In the Student Union Office,

Mo Hong and Zheng Tao stood in front of Duan Nian.

Mo Hong had short hair and a slightly skinny appearance, but with obvious muscle lines. He wore a vest and had a determined look.

Zheng Tao was a little careless, with a wandering look in his eyes.

""President, how are the points calculated this year?" Zheng Tao spoke first.

Duan Nian glanced at him and replied,"For the 34 martial arts schools, the first place winner will get 1,000 points each, and the second to fifth place winners will get 500 points each."

"Starting from the 6th place, each person will get 200 points."

Zheng Tao and Mo Hong nodded secretly.

It is not much different from last year, and it is still very generous, so so many people are willing to participate.

"We will transfer 200 points to you at that time." Zheng Tao knows how to deal with things and said with a flattering smile.

Duan Nian then showed a faint smile on his face:"Well, it's just a formality, there's no need to work too hard."

If Qin Feng heard this, he would definitely curse.

Duan Nian didn't make any effort, just arranged the contestants, and he could get 200 points!

No wonder the students would fall to this level!

Why work hard when you can earn points by doing nothing?���?

"What if someone challenges you?"Mo Hong suddenly asked.

Duan Nian had already made arrangements:"I have told them not to do anything. They are all my people, don't worry."

Zheng Tao and Mo Hong smiled with satisfaction.

As expected of Duan Nian, he was thorough in his work.

During the conversation, a voice came from the radio:

"Students, please gather at the playground!"


After hearing the broadcast, all the teachers and students in the school quickly gathered.

The monks from Lingshan Temple also came and stood at the farthest

"What's wrong?"

"Mostly the National Warrior List"

"The students will choose someone, but I don’t know who they will choose."

The students were noisy.

At this time, Ananda stepped onto the platform.

All the noises immediately disappeared and the scene became quiet.

"The National Warrior Ranking will be launched in Shanghai"

"The selection of candidates will still be handed over to the Student Union. We hope that the three principles of fairness, justice and openness will be followed."

Ananda looked at Duan Nian meaningfully.

Duan Nian walked out slowly under the gaze of everyone.

He said calmly:"The contestants are: Baili Jian, Mo Hong, Zheng Tao!"

Baili Jian, No. 1 on the Warrior List!

Mo Hong and Zheng Tao are both in the top ten.

The list seems to be fine.

But the new school students frowned.

Baili Jian is from the new school.

Mo Hong and Zheng Tao are from the old school.

If they are all from the old school, they will definitely be dissatisfied.

But Baili Jian is on the list.

This makes them want to get angry but can't get angry

"I don't agree!"

Suddenly, a loud shout rang out from the crowd.


All eyes were focused on him.

Then, all the teachers and students changed color.

The one who spoke up to stop him was none other than the biggest troublemaker in the history of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy - Qin Feng!

Qin Feng strode out.

Behind him was the martial monk, the little spirit boy.

One in front and one behind, they strode onto the stage.

"Senior Baili, I accept it, but what qualifications do Mo Hong and Zheng Tao have to participate in the competition?" He didn't say much, and went straight to the point.

Duan Nian's eyes were sinister, and he suppressed his anger:"Based on their rich experience in competitions, they represented Wufu last year. If they improve this year, they will definitely win a good ranking."


Qin Feng laughed, his laughter full of sarcasm and mockery.

""What are you laughing at?" Duan Nian asked.

Qin Feng stopped laughing and said coldly:"I am laughing at the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School for being so blind that they actually chose someone like you as the president of the Student Union. You deserve to keep losing in the past few years!"

"Qin Feng, you are so insolent!"

Lin Kong, Cheng Ying, Wu Meng and other members of the student union shouted angrily

"Are you so presumptuous? I've only just begun!"

Qin Feng's mocking tone became stronger, and his voice rose an octave.

"What a shitty president, what a shitty student union, nepotism, pre-determined quotas, you're just operating behind closed doors!"

"Besides, for someone who lost once, he has experience in participating in major competitions. What kind of excuse is this?"

"Losing experience?"

"Or did they lose more beautifully?"

Qin Feng put one hand on his waist and spoke madly.

The students nodded repeatedly.

What Qin Feng said made sense.

Mo Hong and Zheng Tao had already lost once last year.

It was really unreasonable for them to take up the quota this time!

Ananda didn't say anything, just watched.

Beside him stood the old man with purple eyes and the ministers and senior executives of various departments.

"Don't stop it?" Huang Zhong whispered.

Ananda glanced at the purple-eyed old man and said calmly:"Either obey the crowd or change people. Am I right, Minister Ziyang?"

"The National Warrior Ranking is related to the reputation of the martial arts school. It has no impact on the new and old schools, so whoever is stronger will be on top." The purple-eyed old man said calmly.

The senior officials nodded repeatedly.

The Imperial Capital Martial Arts School cannot lose again this year!

At this moment, Duan Nian's face was livid. He was repeatedly confronted by Qin Feng at school meetings, and so many people were watching. He was embarrassed!

He said angrily:"I have my arrangements, freshman, shut up!"

Qin Feng sneered:"Arrange the hell, I think you are doing it for your own selfish reasons!"

"As a warrior, you have to fight for everything on your own!"

"Now that the list is finalized, are you convinced?"

He turned and shouted to the students.

"I don't accept it!"

Li Yuntao and others shouted. As soon as he opened his mouth, many students followed suit.

The sound waves swept the entire playground.

Qin Feng turned around and looked at Duan Nian again, his eyes as sharp as a knife:"At this time and here, I challenge Mo Hong. If I win, he gets out and I'll go!"

Just after he finished speaking, Xiao Lingtong put his hands together and walked out slowly:"Amitabha, I'm also interested"

"It should be so!"

Ananda also spoke at this time, saying loudly:"A new year, a new atmosphere, let's do this!"

Seeing this, the teachers and students were shocked.

Duan Nian's face was also uncertain.

It was obvious.

Qin Feng and the others had planned it long ago!

Today's school-wide teachers and students meeting was a trap!

"Okay, I'll play with you guys!"

Duan Nian gritted his teeth and suppressed his anger:"If you lose……"

"Sorry, we won't lose. I'll take these two spots. Even if Jesus comes, he'll have to stand by!" Qin Feng and the little boy looked at each other with confidence.


On the ring,

Qin Feng and Mo Hong confronted each other.

Mo Hong's eyes were cold, extremely cold.

He had already got the quota, but he still had to work harder.

Who would feel comfortable in his heart?

""Junior, fists and feet have no eyes, I advise you to surrender, so as not to affect your future training." He threatened in a cold voice.

Qin Feng sneered, holding the black knife scabbard in his hand, looking at Mo Hong coldly.

Mo Hong held a steel stick in his hand.

His body exuded a metallic luster, like an iron man.

S-level superman system: steel body.

On the other side.

The little spirit boy was also confronting Zheng Tao.

Qin Feng didn't have time to pay attention.

At this time, Mo Hong moved.

As fast as thunder, as explosive as fire! With a clang!

The knife and stick intersected, sparks flew.

The strong wind caused a burst of students to exclaim.

Mo Hong held the stick with both hands, and attacked left and right, causing gusts of wind, like a raging sea dragon, killing Qin Feng!

""Four Seas Stick Method - Sea Waves!"

The steel stick swung.

The whole ring was filled with the sound of the rising sea tide, like a stormy seashore, smashing down from high to low!

This stick was extremely powerful!


However, the fatal stick was blocked by the black knife.

Qin Feng stood there, as if he had been evergreen for eternity, motionless.

"That’s it?"

"No wonder you are only fit for the bottom!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his eyes.

A ray of silver light swept out from Qin Feng's body, enveloping his entire body, and finally condensed into a set of silver armor, which was engraved with mysterious and complex patterns.

Silver armor!

It was full-cover silver armor!

In addition... the whole set of silver armor also contained a layer of faint golden light!


Qin Feng put his fingers together and gently slashed downwards.

With a clang!

A crisp sound was heard.

The steel stick that Mo Hong was so proud of was directly broken into two sections!

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