Wang Hou's move was beyond the expectations of all the evil cult warriors!

They also realized that they had fallen into a trap.

""Wang Hou, a government lackey, should be executed!"

A cold voice sounded in the dark night.

Suddenly, the situation changed drastically.

The suppressed waves were like a huge stone, instantly covering the entire Changxing Hotel.


Amidst the lightning and thunder, more than a dozen figures towered over the night sky, their eyes were as cold as ice, shining like stars, but so jealous of evil!

Wang Hou saw this group of people and said in a grim tone:"Traitor, how dare you show up? You are looking for death!"

"As a former member of the Blue Star people, I feel ashamed." The leader was wearing a black robe and hood, and only his chin, which was covered with stubble and looked like a butt, could be seen. He said coldly:"But tonight, all of you must die, including those little bastards!"

"Vice Palace Master Wang, this must be the minister who rebelled from the Magic City that year."A figure flashed by Wang Hou's side. Minister Ziyang put his hands behind his back, with a calm expression.

At the same time, other strong men followed closely behind, staring at him eagerly.

"Imperial capital, the fallen loyal dog!"The traitor of the magic city roared:"Attack, destroy the whole hotel!"

Instantly, the evil cult warriors from all around rushed out and attacked crazily!

Not only on the ground and in front, there were also evil cult warriors in the two buildings behind, breaking into the windows one by one!

In an instant, the whole hotel fell into chaos!

But because of the advance preparations, the evil cult warriors did not encounter the strong men from various mansions at the first time, and could only continue to go deeper.

The dark hotel lost all the lights.

The creaking sound of footsteps stepping on the glass fragments echoed in the floors.



The next second, the heads of the evil cult warriors flew into the sky.

The bodies fell to the ground, and blood gushed out from the severed heads.

""Ceiling!" the evil cult warrior shouted.

In the darkness, swords, elements, explosions and other killing methods burst out.

Huang Zhong, Liang Guoan and other mentors appeared.

They were responsible for fighting against high-level generals or war marquis realms, or even war king realms, and the whole building was shaken!

"Kill these brats first!"

"Curbing the lifeline of the future of the Chinese Dragon Nation!"

The evil cult warrior's eyes were red, and he rushed over like a madman.


Suddenly, the Buddha's light shone everywhere.

A golden dragon soared into the sky, and a giant palm print fell, beating a cult warrior into a bloody mess on the spot.

The little spiritual boy whispered:"Amitabha, the monk said that words cannot enlighten you, only killing can help you to be reborn."

"The young man is teachable."

Qin Feng walked out from the side holding a black steel bone shovel, and nodded with satisfaction.


Baili Jian held the hilt of the sword and slashed it instantly!

Two or three evil cult warriors were ruthlessly beheaded on the spot!

At the same moment.

Other students of the martial arts school also took action, and the scene was very intense.

Qin Feng was full of justice, and his expression was even more upright, and then he... extracted the blood!

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 50 HP points】

【Gain: 50 HP points】

【Gain: 100 HP points】


"Hurry up and raise your Qi and Blood to 3999."

This situation must be extremely dangerous.

Whenever a warrior appears, it is easy to kill yourself.

Therefore, raising your Qi and Blood is a top priority!

But it must be stuck at 3999.

Once you step into the warrior realm, you can't participate in the finals.

""All of you, die!"

Suddenly, a roar came from the front.

One of the cult warriors had steel all over his body, like a circle of fine steel, and his body was as big as a calf.

He was extremely ferocious, and when he swung his fists, his blood surged, and he turned into two bloody bulls charging out!

But before he rushed out a few meters, he was frozen in place by the dragon breath of the frost dragon behind Leng Song.


Leng Song's face was full of sarcasm.

""Ninth level of blood thunder!"

A wave of blood-colored lightning burst out.

The evil cult warrior was instantly struck into blood clots all over the ground.

Leng Song looked at Qin Feng stupidly and screamed:"You fucking Sixth Brother, are you trying to steal my head?!"

"How can it be called robbery when it comes to scholars' affairs?" Qin Feng's face was full of justice, and he had no idea what embarrassment was.

After saying that, he waved his hand.

【Obtain: 100 points of Qi and Health]

Well, this cult warrior is at the primary level of a general.

Qin Feng's Qi and Health reached 3878 points! At this time, the cult warriors in front of the corridor became more and more dense. The instructors had to break down the walls one by one to further expand the width of the battlefield, so as not to be restricted.


"Fill the hole quickly!"

"Kill them all, leaving no one alive!"

The instructors of the major martial arts schools worked together seamlessly.

For a moment, the hotel shook even more violently.

The debris kept flying, accompanied by all kinds of wailing and screaming. The bloody scene and the chaotic picture could not be described in words!

Qin Feng was about to continue killing the enemy.

Suddenly, a strong Qilin roar sounded.

Lu Chao came up from the next floor. He was full of blood and energy, and he didn't know whether it was his own blood or from the enemy.

""How did you get up here?" Qin Feng asked.

Lu Chao said in a deep voice:"Something happened!"

Qin Feng's expression froze.

When Lu Chao said the words"something happened", there must be a big problem!

"A teacher from Youzhou Wufu used mental confusion on the enemy at the Zhanhou level."

"From him, I learned that the goal of the Blood Cult, the Sky Demon Cult, and even the Chaos Cult was not to kill, but to blow up the bottom floor of the hotel!"

"They carried... 1 ton of explosives!"

1 ton of explosives!?

All the students and teachers' hearts trembled when they heard this. If it exploded, not only the hotel, but also the surrounding areas would be affected terribly, and there would be countless casualties!

Huang Zhong made a prompt decision and shouted:"Go all out, kill them and get to the bottom as soon as possible!"

The killing broke out again.

But at this moment, it was even more tragic!

We must race against time!

"Let's evacuate quickly. Once it explodes, no one will survive!" Yuan Hao from the Magic City Martial Arts House said hurriedly.

Qin Feng shook his head:"If we run away now, what will happen to the people around us? I'm afraid it will be too late to evacuate."

Although some people were evacuated in advance, not all of them. The news of the explosion was too sudden!

"How could one ton of explosives be brought in without being discovered?" Qin Feng was puzzled.

If you say that the bomb that blew up the car was a small bomb, you could also persuade the hotel waiter to install it.

But one ton of explosives!

That's one ton!


At this time, Huang Zhong and others finally got rid of the cult warriors who attacked. They immediately kicked open the elevator door and quickly landed on the bottom floor, ready to stop the explosion of the explosives.

Many students of the Wufu looked hesitant.

They obviously wanted to evacuate in advance to save their lives. Some people were even being transferred.

But Qin Feng didn't think much about it. He immediately grasped the black steel bone shovel and quickly followed.

At this time, one more person means one more force!

In times of crisis, only responsibility is left!

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