Hongdu Wufu was really unlucky!

The strongest junior student encountered the Northeast Wufu as soon as he entered the mountain, and was defeated by Li Hongguo on the spot!

The remaining two had no choice but to flee in a hurry.

"Don't worry, no one can be sure who the winner is until the end of the game." The male contestant comforted her.

The female contestant nodded heavily:"We must avenge our senior!"

"I second the motion."

The two were encouraging each other when a word came in.

Their expressions were stiff.

The male contestant turned his head.

He saw a black thing coming towards him...


Does it sound good?

A good sound is a good start!

Nosebleed spurted, lying on his back!

On the other side, the female contestant was also attacked by Baili Jian and Xiao Lingtong and fell to the ground instantly.


Qin Feng waved his hand.

The three of them left quickly.

The next second, the referee came in to check, and then took the two away.

The three of Hongdu Wufu were defeated and eliminated!

Afterwards, Qin Feng and the other two did the same thing.

When they saw someone alone, they would sneak attack them immediately.

When they saw someone in a group, they would pretend to be dead on the spot.

They took Lao Liu's behavior to the extreme.

In less than 20 minutes, three of the Wufu were cleared out by Qin Feng.

The audience couldn't help but see this scene on the big screen.

"Killing me!"

"Qin Feng is so disgusting!"

"Is that obscene? That's called lame behavior!"

"I know Baili Jian, he is a gentleman, why was he smiling so happily when he launched a sneak attack?"

"I know Xiao Lingtong, he is obviously an enlightened monk, how could he be so decisive?"

All the audience asked this question.

The perspectives of the major live broadcast rooms were originally locked on Modou Wufu, but in an instant, they all focused on Qin Feng!

It's nothing else, the popularity is too high!

The barrage of comments has exploded!

A certain fish live broadcast.

A thin male anchor widened his eyes:"Fuck, can the game be played like this?"

A male anchor wearing glasses commented seriously:"Qin Feng's backhand grab just now is quite in my style, handsome and hipster!"

There was even a fat anchor screaming:"You have to support me brothers, this is likely to be a disaster!"

Suddenly, the barrage of comments soared again

"Reverse smoking day is divine!"

"Please show up, Master Lu! Bless the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House to defeat other Martial Arts Houses!"

"We have a female anchor here who looks like Mr. Fukada. What's her name? I'm so excited that my nose is dripping!"


Don’t drive the car unless you take me with you!"

"Damn! This Imperial Capital Martial Arts House is so disgusting!"

"That’s right, he has no dignity as a warrior and can only attack by surprise!"

"I suggest you cancel your qualification! I will go to the association to complain to the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House!"


The comments in the live broadcast rooms increased rapidly.

Because the audiences of each platform are different.

The comments were mixed.

Some people laughed, some complained, and some people asked Qin Feng to wear Hey Silk...

For a while, Qin Feng was the most popular!

Qin Feng, who was at the competition site, naturally didn't know about these situations, and even if he knew, he didn't bother to care.

As the martial arts houses were cleared out one by one,

Qin Feng set his sights on the Northeastern martial arts house.

It's time to deal with them!

"Li Hongguo is a SS-level superman: Land King"

"Guangli is an SSS-level monster: Nine-story tower"

"Zhao Shan is an A-level elementalist: the traction line."

Qin Feng recalled the information of the Northeastern Martial Arts Academy.

Their personalities are very similar.

That is, they are fierce!

Purely reckless!

Zhao Shan's traction line has a healing effect. Once it is pulled to the other two people, it is equivalent to adding an extra mobile blood bag.

This makes the three of them even more ferocious!

"Senior Baili and I will attract the attention, and you, Little Spiritual Boy, will attack Zhao Shan from the side." Seeing that the Northeastern Wufu had started fighting with others again, Qin Feng immediately made arrangements.

【Kill the nurse first in the team battle! 】

The two said they understood and took action immediately!

In the dense forest.

The ground kept surging, like mud waves. As Li Hongguo's hands kept dancing, they formed mud walls or mud barriers, madly suppressing the three people in front.

"Hahaha, come and fight me, only cowards will run away!"Li Hongguo grinned.

Guangli was surrounded by brilliant light, holding a small rotating tower in his hand, just like Li Jing, the tower-holding heavenly king.

With a raise of his hand, the nine-story tower flew out, spewing out blazing flames.

Zhao Shan looked around vigilantly.

Two rays of light extended from his abdomen, connecting his two companions, and constantly recovering.

The three of them cooperated seamlessly.

Not long after, the three opponents were ruthlessly eliminated.

"A bunch of colored pencils!"

Li Hongguo yawned and mocked loudly.

But at this moment!

Qin Feng walked out from the side.

He walked into Li Hongguo's field of vision openly, even swaggeringly, without the slightest bit of defense.

""Wow, you silly roe deer." Qin Feng pointed at Li Hongguo.

Li Hongguo's eyes widened on the spot:"You idiot, who are you scolding!"

After that, he waved his hand, the soil vibrated, and a mud arm took shape instantly, slapping Qin Feng hard!

Qin Feng smashed the mud arm with a shovel, and laughed:"Weak and powerless!"

After saying that, he ran away.

Li Hongguo was furious.

He hated being called soft the most.

Without saying a word, he rushed forward.

Guangli hurriedly followed behind.

Zhao Shan also wanted to follow.

As soon as he raised his foot, a solemn Buddha light suddenly appeared on the side, accompanied by bursts of dragon roars.

Holy Dragon Fist!

A heavy punch hit Zhao Shan's chest.

As fast as lightning and as fast as the wind!

Zhao Shan fell to the ground and couldn't get up. As soon as he fell to the ground, the traction line broke.

Li Hongguo and Guangli reacted and turned around to play back.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng in front suddenly turned around, his feet burst out with a strong power, and rushed over at full speed!

At the same time.

Bailijian on the right also appeared.

He held the scabbard in his left hand and the hilt in his right hand. His figure was like a sword shadow and appeared in front of Guangli, his eyes as bright as lightning!

S-level Superman System: Soul Slashing!


With Baili Jian's roar, the sword light was like the dawn that broke through the darkness.

Sword-drawing technique!

The thunderous might of the sword made Guangli's expression change, and he hurriedly recalled the Nine-story Pagoda.


The Nine-story Pagoda was knocked away.

Guangli retreated violently.

Even if Li Hongguo was a tough guy, he realized that he was being calculated.

He gritted his teeth and roared:"Want to kill me? You are not worthy!"


The power of the earth was extracted.

A set of loess armor condensed on his body, and his fists were like full-trailer trucks, rolling up a huge force, and blasting towards Qin Feng regardless of everything! Qin

Feng did not dodge.

He jumped high, and the black steel bone shovel slashed down angrily!

Nine levels of blood thunder - the third level!


Blood-colored thunder filled the air.

Three lightning bolts intertwined in an instant, and the power burst out in an instant!

The fist of the loess armor was cut on the spot as if it was made of paper.

The armor on Li Hongguo's body was even more cracked!

Looking at Qin Feng again.

He changed from cutting to hitting, and knocked Li Hongguo out fiercely

"Don't just stand there, besiege Guangli!"

After a successful attack, he immediately shouted.

The little spirit boy moved.

He pinched the Buddha seal with his hand and shouted softly:"The Buddha of Heaven has descended to the world!"

A golden dragon appeared in the air, accompanied by Buddhist chants. As it waved, a golden palm print fell from the sky, leaving an extremely clear palm print mark on the ground!

Baili Jian was not far behind

"" Slash!"

He drew his sword again.

The sword light shone throughout the forest.

Under the siege of the two, Guangli could no longer hold the Nine-Layered Pagoda, and fell to the ground, with the middle door wide open.

Qin Feng came.

He stretched out his foot and shouted:"Heavenly Foot!"


Guangli was embedded in the ground.

He turned his head and was seriously injured and unconscious.

"" Retreat!"

Qin Feng left after the fight.

Immediately, the three of them left the scene.

Not only the scene, but even the major live broadcast rooms were stunned by these scenes.

Minister Ziyang was even more stunned.

So fast! (The fight was short)

So fierce! (The three of them attacked decisively and powerfully)

So black! (The shovel was indeed very black, there was nothing wrong with it...)

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