The stick broke with a wave of his finger!

This shocking scene made all the male students in the school tremble with fear... No, they were stunned... No, they were extremely shocked!

That was a long steel stick!

Breaking it with one finger?

How strong must Qin Feng's body be!

"There's something wrong with his silver armor!"

The golden light contained in the silver armor was captured by a group of instructors.

Minister Ziyang lowered his voice and said:"Full coverage silver armor is rare, but it is not impossible. This touch of golden light is unheard of!"

"Donor Qin is indeed the reincarnation of a great monk. It won’t be wrong for the little boy to follow him!" Abbot Zhixi was excited.

"Could this be Qin Feng's confidence?"Huang Zhong sighed and looked at Ananda.

To this, Ananda did not explain, but just smiled calmly.

In fact... he was secretly complaining in his heart!

"Don't look at me, don't look at me!"

"How can the supporting characters know about the protagonist’s affairs!"

"I can't break the fourth wall!"

The most shocked person was Mo Hong.

As the one who faced it directly, he felt an incomparable sense of oppression from Qin Feng, which enveloped his whole body and made him unable to move.


A silver flash bloomed in front of his eyes.

Mo Hong's face was refreshed.

A dull thunder sounded in the void.

Then, the blood-colored blade light tore down!

""Damn it!"

Mo Hong roared in his heart.

He mobilized all his energy and blood, gathered them on the short steel stick, and rushed forward with all his strength, one in front and one behind!


Another crisp sound came out.

This time, Mo Hong's steel stick did not break.

But his steel body collapsed, his chest sank deeply, he opened his mouth, spit out hot blood, and fell heavily to the ring.

One knife, defeated the enemy!

Qin Feng continued the legend of one knife!

"Student Union? Nothing more than that!"

Qin Feng waved his black knife, his face full of indifference.

Duan Nian and others looked livid.

They tightened and loosened their fists, but could not attack, so they could only swallow their anger!

On the other side,

Zheng Tao was also suppressed.

The little spirit boy waved his palm and blasted him out of the ring.

"Amitabha, Mr. Zheng, I will give you the chance."The little boy smiled faintly.

Instantly, the playground was dead silent.

All the teachers and students in the school looked at the Student Union, their eyes were full of dissatisfaction, contempt, and disgust...

Are these the contestants carefully selected by the Student Union?

One was defeated in one move.

The other was beaten to the point of losing his temper.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to go to the National Warrior List with such strength?

""President Duan, don't play dead, come up and say a few words." Qin Feng squatted on the stage and directly cue Duan Nian.

Swish, swish, swish... eyes locked on him.

Duan Nian suddenly felt his skin tighten and his heart was about to jump out!

He was always eloquent, but for the first time he spoke, he began to tremble and stammered:"I'm... I'm sorry, everyone. It's... It's my negligence. I apologize to everyone!"

"If an apology is useful, why do we need the police?"

Qin Feng is afraid that the world will not be in chaos, so he laughed and said,"Why don't you come up and wave your hands to make everyone happy?""


The corners of the mouths of all the teachers and students in the school twitched.

No, you really want to be ruined for a lifetime!


At this time, Ananda came out to smooth things over and announced:"Candidates for the National Warrior Ranking: Qin Feng, Baili Jian, and Xiao Lingtong!"

"I hope you try your best and leave no regrets."

"We don’t seek to be first, we just hope that you can show the unyielding and resolute side of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy to audiences across the country!"

""The Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy has never declined, but has been settling down!"

Ananda's voice enveloped the entire playground.

The teachers and students were so excited that their blood boiled, and they shouted:"The Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy will definitely return to the top!"

"If I don't want to be the first, then what am I going to do?"

"If you want to compete, you must compete for the first place!"

"No matter what Magic City, Jinnan, or Xishu Wufu, they will all be killed in one shovel!"

Qin Feng jumped onto the platform and grabbed the microphone.

These bold words made the teachers and students even more excited.

Even the old-school senior officials such as Minister Ziyang couldn't help but smile.

This kid is really good at making trouble!

But, that's how it should be!

Young people full of vigor and vitality!


After the list was finalized,

Qin Feng went straight to the Resources Department:"Teacher, I have a question."

""The teacher looked at Qin Feng with a smile.

Qin Feng handed over the black knife and said seriously:"How many points do I need to change it into a shovel?""


The teacher had a strange look on his face.

It was the first time he saw someone use a shovel as a weapon.

Moreover, it was a 3rd grade one!

The main reason was that Qin Feng felt that the shovel was very convenient to use. It could be used to chop, slap, and even dig holes to bury people.

A multifunctional shovel!

Seeing Qin Feng's face full of expectations, the teacher shook his head and smiled:"I won't charge you any points this time. I hope you can help Wufu get a good ranking!"

"Okay, thank you, teacher!"

Qin Feng said excitedly:"When will you come to get it?"


"Okay, teacher, you go ahead and do your work first!"

Qin Feng left quickly.


The National Warrior Ranking is about to be launched!

This trending search instantly topped all the major rankings.

Whether it is Tieba, forums, or social media, they are all discussing it crazily, and the popularity remains high.

"This year, Modu Wufu will definitely win the championship. Do you know the value of two SSS and one SS levels?"

"The level of supernatural powers does not represent everything. What is important is combat proficiency. Jinan Wufu is waiting for you to fight!"

"Our great Western Shu Wufu is blessed with talented people and beautiful scenery. We will definitely beat you guys!"

The topic was hotly discussed.

The major Wufu also began to build up the heat.

This year's national warrior list was unprecedentedly grand!


Jiangnan Military Hospital.

Qin Xue moved to a new ward.

A group of friends were watching the live broadcast on TV.

"Look, that's my brother!"

Qin Xue pushed the wheelchair and pointed excitedly at the list of participants in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts National Warrior Ranking.

Qin Feng's head was on it.

"Wow! Qin Xue's brother is so handsome!"

"The National Warrior Ranking is very grand, and all participants are geniuses!"

"Xiaoxue, can your brother get the first place?"

There were little boys with messy hair, little girls born blind, and even a frivolous boy with broken arms, all of whom exclaimed.

Qin Xue looked at Qin Feng's head and said firmly:"Yes, my brother said he will be famous, so he will definitely be famous!"

She couldn't restrain the admiration in her eyes.

To Qin Xue, her brother was the only one.

""My sister is participating too, look!"

A little boy with a runny nose pointed at the tall girl on TV and said loudly.

Qin Xue's eyes lit up when she heard that.

She pushed her wheelchair over and asked mysteriously,"Alan, how old is your sister? Does she have a boyfriend?"

""It should be... it should be not!"

The little boy scratched his head:"She is a tomboy, who would want her?"

At this time, the door slowly opened.

The nurses smiled and said,"Children, take your medicine."

"don't want!"

"We don’t want to drink it!"

The children started to make a fuss.

Only Xiaoxue took the medicine obediently.

The nurse smiled gently and said,"Xue’er is so good. Is your cough better recently?"

"Better now." Qin Xue answered obediently.

At the same moment.

In the director's room of the military hospital.

A middle-aged man in military uniform sat opposite the director.

"The smell of graves in Jiangnan has been getting stronger recently. Do you need any help here?" the man in military uniform asked.

"You can't spare too many people, right?"

The dean asked back, leaving the man in military uniform speechless.

"Forget it then."

The dean waved his hand and said,"There are too many patients here to take care of them all. I just hope that no graves will appear nearby. Otherwise, the casualties will be incalculable!"

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