Because Qin Feng was the sixth to launch a sneak attack, the battle in the East District ended very quickly.

At this time, the West District had just entered a white-hot stage.

"Leng Song from Modu Wufu and Tang Tao from Jinnan Wufu are facing off!"

"It's over now, Tang Tao's fire spirit body is frozen, and fire can't withstand the absolute cold after all!"

"Yuan Hao of Magic City Martial Arts School defeated two opponents with one, while Mu Qiyan and Guan Le of Youzhou Martial Arts School were defeated. Lu Chao is in danger now!"

Zeng Dazhuang was explaining the situation in the West District.

He was talking excitedly, and he would recite a few ancient poems from time to time, and he was getting more and more excited.

However, Qin Feng didn't know all this.

The interior of the Bird's Nest was completely closed.

No sound from outside could be heard at all.

At this moment, he took out a black steel bone shovel and was digging a tunnel!

Question: Why didn't Qin Feng use the soil to get through?

Answer: Because he just wanted to dig and dig in this small mountain!

With a clang!

The last shovel was dug down, but it hit an extremely hard area, which made Qin Feng shudder.

"That is the barrier between the war zones, and it is probably impossible to dig it."��Li Jian's voice came from the front of the tunnel.

Qin Feng glared.

I just don't believe it!

You can isolate the mountains and the sea, and you can also isolate the deep underground?

He is like this.

What he has decided must be done!

He must go there today to let the little golden retriever know what it means to be so red!

Qin Feng changed his strategy.

He no longer went forward, but went down.

There are barriers between the war zones.

It is impossible that there are barriers on the entire land!

Digging all the way.

After more than half an hour, Qin Feng dug to the edge of the barrier.

He turned a corner and started digging from the bottom to the top towards the west area.

When the instructors of the major martial arts schools saw this scene, their faces were extremely strange, and they all looked at the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School at the same time.

Huang Zhong and Minister Ziyang bowed their heads tacitly.

Don't look, I'm really unfamiliar!

"Mr. Ziyang, you……"

Wang Hou from the Magic City Martial Arts House couldn't help but ask.

Minister Ziyang smiled, but his eyelids were twitching.


What the hell!

I don't know what's going on!

At this time, Zeng Dazhuang was passionately explaining:"It seems that the Magic City Martial Arts House is going to sweep all the teams... What what?!"

"Why did Qin Feng from the East District come to the West District?"

He finally found Qin Feng and his voice changed with fear.

In an instant!

The whole network was in climax!

The volume of barrage skyrocketed by more than a hundred times!

The servers of several live broadcast platforms burned directly!

"Isn't this a foul? From the East to the West, are you a groundhog? Ahhhhh!"

"Qin Feng is definitely the ancestor of the fun-loving people, he is so capable!"

"I thought the East District was over, but I didn't expect Qin Feng to choose the style with the most bullet comments!"



Any computer with a worse graphics card crashed directly!

The audience's scalp numbed!

At this time, Qin Feng dug from the East District to the West District.

He climbed out of the ground.

This was a dense forest.

It was very quiet around, and there was no blood fluctuation.


At this moment, a cold wind swept through.

Large leaves were frozen, and they fell to the ground and turned into ice chips.

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes.

He jumped to a high place and looked down, and immediately locked onto Leng Song, Yuan Hao, and many others from the Magic City Wufu.

They are... chasing Lu Chao?!

"Damn it, you dare to bully my brother."

Qin Feng didn't even think about it, and instantly melted into the ground and escaped.

In the dense forest.

A beast covered with black and blue scales, with a ferocious appearance, shaped like a toad, with a long tail but no hind legs.

Every time it moved, a large amount of sea water would appear on the ground, surging and rolling towards Lu Chao!

""Lu Chao, admit defeat!"

A man sat on top of the beast, it was Yuan Hao, with a sneer on his face.

SSS-level monster system: sea monster!

Leng Song also taunted:"You are going to be eliminated anyway, what's the point of running?"

The frost dragon behind him let out a deafening roar, opened its mouth and spit out dark blue dragon breath, and everything froze wherever it passed!

In response, Lu Chao said nothing.

He held the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick in his hand, turned his footsteps, waved his hand to blast away the incoming sea water and dragon breath, and then continued to run forward.

Lu Chao was very rational.

The other side has many people, so it is not advisable to attack forcefully.

Only by keeping a distance can there be a chance to turn the tide of the battle.

It is worth mentioning.

Before, Youzhou Wufu was chasing other Wufu.

At the critical moment, Modu Wufu suddenly took action.

Mu Qiyan and Guan Le were directly eliminated.

Therefore, Lu Chao was chased all the way

"Damn it!"

Lu Chao couldn't help but spit.

Just as he finished speaking , a sneer came from behind:"Distraction is a taboo on the battlefield."

A figure wearing golden armor came to Lu Chao's side. He swept over without hesitation!


The figure flew backwards.

Lu Chao was also forced to stop, and was immediately surrounded by Leng Song and Yuan Hao.

Looking at the figure again.

He smashed a big tree, but landed steadily as if nothing had happened, his whole body shining with golden light, and he was majestic without anger.


SS-level Monster System: Royal Court Armor!

"Dare to challenge me in single combat?"

Lu Chao's eyes were cold and he asked in a cold voice.

Although Leng Song was very arrogant, he was not stupid.

He knew Lu Chao's strength. It was said that he could tie with Guan Changsheng of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy. He was invincible in single combat!

Leng Song sneered:"I have the advantage, why should I challenge you in single combat?"

Lu Chao's heart sank.

He knew that he would not be eliminated today.

Therefore, he wanted to seriously injure at least one or two people, so that if Qin Feng could enter the finals, he could help the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy.

But the other party was not fooled at all

"Anyway, I'll do whatever I can.……"

Just as he thought of this, Lu Chao felt a strong force coming from his feet.

He was dragged into the ground and disappeared in an instant!

Leng Song, Yuan Hao, and the other three froze with sneers, staring at each other.

Where is the person?

Where is a big person like me?

"It seems to be soil melting!"

Leng Song was the first to react and locked onto the ground.

Yuan Hao was also confused:"It seems that only Qin Feng has this ability, but he is in the East District!"

"Weird, which little bastard did this?"Many were also confused.

Leng Song shook his head and said in a serious tone:"Don't worry about this for now. Eliminate all the others. The final victory will still be ours." The other two had no objection.

Soon, the three of them left the place.

On the other side.

Deep underground.

There are many passages here, which are complicated and irregular, just like a mole maze.

After Lu Chao was pulled down, he heard a familiar voice in his ear.

"Brother Lu, are you okay?"

When he saw the face of the man in front of him, he was stunned.

"Qin Feng… Qin Feng! ?"

Lu Chao was so surprised that he uttered a tenor voice.

His heart was pounding, his eyes almost popped out, and a thousand question marks appeared in his mind.

Why is Qin Feng here?

This is the West District, not the East District?

Why is there a tunnel?

What is going on???

""How did you get here?" he asked dryly.

Qin Feng raised the black steel shovel and grinned,"I dug it here."

【The underground warfare of our ancestors, the host and I will carry it forward! 】

Qin Feng responded:"Only me, not you!"

Lu Chao still couldn't hide his surprise.

Isn't this a foul?

But think about it carefully.

Rules, are these things useful to Qin Feng?

No use!

He never follows the rules!

"Don't worry about this for now."

Qin Feng signaled Lu Chao to lower his voice, and said with a chuckle:"You were bullied just now, do you want revenge?"

Lu Chao nodded heavily:"Yes!"

"The others are yours, but the little golden retriever is mine!" Qin Feng said directly that he was here just for the little golden retriever.

Lu Chao knew that Qin Feng had the ability to do this.

However, he was still a little worried, after all, the other side had more people and more power.

"Don't worry, I have a plan."

Qin Feng gave Lu Chao a reassuring look and said with a smile:"Not only will I eliminate the Magic City, but I will also make the Magic City the last and make them lose face!"

The good show has not ended yet, it is just about to begin!

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