates blood circulation"

"The effect is equivalent to that of a first-grade elixir……"

Qin Feng was estimating the effect of the medicine.

Suddenly, he was stunned. He saw that the golden body relic in his hand had not been consumed and was still emitting a faint golden light.

【Extraction successful!】

【[Obtained: Golden Buddha Breath]

Another wisp of golden breath was extracted, lingering in Qin Feng's hands.


Qin Feng swallowed wildly.

"Can the golden body relics be extracted multiple times?"

"Could it be that this thing is of a very high level?"

After the shock and doubt, there was a surprise!

The breath of the golden Buddha was endless.

Doesn't it mean that he can further refine the silver armor?

"If this is true, the silver armor will become a golden armor, then I will become a golden armor warrior, right?" Qin Feng joked in his heart. At this time, the couple holding the baby came over.

""Thank you, Master Qin!"

The couple thanked Qin Feng again.

Qin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Why did this title sound so strange?

Then he noticed that the golden Buddha's breath in his hand slowly approached the baby in the couple's arms.


The golden Buddha's breath was absorbed into the baby's body.

In an instant, the baby's pale cheeks became rosy, and his eyes were as bright as stars, no longer listless.

"Thank you, Master Qin!"

"I will never forget your kindness!"

The couple was so excited that they were about to kneel down, but were stopped by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng hurriedly said,"Keep a low profile, keep a low profile!"

After that, he pulled his friend out of the hall and hurriedly left Lingshan Temple.

"The breath of the Golden Buddha can not only improve the body, but also restore injuries."

"So, I have a cheat that can restore health infinitely?"

Qin Feng thought as he walked, his expression was extremely exciting.

This trip was really profitable!

The harvest was no less than the trip to Youzhou!


In just half an hour, the news of Lingshan Temple's closure spread throughout the imperial capital.

Lingshan Temple is a famous temple in the imperial capital, with many wealthy people going there to pray for blessings and to perform various rituals.

Now that it is suddenly closed, it naturally attracts attention.

Then, another piece of news swept the screen!

Lingshan Temple is about to go to Wufu in the imperial capital!

"Did you see it? Qin Feng from the Imperial Capital Wufu is actually the reincarnation of a great monk!"

"How many filters are added! This must be fake news!"

"At the scene, it's true, if you cheat, your whole family will die!"

The imperial capital's post bars, forums, and Weibo all became lively.

In fact, it soared to the top of the hot search, kicking out all the rumors about celebrities and singers!

Hot search No. 1: Is Qin Feng the reincarnation of a monk?!

Hot search No. 2: Lingshan Temple is about to be closed!

Hot search No. 3: Why can chicken powder be injected with chicken essence?


When this happened, the imperial capital was in an uproar.

Even other big cities were shocked.

What happened to the imperial capital's Wufu this year?

Why is there big news every day!

And it's the same person!

At this time, a bald handsome guy wearing a painful mask was basking in the sun in the office, his eyes dull:"How did this kid do it?"

Ananda was very annoyed.

He asked Qin Feng to be the fuse, and then he personally stepped forward, appealed to the feelings and reason, invited Lingshan Temple to enter the Wufu, and then went to the tomb pit to shine.

Although, the result is good.

But... this makes Ananda look stupid!

"This brat is rebelling against Tian Gang!"

"He wants to be the lord of the mansion?!"

Ananda slapped his thigh, feeling that his life was in jeopardy.

Deng Ling on the side was speechless.

How come he was related to Qin Feng? Is the lord of the mansion so dramatic?

"This is a good thing!"

Deng Ling analyzed:"Thousands of monks, including some at the level of generals and marquises, will be of great help to the imperial capital tomb pit!"

"I know, and I am very happy too. I am just wondering, how did Qin Feng become the reincarnation of a great monk?"Ananda discovered Huadian

"Or maybe it's a misunderstanding. Deng Ling didn't care.

"Countless people have seen the body of that monk, why did something go wrong when he went there?" Ananda asked back.

Deng Ling was silent for a moment.

After a pause, he smiled bitterly and said,"You shouldn't have let this troublemaker go to Lingshan Temple."

"Looking at the history of the Imperial Capital Wufu, when it comes to making trouble, he is second. Who dares to claim to be the first? If I don't let him be the fuse, who will go?"Ananda rolled his eyes, leaving Deng Ling speechless.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this."

Deng Ling stopped dwelling on this matter and asked,"Last year's national warrior ranking was won by the Magic City Martial Arts Academy, so this year's competition will be held in the Magic City, and the selection of candidates will be……"

""Let the student union choose the candidates." Ananda said casually.

Deng Ling was puzzled:"The student union is the old school, they will definitely choose their own people, can Qin Feng agree to it?"

"It is precisely because Qin Feng would not agree that we let the student union choose the person and then let them make a fuss."

"The bigger the fight, the more fierce the fight. Whoever stands out will be the candidate to fight."

Ananda had planned the whole thing long ago.

He just wanted Qin Feng to make a fuss.

He will take care of everything, so what is there to be afraid of!

""Okay." Deng Ling could only smile bitterly and nod.


""Brother, are you going to become a monk?"

Qin Xue stared with her cute big eyes, with a complicated expression.

Qin Feng's face darkened as soon as he answered the video call.

Damn it!

Which bastard spread rumors!

"It's not true, don't listen to what others say."Qin Feng explained.

Qin Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

Over the years, she secretly saved the betrothal gifts for Qin Feng.

If Qin Feng became a monk, wouldn't the money be useless?

That won't do!

The Qin family can't be extinct!

The brother and sister chatted with each other.

After half an hour, they hung up.

Ding Dong——

"10 million has been transferred to Alipay!"

Lu Chao finally dealt with the Golden War Lion and the Moon Wolf King.

Qin Feng quickly transferred 10 million to his sister's account.

At that time, all medical expenses will be deducted from there by the Jiangnan Military Hospital.

Ding Dong!

Just after it was processed, another message came.

It was Lu Chao:"I sold everything that can be sold. I exchanged some for points, about 1,000 points. Your share is 400 points. Remember to check the Resources Department if you have any."

"Thanks, Brother Lu." Qin Feng sent a thank you.

At this time, Dou Meiyu also sent a message:"Heifeng, go to the Resources Department to collect 220 points later."

Qin Feng smiled.

What good luck, all the points came!

"Thank you!"

Editor Qin Feng sent a text message.

Then, he turned his eyes and looked deeply at the Resources Department:"Break through to the advanced warrior realm as soon as possible and sprint to the national warrior list!"

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