Inside the hotel.

Wang Hou had just answered a phone call, his face changed slightly, his eyes revealed a cold murderous intent.

After he hung up the phone, he said coldly:"You actually want to attack the entire hotel? You are so brave!"

Although Wang Hou put pressure on the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House, when it comes to dealing with the cult, all warriors have only one idea: kill without mercy!

Competition between martial arts houses is within the normal operating range.

The cult wants to destroy the national warrior list and attack and kill students?

This is simply unbearable!

Therefore, Wang Hou immediately notified all the major martial arts houses and discussed together.

"On the eve of the decisive battle, the Heavenly Demon Cult, the Blood Cult, and... the Chaos Cult are coming to raid the hotel."Wang Hou looked around at everyone and spoke in a deep voice.

The pupils of many mentors shrank.

Someone lost his voice and said,"Are they crazy? How dare they come to cause trouble?"

"They are just a bunch of lunatics, they have never been normal!"

"Why did they choose this time? It looks like they are planning to make a big fuss."

"They attacked during the match, and they are coming again now?!"

The faces of the masters from various prefectures were extremely grim.���

Do whatever you want! No shame!

The three sects are the thorns in the flesh of the major martial arts schools, and they must be pulled out!

Minister Ziyang looked at Wang Hou and said softly:"Deputy Palace Master, how did you get this news?"

"An acquaintance who specializes in providing all kinds of intelligence and has been cooperating with me. He can be trusted." Wang Hou said this in passing, and then said in a deep voice:"Everyone, since these bastards want to come, let them stay here completely!"

"Set up a trap, lure them in, and eliminate them all at once. Even if we can't eradicate them completely, at least we can have some peace for a while."

"Those children just have time to practice, otherwise they will be worried about them every day!"

Wang Hou's words were deeply agreed by others.

Minister Ziyang said calmly:"Use the hotel as a pocket, and wait for the evil cult warriors to come in, forming a situation of closing the door and beating the dog, kill as many as come, and kill them until they tremble with fear!"

"The simpler the better. Complexity is prone to problems. Wang Hou added:"Remember, you must protect the surroundings. You can neither be discovered by them nor put the masses in danger.……"

Everyone nodded to show that they understood.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became solemn.

Everyone's face was filled with murderous intent and coldness.

Before leaving, Minister Ziyang joked,"I thought that the Demon City Wufu lost so badly this time, and the deputy palace master would definitely be sulking. It seems that I thought too much."

""You're still being ungrateful after getting an advantage!"

Wang Hou rolled his eyes.

They all knew what was right and wrong.


The hotel is still so popular.

It is mainly because the contestants stay here.

Every day, reporters and Internet celebrities come with their phones and cameras to take pictures, hoping to get some topics outside the competition.

Various hot search topics are also emerging one after another, and the Internet is full of discussions.

At this time!

Around Changxing Hotel.

Crowds of people surged past, which was very strange.

They looked around the hotel with an inexplicably cold expression.

"Observe the surrounding terrain and plan an escape route in advance"

"Even if I kill a genius, I must protect myself. Otherwise, how can I serve my Lord?"

"Remember that parking lot, it's very important!"

These people were observing the hotel while communicating secretly.

At the same moment, above the hotel,

Qin Feng was overlooking the dense crowd and whispered,"That is to say, there will be a bloody battle on the eve of the decisive battle?"

"Well, this is also a test for you."

Minister Ziyang stood with his hands behind his back and said softly:"In the tomb pit, it is difficult for you to get information, such as language barriers, or the translated meaning is too far off, so this is an early experience of the tomb pit."

"What do you mean?" Qin Feng turned around and asked

"There are dangers in the grave pit all the time. It is very likely that the head will fall to the ground the moment you relax."Huang Zhong said coldly.

Qin Feng and the other two touched their necks.

Is it so dangerous?

"Be prepared, all cult members will be killed without mercy."Minister Ziyang's demeanor was completely different from before, and he was full of murderous intent.

Qin Feng and the others looked at each other and said obediently,"Yes, Minister."

At the same time, other martial arts schools were also warning students.

In Youzhou, Liang Guoan said in a deep voice,"Lu Chao, you must protect yourselves!"

""Understood!" Lu Chao and the other two nodded heavily.

In the Magic City, Wang Hou looked at the little golden-haired trio who were beaten black and blue, feeling helpless and ridiculous.

"Don't mess around, just follow the main force." He said earnestly.

Leng Song sneered and said,"Don't worry, they are just a bunch of small fish."

"Shut up!"

"Isn't losing enough?"

"You can be crazy, but it must be based on absolute strength!"

"What's next? A fight to the death! A bloody battle! One mistake will lose everything!"

Wang Hou's face was as cold as frost, and he shouted.

He loved and hated these children.

Even if he was crazy, he had to find the right time!

Otherwise, he would really lose his life!

Leng Song and the other two were shocked by the words of the deputy palace lord.

It was the first time they saw the deputy palace lord so serious!

""You can lose a match countless times, but if you lose a fight to the death, you won't even have a chance to regret it!" Wang Hou said in a deep voice.

The little golden retriever trio nodded quickly:"I understand!"

Wang Hou's expression eased a little

"If they can't even pass this level, going down to the grave pit will only lead to their death, and even cause trouble for others."Wang Hou thought to himself.

The dull atmosphere was like a peeled onion, gradually revealing its tear-jerking true face.

The atmosphere began to change!


The night before the finals.

The whole hotel was still full of lights and partying.

When the time came to 12 o'clock in the middle of the night!

The parking lot began to get restless.


One car after another suddenly exploded, and the blazing heat wave, surging anger, and heavy air waves shook the entire hotel!

Thick smoke continued to surge along the exit, dense and terrifying!


The fire alarm sounded instantly, spraying water mist, but it couldn't stop it at all!

At the same time.

A group of ghosts seemed to emerge around Changxing Hotel.

Silently, they surrounded them!


The shouts of killing were like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, piercing the noisy atmosphere.

Boom boom!

The hotel was hit by various elements.

Glass shattered and walls collapsed.

However, all this did not hurt anyone at all.


The sound of killing was also heard in the sky.

A roar was like thunder, breaking the silence of the night.

It was a group of evil cult warriors with flying monsters. They controlled the strong wind and attacked at night, preparing to rush in from the top floor!

But at this moment!

A bright light burst out from the hotel, as if it penetrated through like a star destroyer, instantly annihilating a large number of evil cult warriors!

"A bunch of bastards dare to come here and act so recklessly!"

Wang Hou stood on the broken wall, his eyes as cold as frost.

The bloody battle begins!

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