The Earth Essence Training Room.

Teacher Tang looked at the grinning Qin Feng in front of him speechlessly.

This guy just left a few days ago, why is he here again!

Is he treating the Earth Essence Training Room as his own place to practice?

""Teacher Tang, are you feeling well?" Qin Feng asked.

Teacher Tang said unhappily,"What are you doing here? Do you have any points?""

"I don't have any points, but I was given 3 minutes of usage rights."Qin Feng rubbed his hands.

As expected.

The crying child gets the milk!

In the future, Qin Feng will definitely cry harder and more hoarsely!

As for face and dignity, it's all bullshit!

Can dignity be exchanged for resources for no reason?

"Teacher Tang, if I have 100 points, can I apply for 1 minute?"Qin Feng asked curiously.

Teacher Tang shook his head and said,"The minimum opening time is 10 minutes, which is 1000 points. Because each start and maintenance of the closure consumes a lot of energy, it is not appropriate to open it every few minutes."

"The Earth Essence Training Room is very expensive, so only the Palace Master is willing to bear the cost and create a good training atmosphere for you."

Qin Feng nodded in agreement.

In this respect, the Bald Palace Master did a good job.

Entering the training room,

Qin Feng sat cross-legged on the cushion with ease, palms facing up, ready to extract the essence of the earth.


The earth shook slightly.

The pure essence of the earth gushed out, covering Qin Feng's head.

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: Health +1】

【Gain: Health +1】

【Gain: Health +1】


The system prompts the screen again.

One minute later.

Qin Feng successfully extracted 300 blood and qi points.

Outside the training room.

Teacher Tang observed Qin Feng, frowning more and more tightly:"Why is this kid's absorption speed so outrageous?"

Taking 10 minutes as the standard.

Most students can only absorb 300 blood and qi points at most.

This is for those with excellent awakening talents.

On the other hand, Qin Feng.

One minute is equivalent to 10 minutes for others.

Is this reasonable?

Suddenly, the training room shook violently.

Qin Feng's body surface was red like blood, and the temperature rose sharply.

Breaking through the 3000 mark!

Entering the advanced warrior realm!

The last ten seconds.

Qin Feng still didn't intend to let it go, and extracted it like crazy!

When the last trace of the essence of the earth was extracted, he exhaled heavily, called up the attribute panel, and smiled.

Blood and qi value: 3080!

"Not bad, a 30 series graphics card."

Qin Feng was smart.

It is worth mentioning that because the training time was very short this time

, Qin Feng could not further condense the silver armor.

But it was not a big problem.

He could extract the breath of the golden Buddha to consolidate the silver armor.

Leaving the training room,

Qin Feng clasped his fists and smiled,"Thank you, Teacher Tang."

Teacher Tang looked a little strange and said,"Boy, I think you are in trouble."


Qin Feng was stunned.

What does that mean?

He didn't understand!

Qin Feng hurriedly helped Teacher Tang sit down, holding a teacup in his hand, and said angrily:"I hope Teacher Tang can give me some advice."

"Your cultivation speed is too fast. As a teacher, I am of course happy to see it, and I hope you will continue to grow rapidly."

"It’s different for outsiders, especially pharmaceutical companies. They will ask you to sign contracts, make big promises, and conduct human experiments!"

"You should also know that it is a guinea pig!"

Teacher Tang drank a sip of tea and talked freely.

Qin Feng nodded.

He knew this very well.

So he has been improving himself to avoid becoming a guinea pig.


Qin Feng suddenly asked:"How much benefit can I get from a contract?"


Teacher Tang was almost killed by this mouthful of tea.

He coughed wildly, his eyes wide as copper bells:"You want to piss me off to death, right? Those pharmaceutical companies are so cruel that they don't care about your life or death. What's the use of a large contract fee? You may not live to spend it!"

Qin Feng hurriedly smiled.

In fact, he was just thinking about it.


Teacher Tang eased his mood a little, then looked at the practice room in a trance, and said in a concentrated voice:"Qin Feng, remember to give back to the Wu Mansion"

"Now the resources of Wufu are available to you at a price far lower than other Wufu."

"Especially the Earth Essence Training Room, it is a losing business, and the money lost every time it is opened is an astronomical figure."

"We can hold on, but we are tired, very tired……"

Qin Feng's expression was slightly moved.

He could feel the mentor's protection and concern for his students.

It was indeed a good martial arts school.

""Okay!" He nodded heavily.

Teacher Tang waved his hand.

Qin Feng also left the Earth Essence Training Room.

As soon as he walked out of the training room,

Guan Changsheng came towards him.

Behind him was a handsome man.

This man was named Baili Jian, and he was once ranked 5th on the Warrior List!

However, he is now ranked 1st.

Because Guan Changsheng has entered the realm of a general, he is naturally not on the Warrior List.

"Qin Feng, I have something to talk to you about.

Guan Changsheng introduced:"This is Baili Jian"

"Senior Baili." Qin Feng clasped his fists.

Baili Jian smiled warmly and clasped his fists as well:"Junior Qin Feng."

The three of them walked side by side.

Guan Changsheng said,"The National Warrior List needs to select three people to participate in the competition. Generally, the student union will select the people."


Qin Feng snorted coldly.

According to Duan Nian's character, he would definitely choose his relatives.

"If nothing unexpected happens, Baili Jian should have a spot. Don't challenge him, challenge the other two." Guan Changsheng continued.

Baili Jian belongs to the new school.

There is no need for them to fight to the death.

Qin Feng nodded and said,"Okay, I won't challenge Senior Baili, but I think one spot is not enough, I want the other spot too!"

"Do you need me to recommend a few people to you?"Guan Changsheng and Baili Jian looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

From this action, it can be seen that they recognized Qin Feng's strength very much and did not doubt it at all.

"No need, I already have a candidate in mind."

Qin Feng was not talking about Li Yuntao and Xiao Ding.

Their talents are not weak.

But time is too tight now.

It is not realistic to enter the high-level warrior realm.

The candidate Qin Feng mentioned is the little spiritual boy who just came to the academy!

"The candidate should be announced this afternoon. If Duan Nian is selfless, that's fine. But if he is nepotistic, don't blame me for slapping him in the face in public!"

Qin Feng was full of confidence as he spoke.


Student Union Building

"I have decided on the candidates for the National Warrior List. They are Baili Jian, Mo Hong and Zheng Tao."Duan Nian announced loudly.

Among them, Mo Hong and Zheng Tao are both members of the Student Union.

Wu Meng's expression was a little ugly:"If this list is announced, Qin Feng will probably cause trouble.""

Qin Feng!

Duan Nian felt uncomfortable when he heard this name.

But soon, he returned to normal and said in a nonchalant voice:"He is only a mid-level warrior. He is not qualified to be on the National Warrior List. Don't consider him!"

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