Yuan Hao's brain started to work at full power.

Then, it started to smoke!

He didn't understand!

He didn't understand!

Why did Qin Feng appear in the West District!


"Qin Feng fouled!"

Suddenly, Yuan Hao screamed.

Qin Feng held the black steel shovel in his hand and directly pressed it against his head, smiling:"What did you say, who fouled?"

The cold and sharp shovel head made Yuan Hao's Adam's apple tremble.

In an instant, he shut up.

In fact, Yuan Hao did not think about resisting.

He just secretly controlled the sea monster and was ready to attack suddenly and catch them all in one fell swoop!


There was a person under the earth pit where the sea monster was.

It was Lu Chao.

Lu Chao's expression was cold, holding the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick in his hand, and his whole body was full of blood and energy.

As long as it dared to move, it would be killed in seconds!

"It's just a competition, don't make yourself look bad, just withdraw." Qin Feng squatted down, with a negotiating expression.

Yuan Hao's face suddenly turned pale, and he shouted:"The Magic City Martial Arts House has only been defeated, not surrendered!"

The words were full of blood!

The fat man of Jiangnan Martial Arts House was full of anger.���He growled,"You're not going to quit, are you? I'll let you poop in public, believe it or not? I haven't even gone to the toilet today!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone stood in awe!

Qin Feng looked at the little fat man and silently gave him a thumbs up!

This is a nationwide live broadcast!

Once the chrysanthemums are in full bloom, it will be a celebration for the whole... whole world!

Yuan Hao's face was livid.

Until he saw that the little fat man had actually untied his belt, he wilted directly:"I agree to quit the competition!"

He was about to cry, gritted his teeth:"Fatty, I'll remember you!"

""I will always keep my name, Hong Dali from Jiangnan Wufu!" The fat man sneered in response.

Qin Feng slapped Yuan Hao on the head and said unhappily:"Why are you pretending? Say thank you to Brother Dali!"

【Brother Wufei, is that you?】

""Thank...thank you, brother Dali!"

Yuan Hao almost suffocated to death.

No matter what, the other person was defeated, which is a normal situation. But he was almost fed by a fat man!

The outside world.

The news of Yuan Hao's withdrawal caused an uproar at the scene.

Wang Hou of the Magic City Martial Arts Mansion had a livid face and his hands kept shaking, as if he could not control his anger.

Minister Ziyang saw this and said in surprise:"Deputy Mansion Lord, calm down. It's a good thing that you are willing to withdraw from the competition. It shows that this kid is quick-witted and will live a long time in the grave in the future."

"That's right." The instructor of Jiangnan Martial Arts Academy agreed with a smile.

Wang Hou smiled but didn't smile:"Thank you so much for your comfort!"

At this time, there was another uproar at the scene.

Qin Feng was going to make trouble again!

He targeted many people!

At this moment, many people were chasing a lone person.

He was wearing the imperial armor, attacking and defending at the same time, perfectly interpreting what is called the art of violence, which made people feel very satisfied.

"Strange, why do I suddenly feel ominous?……"

Manyu vaguely felt something was wrong.

The next second!

A pair of hands broke through the soil and grabbed his legs tightly!

Manyu reacted very quickly.

He shouted, and the Royal Court Armor was filled with an ancient and fierce aura, and was about to break free from the opponent's restraints.

But at this time!

The ground around him broke open one after another.

One after another, figures rushed out.

They were the contestants from various prefectures!

One of them was Lu Chao, who swung the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick and smashed it with all his strength!


Manyu crossed his arms and blocked the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick in time, but the whole person was smashed into the soil, and his flesh and bones were shaking.

In the end, Manyu turned into Yuan Hao 2.0, with only a head left outside.

But he relied on the terrifying defensive power of the Royal Court Armor and struggled frantically!

""Fuck your struggle!"

Qin Feng jumped out from the ground and slapped Xuanyi's head with a shovel.

With a clang!

Xuanyi was quiet.

His whole head was buzzing and his eyes couldn't focus.

But even so, the royal armor still did not fade away, protecting his whole body.

This surprised Qin Feng.

This ability is pretty good.

It's worthy of being SS-level!

Xuanyi finally saw that it was Qin Feng in front of him, and his face was full of astonishment:"Why are you...……"

"Shut up!"

Qin Feng interrupted directly:"Don't say the same lines, or you will be criticized for spamming!"

"You either withdraw from the competition or get beaten up by us and then withdraw from the competition. It's your choice!" He stood up and grinned.

The next second, Lu Chao and others surrounded him.

This scene was very similar to a girl surrounded by several black men.……

【No! I can't think about it anymore! Otherwise, the host and I won't be able to go to heaven! 】

Qin Feng rolled his eyes.

How can the system read those messy things!

"Remember to give me the seeds, and I will go and criticize them."He thought to himself


Many people gnashed their teeth and said,"Let's fight alone if you dare. Group fights are nothing!"

"Would you dare to say such words in a graveyard?"

Qin Feng mocked,"You are surrounded by people and still have the nerve to challenge them. Do you think they will hang you?"

Many people's faces turned red with this remark.

Qin Feng shook his head and sighed,"You are really determined to fight until you see the Yellow River. Beat them to death!"

After that, more than a dozen people rushed up and beat Many people on the spot. In the end, they couldn't stand it anymore and surrendered with tears.

There was constant laughter at the scene.

This elimination method is unique!

This year is much more interesting than previous years!

Wang Hou sighed to the sky.

Are all these little cuties in my mansion?

Fight back!

Rather die than surrender!

The other people in the Magic City Wu Mansion were also aggrieved, as if a breath was blocked in their hearts.

They didn't lose! They were just plotted against by justice!

"Leng Song, it all depends on you! You must turn the tables!"They could only put their hopes on Leng Song and pray in their hearts.

As for Leng Song.

He walked alone in the dense forest, with a puzzled look on his face.

It was so quiet.

Have all the people been dealt with by Xuan Duo and Yuan Hao?

""I must be too strong. My aura alone is enough to scare them so much that they dare not show their heads." He fantasized wildly in his heart.

To be honest, Leng Song is indeed one of the strongest people.

SSS-level awakening + key training in the martial arts school!

His strength is beyond doubt.

Just as Leng Song was fantasizing about himself, the ground suddenly became soft and someone grabbed his feet!

His face changed in shock and he shouted,"Frost Dragon, Freeze!"

The figure of the Frost Dragon appeared behind him.

A deafening dragon roar came out, and the terrifying low temperature raged out, instantly turning the mud into frozen soil!

"There is something here!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, Qin Feng immediately let go and slid away along the tunnel.

His speed was as fast as Quicksilver!

Crack, crack - in an instant, frost filled the area within a radius of ten meters.

Everything was completely frozen!

The frost dragon stretched out its huge dragon claws and lifted Leng Song from the frozen soil.

However, just as he got out of it, a strong wind swept in front of him.

Lu Chao held the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick in his hand and landed steadily in front of Leng Song. His pair of cold eyes made people tremble with fear.

"Lu Chao?"

Leng Song sneered:"I didn't expect you to play tactics."

Lu Chao also laughed, and his laugh was even more sarcastic than Leng Song's, grinning and saying:"It's not me, it's him."

Leng Song turned around in confusion and was stunned.

He saw Qin Feng holding a black steel shovel, with his back against a towering tree, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, revealing a clear jawline like a prince, and smiled faintly:"You never thought that my little prince from another region would come to cause trouble!"

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