The heat in the East District is getting higher and higher!

Isn't the battle in the West District fierce enough?

No, it's just as fierce!

But there is a Qin Feng in the East District!

Others are frantically hedging. But he is just the sixth one, and he also knows blitzkrieg tactics.

Isn't this more exciting than hedging?

The comments in the major live broadcast rooms are getting more and more crazy, almost overwhelming the server

"Do you see that golden dragon? Great and mighty heavenly dragon, great magic spell!"

"It turns out that a shovel can also be used to hit people?"

"Baili Jian is so handsome! That sword just hit my heart!"

The heads of the major live broadcast platforms are crying.

This barrage can't be reviewed!

Why did the camera give Qin Feng, the whole picture changed!

At the scene.

The instructor of the Northeastern Wufu saw this scene and was even more helpless.

"I hope they can remember this lesson. A reckless man always dies the fastest on the battlefield.……"He sighed deeply.

The other martial artists nodded.

Only rational people can survive in the tomb.

For example, Qin Feng


Qin Feng, who had returned to the mountain, sneezed, rubbed his nose, and looked depressed.

Who is thinking about me?

"It must be my lovely sister." Qin Feng smiled in his heart.

Baili Jian said:"According to a rough estimate, including us, there should be three teams left, one of which is the Western Shu Wufu."


Just as he finished speaking, a large area of trees in front collapsed and were cut off at the root.

"Amitabha, it should be the Metal Queen of Liang Yanyu."The little boy's eyes were also solemn.

Qin Feng pondered secretly.

The other party can control the metal.

The shovel cannot be used, it is easy to hurt himself

"I'll hold Liang Yanyu back, and you guys deal with the other two, be quick!" Qin Feng said in a deep voice.

The two nodded and took action immediately.

In a bare forest, six people were fighting.

Liang Yanyu's outfit today was really cute.

Black and purple Gothic Lolita, with two small tiger teeth showing, two iron balls suspended in her palms were constantly changing.

Sometimes they turned into swords, sometimes they turned into knives.

But at this time, the iron balls turned into iron needles, constantly stabbing the... buttocks of the three people in front!

Aww - the three people screamed.

The audience was even more anal.

"Haha, that sounds good."

Liang Yanyu laughed a little crazily.

With her outfit, she looked like a little devil!

"Yan Yu, stop torturing him."

"Hurry up and find the next team."

Liu Qu was very handsome, holding a sword shining with lightning.

Mu Ping was a bit ordinary, with a dull expression.

While they were talking, the three contestants in front of them were dragged directly into the ground and disappeared.

Liang Yanyu was stunned, stomped his feet angrily and said:"Which bastard stole my people!"

"This beautiful crazy woman... Bah, sister, you can call me bond, GG bond." A head emerged from the ground. It was Qin Feng, with a standard eight-tooth smile on his face.

The three people from Xishu Wufu were stunned.

What the hell?

Liang Yanyu glared and said,"Do you think you are Pig Man!"

After that, the iron needle in his hand turned into an iron knife and slashed at Qin Feng!

Qin Feng drilled back into the ground, grabbed Liang Yanyu's ankles with both hands, and pulled down with all his strength.

"Not good!"

Liu Qu and Mu Ping were shocked and were about to force Qin Feng out.


The next moment, a dragon roared.

The sky was bright as if the Buddha had descended to the world.

The little spirit boy stepped on the dragon and slapped it down with a palm technique that fell from the sky!

""Focus on one point!"

Liu Qu held the Thunder Sword in his hand, his blood and energy surged, and he stabbed towards the sky!

With this stab, lightning burst out.

The moment it touched the palm print, it was suppressed.

The little spirit boy seized the opportunity.

He stepped on Mu Ping's chest with both feet and solved him on the spot!

At the same time.

Baili Jian appeared and also took action instantly.

Sword-drawing technique!

Mu Ping roared, and a large amount of hair spread out of his body surface, turning into a black bull, punching and dancing, and rolling up a strong wind!

A-level superman system: black yak

Baili Jian's eyes did not change at all, and iron skin spread on his body surface with a slight silver light, ready to withstand this blow!


Baili Jian flew out horizontally.

But the sword in his hand was very stable, without any deviation, and he slashed with all his strength!


Liu Qu's iron skin was torn instantly, and his armor was also cut. He vomited blood and could not fight anymore.

As for Liang Yanyu.

She was dragged underground by Qin Feng.

Her whole face was flushed and she felt very uncomfortable


She spread her hands, and the iron knife turned into a large number of iron needles, piercing through the soil and stabbing Qin Feng in all directions.

However, Qin Feng was well prepared.

The silver armor was fully covered and opened.

The iron needles could not penetrate, but were bounced away.

Seeing this, Liang Yanyu was anxious and panicked.

She did not have the ability to melt into the earth, and could not breathe underground. If time went on for a long time, she would probably suffocate to death.

At that moment, she turned and fled.

After a few steps, Qin Feng chased her. He pulled her hard again!

She ran, he chased, she couldn't fly away!

Until the end, Liang Yanyu fainted due to lack of oxygen.

Qin Feng brought her out of the soil layer, and saw that Liu Qu and Mu Ping had been dealt with, and nodded with satisfaction

"Are you okay?"

Bai Li Jian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and pointed at Liang Yanyu.

No casualties are allowed in the competition.

Anyone found will be eliminated immediately.

"For safety reasons, Ling Tong, how about you give her artificial respiration?" Qin Feng turned his head and looked at the little Ling Tong.

"No, I am a cultivator, how can I flirt with a female donor?"The little boy blushed and lowered his head quickly.

"Buddha said: Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda!"Qin Feng laughed and said,"You don't want the female donor to lose her precious life, do you?"

The little boy was stunned.

He looked at Qin Feng, then at Liang Yanyu, his eyes moving wildly.

At this time, the referee came.

He took away the three people from Xishu Wufu, otherwise the consequences would be tut tut tut.

But the heat of the live broadcast room did not decrease at all!

"Hahaha! Shit! GG bond? Who came up with that?"

"If we really have to choose the most popular person, Qin Feng would definitely be number one!"

"We who like fun love to see this!"

The volume of barrage continued to soar, and the popularity continued to be hot!

The major martial arts schools were also depressed.

Why did the competition change after Qin Feng came?

Xishu Martial Arts School felt deeply humiliated.

This loss... was too much of a failure!

They almost rewarded that little bald head!

Huang Zhong scratched his head:"Minister, have we advanced to the finals?"

"It should be... right. Minister Ziyang was also scratching his head.

Just like that, he won?

So sudden!

He watched Qin Feng steal people.

While stealing, the game was over!

In the East District,

Qin Feng released the three people that Xishu Wufu had just fought.

Just as he was about to make a move, the three people knelt on the spot.

"Let us stay a little longer!"

"The longer you hold on, the higher your ranking will be."

"Ball Ball……"

The three unlucky guys begged frantically.

Qin Feng didn't want to pay attention.


An idea came to his mind!

The battle in the west area was very fierce.

Then... could he dig over there!

Thinking about it, Qin Feng suddenly laughed.

It was a very cunning laugh!

"Everyone is looking forward to the meeting between the Imperial Capital and the Demon Capital in the finals, and to ending their feud with a hearty final battle.……"

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and reached out to hold the black and hard shovel.

"But I don’t follow the beaten path!"

"I'm going to bury him now!"

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