Leng Song's pupils contracted, and he felt confused.

How did he get to the West District?

Was he the one who caused all the chaos in the West District?

And... is this really not a violation?

Leng Song wanted to ask the deputy palace master.

Is this still our territory?

How could an outsider control the rules?

"You fouled!" He pointed at Qin Feng and shouted angrily.

Qin Feng held the black steel shovel and said provocatively:"You said it was a foul, so it's a foul. What's the matter, are you the four-character prince?"


Leng Song was furious.

He looked at the increasing number of people around him, his eyes became more gloomy, and he took a few steps back involuntarily.

He was clearly in the upper hand just now.

How come the situation is suddenly reversed now!

Qin Feng smiled and said,"Aren't you in the Magic City Martial Arts School so awesome? Don't you think you are invincible and don't take others seriously?"

"Okay, I will give Modu Wufu a favor today and give you a chance to fight alone."

Leng Song's expression was still solemn, but he was sneering in his heart.

"I am not afraid of anyone except Lu Chao!"

"This Qin Feng really thinks he’s an important person!"

"Kill him, then deal with Lu Chao……"

"Although it's a bit troublesome, there's still a chance!"

He began to plan.

But Qin Feng changed his tone and said with a smile:"Now, I'll give you a chance to challenge me and Lao Lu, let's get started quickly"


Leng Song was stunned on the spot.

Is this a one-on-one duel?

Where did you get your twelve years of compulsory education?

Lu Chao showed an unprecedented satisfied smile on his face. Holding the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick in his hand, an ancient and wild aura swept out, dispelling all the cold air and shocking everyone.

The blood in Qin Feng's heart surged and began to compress like a water pump. His skin turned slightly red, and it seemed that there were blood-colored electric snakes running through his body surface, which was very scary.

One-on-one master Lu Chao!

East District Devil Qin Feng!



Qin Feng shouted.


In a flash, Lu Chao crushed the ground with one foot and rushed over!

The Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick was in his hand, and it was like a bright crescent moon when it was swung, accompanied by the sound of Kirin's roar.

Leng Song had to fight.

He growled:"Dragon Breath!"

The frost dragon roared, its body tilted back, and its mouth spewed towards the ground!

Whoosh - the moment the blue dragon breath hit the ground, it spread in all directions, and the frost was dense, sweeping around like smoke and dust.

The cold air was pressing!

Hong Dali and others didn't dare to get close at all!

""Broken Moon Style!"

But Lu Chao was not afraid at all. He held the stick in one arm and violently swung it down. The terrible force directly collapsed the entire ground, and the dragon breath was also ruthlessly smashed!

The two collided, and they were evenly matched!

At this time, Qin Feng arrived.

He was covered with silver armor and rushed into the frost and the ruins without any delay.

"Blood Thunder Ninth Layer!"

The black steel bone shovel danced.

Three blood thunders roared in the void and slashed towards Leng Song.

The frost dragon quickly spread its wings to protect Leng Song.

Boom boom boom!

The blood thunder exploded.

The frost dragon screamed and its entire wing was chopped off.

However, it couldn't fight back at all.

Qin Feng and Lu Chao's offensive was continuous and tacit, suppressing Leng Song so that he couldn't breathe and could only be beaten unilaterally.

Especially Qin Feng.

One shovel after another hit the little golden retriever's face!

"The devil is so awesome, right? You're mocking me, right? Do you really think I don't dare to take action?"

"You actually want to compete with me in showing off, that’s mine exclusively, you know!"

""Damn it, I get mad when I see your golden hair, cut it off, cut it off!"

Qin Feng cursed and beat him.

In the end, he even cut off Leng Song's golden hair.

He shaved his hair on the spot!

Not to mention the audience, even the major live broadcast rooms were silent.

This is the first time I saw Magic City Wufu lose so badly!

This is the first time I saw someone scolding while fighting!

This is the first time I saw someone helping to cut hair!

Qin Feng is really unique!

After a long time, Qin Feng and Lu Chao finally stopped.

Look at Leng Song.

He collapsed on the ground, looking like a big pig head!

This is not a Korean handsome guy, it's simply Zhu Bajie in the world!


"Qin Feng, I want to fight you!"

Leng Song was completely crazy.

His handsome facial features and handsome golden hair were all gone!

This must be laughed at!

Qin Feng clasped his hands together and sighed deeply:"Since the golden-haired donor said so, then this monk will fulfill your wish."

"The feud between the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School and the Demonic Capital Martial Arts School should also come to an end!"

"The fateful battle ends today!"

His voice became high-pitched and excited.

Leng Song rubbed his swollen and blackened face, his eyes full of hatred. He must win this battle.……

"Brother Lu, let's change positions." Qin Feng suddenly shouted.

Leng Song was anxious on the spot:"Isn't it said that the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School and the Demon Capital Martial Arts School are going to fight a fateful battle?!"

"Yes, just now you challenged me and Brother Lu, now it's my turn to challenge you, it's reasonable."Qin Feng's expression was honest and sincere.

Leng Song was stunned.

A tear fell from the corner of his eye. He really cried!

Hong Dali and others couldn't help laughing.

"No, I'm professionally trained and can't laugh."

"Unless you can't help it"



The tense and exciting battle atmosphere is now filled with a happy atmosphere.

Qin Feng's move has set off a firestorm on the entire Internet.

"Wow, I just exclaimed wow, this Qin Feng is really doing it!"

"Who can withstand the challenge of going back and forth twice?"

"I don’t know if I can bear it?"

"The above is wrong, this is not Shaolin Soccer!"

""Fuck, Shanghai is so unlucky this year, having met a funny guy like Qin Feng!"

The servers of major live broadcast platforms crashed back and forth. There were too many comments!

It was comparable to the snowy TV in the 1950s and 1960s!

Wang Hou and Minister Ziyang had an inexplicable feeling at the same time.

Is this the fateful battle between the two governments?

It would have been better if it had rotted in the factory!

In the West District.

Qin Feng saw the little golden retriever was silent, his eyes rolled, and he waved his hand and said,"Forget it, I'm not such a despicable person."

Leng Song raised his head, his eyes were full of tears.

You're not despicable?

You're a nice person!

"I will give you a chance seriously."

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows:"You have points, right? Quite a lot, right? Take it as a bet. If you win, I will go back to the East District. If I win, the points will belong to me. How about it?"

"Really? A deal? Swear to it!" Leng Song was really scared.

""I send four!" Qin Feng raised two fingers and said in a strange voice.

Seeing this, Lu Chao slowly retreated.

The others also tacitly left the open space.

Leng Song took a few deep breaths, stimulated his blood, and the body of the frost dragon healed quickly, becoming as ferocious as before.

Qin Feng's whole body was shining with silver light, and his body was also wrapped in a faint golden light. In a breath, he rushed over fiercely!

"Ice wall!"

"Ice dragon claws!"

Leng Song reacted very quickly.

The frost dragon spit out frost, forming a thick ice wall in front of Qin Feng. The two huge dragon claws were filled with cold air, grabbing Qin Feng from the left and right!

Qin Feng did not retreat.

He swung the black steel bone shovel to smash the ice wall.

At the same time, he held the relic tightly in his hand, while enduring the cold air, he quickly repaired it, rushed to Leng Song like a broken bamboo, and raised the black steel bone shovel high.


Thunder exploded.

The two dragon claws were neatly cut off.

Under Leng Song's incredible gaze, the black and hard shovel hit his head heavily, and he fainted on the spot.

"Done! Call it a day!"

Qin Feng turned around and spread his hands, curling his lips and said,"Being invincible is so lonely."

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